Hello and welcome to my astrology predictions for June 27 and the Capricorn full moon.

My Key phrase for this week is: Breaking Free

On Wednesday at midinght the summer full moon blossoms and lights up the night sky.

For those who watch the skies, this full moon has been omnipresent; each night growing in size and intensity. There is a reason why this full moon is so intense.

Saturn is in every way the Lord of this full moon. You might think that Saturn and the moon don’t have much in common, but there is a subtle yet powerful relationship.

The sign opposite Cancer is Saturn ruled Capricorn. With this dynamic always at play, there is a harmonic relationship between the two signs.

It has to do with the strength of an opposition; your relationship with the ‘other’. This may be your spouse, your parent, your child, or even your boss. For Cancer, the tie to Saturn ruled Capricorn is always present.

And it is the lessons of Saturn that give definition to the soft, moonchild, Cancer.

The winning solution, of course, is to be in balance but to always choose to honor your own needs first. There are many things that change, but this is one thing that is constant in astrology. The full moon will always be in the sign opposite of the sun.

Now, with the Sun in Cancer, you can know that the full moon is in Capricorn – a sign ruled by Saturn. Adding to the power of this lunation, on Wednesday, June 27th, the day before the moon ripens full, we have a full blown Sun/Saturn opposition.

Set My Soul Free
The sun opposing Saturn on the 27th urges you to break free but it also brings up all of the reasons why you think that you cannot.

The Capricorn full moon intensifies your Saturn issues by asking these questions:

What are the ties that bind you?
What is your path to breaking free?
Where do you hold ancestral bondage in your body?

Plus, on Tuesday the 26th, Mars stations retrograde. Translated, this all speaks to owning your power and not giving it away! Nobody can really ‘make ‘you do something you don’t want to. The stars are urging us all now to break free – release old habits, relationships, patterns, anything that holds you back.

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Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the stars!