Now, on the heels of the providential Lunar Eclipse, we move into the phase of last quarter moon on Wednesday.

Monday dawns with the moon in Libra; then after a short void of course (1:46 – 10:56 pm ET) the moon enters Scorpio later in the day.

With the moon in Scorpio and the sun in Aquarius, the big question becomes – how can I solidify meaningful gains?

The spiritual lesson of Aquarius is about tearing down structures. Scorpio, the sign of transformation, is also about remodeling to create something new.

So, you can see, this week has a strong message about new forms, and indeed, this is a time for self-examination about what in your own life needs a remodeling.

It may be your business; it may be your body, your health habits, and your daily routines.
Whatever comes up in your review, know that this is a powerful time to commit and move forward in the Spirit of positive reformation.

And, here is one secret to success: know that Scorpio grants you the grace of spiritual clemency, provided you practice forgiveness. You cannot carry the weight of your wound any longer. You know this, and the stars serve as a powerful reminder this week.

On Saturday, February 10th, Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces. Venus will be joined in Pisces by Mercury on the 17th and the Sun on the 18th. Pisces is a sign of redemption and healing, so, this week is your special time to prepare for the deep, divine healing which is soon to come.

We also have another eclipse coming up – a New Moon Solar eclipse on February 15th. The Solar eclipses speak to what you are teaching, and the lunar eclipses address what you’re learning.

So, the solar eclipse of February 15th in Aquarius is a Universal message: you are a teacher!

Even if you don’t think you’re ready, the Universe is saying that there is a way that you can step up and become a mentor and guide for others in your special area of expertise.

Remember – it’s a special time to break down structures, including the box that you may have put yourself into.

We are in a cycle of reformation combined with the upcoming protected healing grace found in the sign of Pisces. So, think outside the box, and move forward with grace.

And, be sure to grab a copy of my free eBook; How to Manifest Your Best Life when you sign up for my weekly newsletter.

And, if you are looking to find your BEST PLACE on the earth for success, I have the perfect solution – check out AstroCartoGraphy.

Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the stars!