Hello and Welcome to my weekly astrology prediction Star Cast for June 18th and the upcoming Summer Solstice.

My Key phrase for this week is: Balance and Focus.

Every year, month, week, and day we are given guidance from the stars.

People have looked to the sky since ancient times to learn how to live in harmony with the cycles of nature. And, this week brings us to one of the more notable times of the year – Summer Solstice on Thursday, June 21st.

Solstice is also the same day that the Sun leaves Gemini and enters Cancer, and it’s one of the turning points of the yearly cycle between the Sun and the earth.

For the ancient skywatchers, solstice was a time when the sun had reached its most northern point. For three days, the sun stands still in the sky, and then it begins marking time and direction towards the south.

Solstice is considered to be a cosmic still point. For us here on earth, it’s a time to focus on the seeds you have planted.

For the ancient Vikings, summer solstice was a time to meet, discuss legal matters, and resolve disputes. This makes sense when taken in the context of a still point when things can be addressed with equality.

The best day for negotiating agreements this week is actually Tuesday, June 19th. A favorable Mercury trine to Jupiter, plus the moon in Virgo makes this a great day to speak your truth.

Remember, Mercury rules communication, and Jupiter has authority to make decisions. So, whether you need to speak with others; or have a deep moment with yourself, Tuesday is the day to do it.

However, be very clear in your communication because on Wednesday, Mercury trines Neptune. Things can be more confusing when Neptune adds an undercurrent of doubt (or change) to agreements made on Tuesday.

You want and need a true emotional agreement. With that achieved, it’s next important to move ahead straightaway because next week Mars stations retrograde, and you (or your contractual partner) may not feel as motivated.

In short, the sun, moon, and planets are slowing down do a midsummer lull. Relaxation is good, but this week is one to stay on track and not become distracted by your own lack of energy.

Often we feel that there are too many options to choose from. In this instance, tune into your emotional body for guidance as to which is your best choice. And, remember, often the next best step is the one that’s close at hand.

This week ends with a dynamic Scorpio moon which joins Jupiter in on Saturday afternoon. Both the Sun and Mercury are engaged; the Sun sextile Uranus and Mercury opposing Pluto. The message again is – stay Focused. Summer solstice is a halfway point, and time to evaluate your progress made this year.

Many rewards await your efforts, provided you maintain Focus.

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Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the stars!