Anyone can learn the basics of astrology quickly and easily!

How does some obscure manifestation millions of miles away have an effect on our lives here on earth? Perhaps it all goes back to the ‘big bang’ – that  moment of expansion that must have inevitably followed a dynamic coalescence. The term ‘dynamic’ is key, as we unquestionably live in an ever-changing world.

Astro*Ecology, or living in accordance with astrology, is one way to make your life a symbolic expression of the natural world.  Just as you would want to know that the approach of summer  brings a corresponding dry spell to the landscape, you will only benefit by advance knowledge of your personal astrological profile.

This is Astro*Ecology, and you can also apply it to your daily life. Each day of the week has a corresponding planet. Plants, animals, nations, and even cities all have relative astrologcial coordinates.Knowledge of the intimate, inner workings of your environment benefits you by developing a resonance that grants a corresponding ease of life.  It’s similar to knowing the CEO of the company you want to contact for business; you gain entry more quickly, and get what you want.

Learning about astrology in general, and then identifying specifics such as those listed will facilitate your experience of flow in the river of life. The bottom line – astrology provides a nomenclature for this mysterious and symbolic world in which we live. Here is a list of basic correspondences:

Monday = Moon   /   Tuesday = Mars   /  Wednesday = Mercury
Thursday = Jupiter   / Friday = Venus  / Saturday = Saturn  / Sunday = Sun

Sun = Calendula, St. Johns wort, dragons blood  /  Moon = Cucumber, pears, kudzu
Mercury = Lavendar, dill, mulberry  /  Venus = Ladymantle, yarrow, rose
Mars = Thistle, garlic, pine  /  Jupiter = Fig, guava, maple
Saturn = Arnica, horsetail, olive and oak   /  Uranus = Coffee, pokeweed, belladonna
Neptune = Kelp, fishes, morning glory   /  Pluto = Birch, narcissus, myrrh

For Personalized and Professional consultations, visit Astrologer Maya White.
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