Capricorn New Moon – January 9

sun_burstHow to Thrive in 2016
I know that you want to excel in 2016. This year has the potential to be your best year ever, and together we are going to claim it. Maximizing this powerful Capricorn New Moon is a magical way to get started.

This New Moon activates transformational Pluto, and I cannot think of a better way to start the year. Remember, even NASA photos reveal that Pluto has a heart!

The year has gotten off to a stellar beginning; perhaps you felt the shift.  This week alone, Mercury stationed retrograde as the Sun joined Pluto on Tuesday the 5th and on Thursday, Jupiter also began his reverse trek.

Retrograde planets invite you to look inside, to think before plunging ahead. They also provide a safety of cover, and often longstanding issues are resolved during Mercury retrograde time periods.

Did you know that many musicians, actors, and artists were born with Mercury retrograde? For musicians, having Mercury retrograde in their birth chart helps ‘tune into’ the sounds of harmony; they learn to speak a different language.

Violinist Yehudi Menuhin, singers Tony Bennett and Stevie Wonder, and instrumentalist Wynton Marsalis were all born with Mercury retrograde. Astrology is another alternate language, and astrologers Alan Leo and Sydney Omarr were born also with Mercury retrograde (me too).

Survive and Thrive in the New Year Aheadimg_edit
Learning to work with Pluto and not turning aside is one of my tips to thriving in 2016.

One of the most compelling images for Pluto that I have ever received is that of a volcano.

Deep inside a cavernous mound of earth is a smoldering fire and it is unknown if, how, or when the volcano will erupt.

Mythical Pluto also wears a cap that renders him invisible; so we never even know when he is about.

You may feel a subtle anxiety around this New Moon because of the world situation; waiting for the next big explosion.

However, there is another planetary duo in the mix for 2016 – Saturn square Neptune; and this combination is doing a lot of the heavy lifting for transformation in the year ahead.

Negatively, Saturn and Neptune can be likened to the masses following an evangelistic leader into the gates of hell; similar to the way old western hunters knew that if they could get the lead buffalo to jump off a cliff that the entire herd would follow.

But, Saturn square Neptune holds hope for justice and redemption; the ‘bad guys’ (Neptune) get caught and even punished (Saturn).

First, the  dark side must be exposed.  It won’t happen overnight, but know that there is a holistic process in play now. The Saturn/Neptune square will ignite justice. It urges you to speak your truth, but you also must hear what others have to say, and both are empowering.

I agree, the ground feels a bit shaky at times, but justice will prevail. You want to thrive today, tomorrow, and in every day of the year ahead.

Here’s your Pluto Planetary check list to support this Capricorn New Moon and start the year right:

Cultivate Forgiveness (Mercy, Pardon, Compassion)
Nurture Support (Provision, Sustenance, Patience)
Dare to Dream ( Vision, Reverie, Contemplation)
Plan for Success ( Strategy, Achievement, Victory)
Accept What Is ( Receive, Utilize, Grow)

Affirming that you will Survive; you will Thrive, and enjoy the ride!


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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Star*Cast for December 16 – Soul Evolution

gateway_edit_medMy key phrase for this week is: Power Negotiation.

This week began with the sun square Jupiter – this is an aspect that can get you either on the right side of power, or the wrong side of it. The Sun square Jupiter was an introduction to another aspect on Saturday, December 19th when Mercury conjuncts Pluto – another aspect of power.

Mercury is the planet of communication, and Pluto is a place that can initiates your transformation. Overall, this is a week to embrace opportunity, but you must face your fears in order to move ahead.

To win at the game of Power Negotiation this week, you want to avoid conflict and figure out a way to move ahead into sanely and without blame.

Soul Evolution
On Monday, December 21st we welcome the solstice as the sun enters Capricorn. This year, Christmas day aligns with the full moon – something that has not occurred since 1977, and will not happen again until 2034.

It’s interesting to note that 1977 was the year of the first Star Wars release!

Also, on December 14, 1977, Egyptian & Israeli representatives gathered in Cairo for first formal peace conference.

As you affirm your strength in Power Negotiation this week, know that you are anchoring a pillar for Peace in the entire world.

During this last week of the Sagittarius sun, let the essence of Jupiter permeate your life.

In your natal chart, the house ruled by Sagittarius is where you need to expand your knowledge and is a part of your life that has been restricted through you ancestry or a previous lifetime.

For example, someone with Sagittarius on the cusp of his or her 8th house needs to expand their personal power. The 8th house Sag person is most likely lucky in receiving legacies, but also must learn the value of things that money cannot buy, such as loyal friends, and time.

Here’s a list to help see how Sagittarius is your cosmic teacher:
Sag ruling Houses 1 & 7 – learn self-expression, but not at the cost of commitment in relationship
Sag ruling Houses 2 & 8 – develop  control of own time; will likely  be self-employed or work in travel
Sag ruling Houses 3 & 9 – speak your truth in a way that others can receive it; cannot accept doctrine
Sag ruling Houses 4 & 10 – grow up and get past issues around your parents; may live overseas, or close to nature
Sag ruling Houses 5 & 11 – productivity is a key to success; move beyond play and into creativity
Sag ruling Houses 6 & 12 –renew through time away from others; a wilderness guide and Sage.

Wishing you all the blessings of Jove and the Sun aligned in a bright and positive LIGHT!

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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

New Moon in Sagittarius – Crystal Vision

Something unique happens this month – between December 25th and January 4th; all of the planets will be moving in direct motion – none of them retrograde.

When planets are direct, or moving forward through the 360 degrees of the zodiac the resonating energy on earth is also moving ahead. Think of it as a time when the members of a Universal Parliament (the planets) are, for a moment, in agreement.

We haven’t had all planets moving forward together, in direct motion, since February 1 – 19th, 2013. On February 11, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI announced his retirement, becoming the first pope to do so since 1415.

This event cleared the way for Pope Francis, the ‘People’s Pope’ launching a revolution within organized religion. It’ll be interesting to observe what happens on the world stage during as 2016 opens.

Astrologically, it’s a cosmic green light. The planets moving forward in divine harmony create a positive vortex; your Crystal Vision. It’s the perfect way to step ahead into the New Year. This year the planets invite you to leave excess baggage behind and step into 2016 with a clean slate.

So, between now and the end of the month it’s time to work on clearing out clutter. This week especially, as the moon is waning, or decreasing in size, it’s your time for release on all levels.

As the moon decreases this week you can correspondingly simplify your life. Clean the house, clear the air, release negative memories, and resolve situations that need to leave your life.

On Friday, December 11th we welcome the New Moon in Sagittarius – the archer releases his arrow of wisdom to the divine sky.

Any good archer knows that he or she needs focus in order to connect with the target –you must know what you want in order to get it. This week; in the spirit of Sagittarius, set a goal and make it happen.

This New Moon invites you to:
* Connect with your Higher Mind
* Align with wisdom
* Spend time in nature
* Experience a journey
* Express your truth
* Rediscover your partner

A Caveat
Be aware that on Thursday, the 10th we have a major planetary aspect – Mars opposing Uranus. It began earlier, with Mars squared Pluto on December 6th. (see previous blog post)

This leaves people feeling exposed and vulnerable. You can observe a stressed out Mars playing everywhere now;  name calling, brutality, the strong preying on the weak, injustice – these are the shadow, or dark side, of fear.

I’ll be speaking about shadow and retrograde all month as they pertain to astrology. Both are complex and confusing – but critically important.

And, there is an alternative reality; every day you move closer and closer to the Light.

Stand in This Truth
Know that you are standing on the threshold of a great awakening, a unique time of spiritual liberation. But the shadow is also vivid now, hovering as a sense of hopelessness for a peaceful future.

Each day is a new opportunity to claim your power. You can choose to stand in the truth of evolution and consciousness. You can be calm within and stand in the truth of sanity and love.

You may have to leave CNN behind and connect with your inner adviser as the wisdom of Sagittarius invites you to break up the patterns of your monkey mind.

Jupiter, the planet associated with Sagittarius invokes expansion as a way to create opportunity. However, Saturn, now in Sagittarius teaches us all that growth must be sustainable through discipline and balance.

All in all, knowing about astrology makes life so much easier!

Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life. If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me through my toll free number.

I’ll be back next week and in the meantime – this week, as always – let your Light shine.

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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

December – a Month of Light and Color

dreamstime_xl_17322095When you think of the planets as teachers, and the zodiac as a University – astrology gets a bit easier to understand.

Each planet specializes in what it has to show you; Mercury, the messenger, addresses swift delivery of your information.

It’s interesting to note, however, that Mercury does not judge the information he presents. Jupiter is the planet that takes information and delegates how the words of Mercury are to be interpreted.

In short, just like a community on earth, the planets all work in synchronicity.

I mention on this because Mercury and Jupiter are busy this month, especially on Christmas Day when Mercury forms a flowing trine to Jupiter. The trine is an aspect of invitation – and with the trine, things ‘click’ into place without struggle.

There is still effort required, but sometimes what’s needed is to simply get out of your own way, or to move past a previous mindset. This holiday season, the planets invite you to claim your vision, (Mercury) and then make a plan (Jupiter) to manifest it in the year ahead.

There is also one major stressful time period this month – December 5th to the 10th. On December 6th Mars forms a challenging square aspect to Pluto, and on the 10th, Mars opposes Uranus. Mars is hot and volatile, so when he moves into challenging squares and oppositions to outer planets such as Pluto and Uranus – things happen.

The action also takes place in cardinal, or action taking signs; Mars is in Libra, Uranus in Aries, and Pluto in Capricorn.

You will likely see this play out on the world stage, and one of the benefits of being aware of astrology is that you have some perspective on events. On the personal level, this could be a time when you have a fender-bender auto accident at the shopping center.

Use this information to keep yourself and loved ones safe during this time. Just pay attention to what you see, and listen to your intuition.

There is another grand benefit for you in this planetary showdown. Mars square Pluto asks: ‘what did not feel good in 2015?’ And, Mars opposing Uranus says: ‘what do I plan to do about it?’

Mercury enters grounded Capricorn on December 9th helping you on your quest for self-examination.

The wonderful part of astrology is that it invites, encourages, and assists in reflection and growth. Your Light and color is always available, and the more clarity you create, the better life gets in every way.

Be sure to check out your December horoscope. This is all original, written for each sun sign, but also created for everyone to benefit from my favorite teachings.

Looking forward to a great month ahead.

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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Gemini Full Moon – Curiosity and Exploration

12278766_953664328047202_1242279332108746545_nHow exciting it is to look up in the sky and see the clear, full moon. We now welcome the Gemini full moon.

One of the magical things about the moon is that she is ever changing in the sky, yet she is a marker of constancy.

When you get in tune with the moon, you can know that life is a process of change and growth; however there is also a process of rhythm and substance to it all.

The sun is now in Sagittarius, the sign of ‘the Explorer’. Sagittarius aligns with the teachings of the 9th house of astrology – the house of Wisdom and Higher Mind.

As you explore, you move beyond your previous limitations and your mind expands as you learn about new lifestyles.

Sometimes the road to growth gets messy as you encounter potholes, bumps, and mud. You may meet people whose patterns and beliefs are not in alignment with yours. It’s all part of the process.

A baby enters the world surrounded by blood and amniotic fluids. Birth is rarely neat and tidy, but it’s magical.

And so are the signs of Sagittarius and Gemini.   This season invites you to step out of your ‘zone’ and exercise your natural curiosity.  Gemini, the air sign, also teaches that you can reach out through mental exploration.

With Venus and Mars also in the compatible air sign of Libra it’s time to think before you leap. However, the reward for making the jump is exponential at this time.

The Universe invites you now to activate your curiosity. One of the gifts of Gemini is to tread lightly. Think of Mercury, the Messenger and ruling planet of Gemini. Mercury is known for brilliance, and this full moon at 3 degrees of Gemini activates a unique degree of the zodiac  -one that’s associated with breakthroughs in technology.

One of the ways astrology works is that you can look to the past for clues as to what will develop in the future.
Looking back in time, we see that Neptune and Pluto were conjunct at 3 to 5 degrees of Gemini in the late 19th century.

These were years of magical (Neptune) transformations (Pluto) in technology. Advances such as   X-ray technology, the internal combustion engine, and the telephone were all birthed between 1892 and 1895. It was also during these years that Nicolai Tesla introduced alternating current generators.

The 21st century has brought a dramatic change in the price of oil. Is it possible that one of the reasons for this change in the market has to do with new technologies that make oil no longer a vital commodity?

I predict that before the end of 2016 you will hear about technological advancements that are smart, safe, and make life better for those who have access. I will also not be surprised if it’s revealed that these advances are based on discoveries made in the late 1800’s.

Remember, you are witnessing the birth pangs of a great new consciousness. Yes, it’s noisy, messy, frightening at times, and ‘in your face’. But, it’s also miraculous. The stars teach you now to retain your childlike curiosity; they invite you to explore your world, and exponentially expand your reality.

Wishing you the blessings of growth and the joy of curiosity.

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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Scorpio New Moon – the Goddess and Kundalini

Pluto_frontWe’re solidly into the season of Scorpio now, and on Wednesday, November 11th we welcome the Scorpio new moon. It’s always helpful to revisit the sun sign teachings to fully understand the Universal message.

Whether in the northern or southern hemisphere, the season of Scorpio is a time of transformation. True change requires self-examination and commitment, especially during this season of life, death, and rebirth.

Transformation is Irrevocable Change
Like the caterpillar changing into a butterfly –transformation is a game that you play for keeps. Word crafters define it as: ‘a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance’.

Physics expands the definition to include ‘the induced or spontaneous change of one element into another by a nuclear process’.

The most profound lesson about Scorpio that I have come to know with certainty is that Scorpio has a multitude of gifts, but also sees the nuclear meltdowns. Scorpio receives the most brilliantphoto_1935_20060912 Light, but also bears the disparity of what’s missing in a perfect world.

My next insight is about darkness: it’s not personal. You are dancing, for a time, in this world of color, and the way it works is that in order to shine, the Light pushes against an opposite force.

We get caught up in cycles and the ego wants to personalize any situation; but the best decision that your  ego can make is to be like a butterfly and move toward the Light. Let nature be your guide.

As a three tiered sign, Scorpio connects to the earth through the scorpion and the serpent. He then learns to fly high like the Eagle, and next rises to become the Phoenix.

And, the Phoenix is a great teacher for all. Throughout the ups and downs of your life, it’s important to always remember the rebirth part; some people spend weeks, months, and even years in sorrow.

The Story of Ceres, Demeter, and Pluto12190947_944083732338595_1114988928979503384_n
Hand in hand with the notion of rebirth is that of Ceres, the goddess of the harvest. Ceres is also honored as the goddess of grains and agriculture; the word ‘cereal’ is related to her name.

Ceres is remembered as the mother of Persephone, the bride of Pluto.  Lord of the Underworld and the planetary ruler of Scorpio, Pluto abducted Persephone and made her his bride – in hell.

Mother Ceres experienced inconsolable grief at the loss of her daughter, Persephone.  We experience winter because of the sorrow of Ceres – the earth becomes barren as she mourns the loss of her daughter. However, every year, in rhythm with the cycles of the earth, Ceres must also surrender to rebirth and awaken to spring. Even the great Goddess must move on.

The Kundalini Serpent
Scorpio is also addresses kundalini energy, the vital animating force within the human body. Kundalini energy is often shown as a serpent that sleeps at the base of the spine, and when awakened, it rises up through the body, clearing the energetic chakras.

Moving in a spiraled, two channel system, similar to human DNA, kundalini energy rises up to open the 3rd eye and crown chakras, granting illumination. Kundalini is also associated with sexual awakening – another link to Scorpio.

This is just a brief overview of a deep and ancient teaching, so, if you want to learn more, use this Scorpio new moon to launch your quest.

These are the words of one of my favorite spiritual teachers on Kundalini:
‘At the command of the yogi in deep meditation, this creative force turns inward and flows back to its source in the thousand-petaled lotus, revealing the resplendent inner world of the divine forces and consciousness of the soul and Spirit. Yoga refers to this power flowing from the coccyx to Spirit as the awakened kundalini.’   
Paramahansa Yogananda

The Peace Code
Lastly, what a joy that this Scorpio New Moon lands in the 11th month, on the 11th day –another notation of balance and an invitation from the Universe to step into your highest energy. The double 11’s stand tall as two strong pillars, representing a gateway or portal between worlds.

The number 11 is also a symbol of the twin strands of human DNA, and is considered by many to be a time of spiritual activation.  11: 11 is a code that activates evolution and consciousness. It’s another symbol of transformation; irrevocable change for the better.

Even the mainstream has recognized the power of numeric codes: U.S. President Woodrow Wilson first proclaimed Armistice Day for November 11, 1919. And, the cease fire that ended World War I took effect at 11 a.m. Paris time on November 11, 1918, ‘the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month’.

Happy New Moon.  Wishing you Peace found in the code of 11:11, the power of the Eagle, the wisdom of the serpent, and the clear vision of the Phoenix.

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LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy