Star Cast for January 14

Hello and Welcome to my weekly Star Cast, where I bring you the update on what’s happening in the world of astrology – and how you can apply the wisdom to enrich your life here on earth.

My key word for this week is:
Speak Your Truth
This week begins with a favorable sextile between Mercury and Neptune.The sextile is an aspect of opportunity meaning that  there are lots of good things available to you today, but you have to reach out and make them come to you. Carpe Diem.

Keep busy today and don’t lose heart because also today, the moon conjuncts Uranus just before 11 AM Eastern time. Moon conjunct Uranus is an energizer bunny aspect –if you have a lot to get done today, you may well have to work into the evening hours, but the good news is that you’ll get much accomplished, and in fact, this aspect between the moon and Uranus really favors creativity.

So, it’s a good Monday, although it may be a long one.

Just after the Moon joins Uranus, it enters Taurus where it stays until Wednesday. A Taurus moon favors productivity and helps to insure that your work will be long lasting. Be sure to take time out and smell the flowers because beauty is one of the true gifts of Taurus.

The best day this week is Friday, January 18th. First, is a lovely Venus trine Mars – this is a famous lovers aspect, so, if you have someone special with whom you want to ignite a spark – Friday is that day to do it.

Venus represents the feminine and Mars is about masculine, so when these two meet in a favorable trine – romance is kindled. Plus, both are in fire signs, Venus in Sagittarius and Mars in Aries – wow – this is a lovely combination.

Plus, on Friday Mercury conjuncts Pluto – what this means is that not only do you have the light heartedness of Mars trine Venus, but you also add some deep communication. Pluto makes you honest, and Mercury helps you speak in a clear but also light hearted way.

Remember, Uranus is now direct and enters Taurus on March 5th where he stays until 2026. You’ll hear many things about Uranus in Taurus, but know that long standing empires were built with this combination, and generally this is a favorable placement for Uranus.

Uranus retrograde was a time when old patterns were broken apart. Now, with Uranus in direct motion, it’s time to focus on your holistic and complete heath, body, mind, and soul.

Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the stars!

Are you ready for 2019? Schedule your update reading HERE.

Taking Action and Finding Clarity in the Lunar Shift


Last week’s Scorpio New Moon signals a time to make a commitment.

My key phrase for this week is: Commitment

This week activates the promise of last week’s November 7th Scorpio new moon. Moving into the first quarter moon, you are being asked to take action.

In the 28 day lunation cycle, which is the time it takes to go from one new moon to the next, the first quarter moon urges you to take action; and to do that, you must make a commitment.

Many times people feel that they must make the ‘right’ decision, but consider that sometimes it’s necessary to just make a decision and see it through.

This may be the case now. If you must take action, this week opens a portal that allows you to do your duty. You must be firm though. That’s because two major celestial events happened on Friday, November 16th: Venus stationed direct and Mercury went retrograde.

Granted, this can cause confusion and even more delay. That’s why, if you must take action this week, do it ASAP. By Saturday, you may be feeling confused again.

Finding Quiet Clarity

Confusion that prevents you from committing will be an issue, and it’s vitally important that you find your way to clarity. There are many techniques to quiet your mind and then connect with the wisdom of your body.

Jupiter is now in Sagittarius, the sign where he is extra powerful. Much larger than the earth, Jupiter has 63 moons! Wouldn’t it be fun to go there and see so many moons in the sky?  You can think of Jupiter as a great, big old gas giant with lots of minions, as expressed by the Moons, to do his bidding.

Learning to ask for and accept help will be one of our lessons here on earth as Jupiter moves through Sagittarius until December of 2019. Moons are helpers, people who have come to serve and help you shine your Light.

There are many stressors in all parts of life now, but especially in a time of trauma, it’s important to return to your core values. What do you really believe? Do you see the cup as half full, or half empty? Who do you want to be? What do you want to accomplish?

Think about these questions this week, as you focus on commitment.

The stars will guide your way.

Are you ready for 2019? Schedule your update reading HERE.


Scorpio New Moon: Coming Back to Your Body

new moon scorpio

This Scorpio New Moon is a time to come back to your body.

As we approach the Scorpio New Moon my key phrase for this week is: Welcome Home

Today, November 6,  is a pivotal day for the world, and tomorrow, November 7th, is a vital day in astrology. On Wednesday, the Sun and Moon join forces in the exact middle at 15 degrees of Scorpio.

This degree of Scorpio holds a special place in the history of sky watching. The 15th degree of Scorpio is known as the Gate of the Avatar. Taken from an ancient Hindu term related to the word ‘descent’, an Avatar is an enlightened Teacher who enters, or descends to the earth plane. The Avatar is an embodiment of a prime, creative Universal force.

Entering the vortex

And the Avatar Gate is a vortex, a point of entry where enlightened service manifests. 

These days we all are waking up to fulfill our unique divine purpose. The Avatar Gate serves not only spiritual Masters. It is a manifestation point for YOU and your spiritual work and mission.  

In short, the Scorpio new moon signals that it’s time to inhabit your body in the most full and creative way possible. It’s time to come home and do your work in the world.

The Book of Scorpio

Scorpio gives birth to irrevocable change and teaches us that:

  • Forces can change but not destroy you
  • Negativity is a self-destructive path
  • The desire to share overcomes the fear of loss
  • Passion is a driving emotion
  • Intuition is a form of body wisdom

And, the most important lesson of all: 

LOVE is more powerful than HATE

We have been stressed and under pressure all year. Just like when a baby is born, their cries can persist until the point you feel you cannot go on. In other words, you may feel absolute discomfort and at the same time a promise of fulfillment. What is coming will be a better version of what is left behind.

So, this week’s powerful new moon is one that speaks to rebirth and just like a little baby we can see the world with bright and fresh eyes.

Welcome Home, child.

Are you ready for 2019? Schedule your update reading HERE.


Venus Retrograde & Your Deep Dive

Venus is retrograde in Scorpio from October 5th – November 15.

My key words for this week are: Deep Dive

The big news for this week is that Venus will be retrograde from Friday, October 5th until November 16th. All planets except for the Sun and the Moon go retrograde- and, as you probably know by now, the planet does not actually begin to go backwards; rather it appears to be that way from the earth.

The retrograde cycle for any planet is a time to revisit, review, refine, and reconnect. In the language of karmic astrology, retrograde time periods are also when we dig into our past lifetime patterns and correct mistakes.

Each planet is a teacher, and to understand the cosmic message, you have to think about what the planet has for us to learn. The Venus retrograde mission for your soul is to move past resentment and reveal a fresh new start.

The core lesson of Venus is ‘VALUE’ – these are the things we hold dear such as relationship and money, stability, connection, and flow. And, the message for Venus retrograde in Scorpio is to uncover our own discontent and learn to love the parts of yourself that we have either buried or cast aside. In short, it’s a time to declare your love of self. Such a powerful mission!

Self-Love is an inside job done day by day and minute by minute. You heal your past failures, confront the times when you were rejected, and claim personal love. When this pain is healed you are able to connect with the world in a Scorpio / 8th house fashion where you own your power and express your creativity.

But, as taught by the ancients through the journey of Inanna, the meat of Venus retrograde is that of going into the Underworld. Venus is about beauty, but like the Lotus blossom, even the goddess must dig into the mud where she gets nourishment to feed her beautiful flower.

The Truth Shall Set You Free

In addition to the big picture of Venus retrograde, on Tuesday, Mercury square Pluto adds a sense of urgency to your mission. Mercury and Pluto, ironically the first and last planets in the traditional line up of the Solar System, are good bedfellows – they understand each other.

If you need to have an important conversation, Tuesday afternoon or evening is the time to do it because Mercury square Pluto engenders discussion that reveals hidden psychological issues, and this can transform your life.

Mars is still standing guard in Aquarius until mid-November. Mars in Aquarius is your time to stand firm and reveal your humanitarian mission.

In Aquarius, Mars also gives permission to march to the beat of your own drummer – it’s time to let your freak flag fly. Move past what other people think – this includes judgmental family members, ex-spouses, and old friends that need to be left behind.

Plus, Jupiter is now rapidly moving through the last degrees of Scorpio. Jupiter remains in Scorpio until November 7th, and there are still many pearls and underwater treasures to be harvested; so keep up the good work.

Use this rich time in October to Dive Deep, go into your heart, heal you soul, claim what you truly value, and fully live your Truth.

Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the Stars.

It’s already time to look into 2019!! Schedule your update reading HERE.

Sirius the Dog Star

Traditionally, the long hot days of summer have been known as the Dog Days. Although the term may feel like it refers to being hot as a dog, or working like one, there is also an astrological connection with one of the brightest stars in the night time sky, the fixed star Sirius. This glowing giant can be seen from every inhabited region of the Earth’s surface, and the stories associated with Siruis are most intriguing.

Sirius is situated in the eye of the greater dog Canis Major, hence the designation ‘Dog Star’. One of the stars nearest Earth, Sirius is 23 times more luminous and about twice the mass and diameter of our Sun. Its name comes from the Greek term seirios, (glowing). Sirius is actually a binary, or perhaps even a triple star, an insight that would seemingly have been unavailable to the ancients; but many texts and traditions support that humans have long known about this quality of our summer messenger.

Ancient Egyptians called Sirius the ‘Dog Star’, after their god Osiris, whose head in pictograms resembled that of a dog. In Egypt, Sirius shines for most of the summer, and since it the brightest star, the Egyptians actually believed that the additional light from this nearby star was responsible for the summer heat. The rising of this star came at the time of inundation of the Nile River and the start of the Egyptian New Year which marked the beginning of Summer solstice.

The Egyptians apparently knew that Sirius was a binary star, as it had both a male and female deity association- that of Osiris and his partner, the great mother Isis. When Sirius appeared in the sky each year, the Nile generally started to flood bringing productivity to the land. The ancient Egyptians connected the two events, and so Isis took on the aspects of a goddess of not only the star and of the inundation, but of fertility. Isis had another link with water – she was believed to cleanse the pharaoh in the afterlife. It is interesting to note that the embalming of the dead took seventy days – the same amount of time that Sirius was not seen in the sky, before it’s yearly rising. Isis was a goddess of fertility to both the living and the dead.

To locate Sirius in the night time sky, find Orion’s belt which are the three bright stars in a row. (Hopefully you already know that one, if not ask you companion, because he or she probably does.) Follow an imaginary line through these stars to Sirius which is just above the horizon. The best time of year to view it is around January 1, when it reaches the meridian at midnight. Remember, this star can be seen from every inhabited part of the earth! Viewing Sirius through a telescope in a clear night time sky is an experience not forgotten. The star shines a steely blue, beckoning your recognition; there is no other star in the sky that shines like Sirius.

Our largest giant is actually two or more stars which rotate in a unique orbit. Sirius B is invisible to the naked eye but packs almost the entire mass of our sun into a globe only 4 times as large as the Earth. Sirius B’s surface is 300 times harder than diamonds, while its interior has a density 3,000 times that of diamonds. Spinning on its axis about 23 times a minute, it generates huge magnetic fields.

As they approach each other, the stars both begin to spin faster as tidal forces become stronger, finally flip-flopping over, and actually trading places with each other. This energy releases magnetic fields to the Sun, which in turn transmits it like a lens to all the planets. The strength of these magnetic fields is thought to be one reason that we feel the pull of our Dog Star even here on earth. Male and Female, Osiris and Isis trade places in the seat of power regularly; it takes a bit longer here on earth for those kinds of changes.

The tarot card associated with Siruis is taught to be that of ‘The Moon’. This card is one which speaks to lessons of the unconscious and gestation of creative ideas. Many decks illustrate The Moon card with two canines, a dog and a wolf, howling at the Moon. Traditional decks also picture a crayfish on the Moon card, a symbol of the primitive notions that arise from our deep imagination. Our creativity which is gestated in the deepness of unconsciousness will be born only when the time is right and it has been sung into creation by the howling animals.

Predating the Egyptians, the epic poem Epic of Gilgamesh describes a dream where the hero is drawn irresistibly to a heavy star that cannot be lifted despite immense effort. This star descends from heaven to him and is described as having a very ‘potent essence’ and being “the God of heaven”. Gilgamesh had for his companions, 50 oarsmen in the great ship, Argo, a constellation bordering Canis Major, where Sirius is found. In the ancient Vedas this star was known as the Chieftain’s star; in other Hindu writings, it is referred to as Sukra, the Rain God, or Rain Star.

The Dogon people live in the southwestern portion of the Sahara Desert in Africa. Central to their religious teachings is knowledge about Sirius. The Dogon, say they received their knowledge by visitors to the earth from another star system. They believe Sirius to be the axis of the universe, and from it all matter and all souls are produced in a great spiral motion. Some scholars, including Carl Sagan dispute the validity of this claim, saying that the Dogon learned about Sirius from more modern sources- the truth remains hidden like Sirius B.

In June of 1993, as our sun covered Sirius from the Earth’s view, the largest flood of the past century occurred. The rivers of the Mississippi, our Nile River, overflowed its banks. This flood continued until the middle of August. When Sirius came out from behind the Sun, the flood waters receded, news reports disappeared and the immediate life-threatening crisis subsided. Could this not be a reflection of the great rivers of energies streaming out from Sirius? Is Sirius a weather maker, a source of cosmic influence through its powerful magnetic rays, or even a great mother star seed of life on earth, as some propose? Next time you are out gazing at the stars this summer, ask it. You may be surprised by the answer.

“A star that keenest of all blazes with a searing flame and him men call Seirios (Sirius). When he rises with Helios (the Sun), no longer do the trees deceive him by the feeble freshness of their leaves. For easily with his keen glance he pierces their ranks, and to some he gives strength but of others he blights the bark utterly. Of him too at his setting are we aware.” – Aratus, Greek Astronomer, 3rd Century BC

Star Cast for July 24 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

lunar eclipse

This week’s lunar eclipse will be the longest of the century.

There’s no doubt you’re already aware of this week’s upcoming full moon lunar eclipse. But there are also two other important planetary events this week. In addition to an amazing and rare eclipse, Mercury stations retrograde on Thursday, July 26th.

Mars, also retrograde, is now the closest to the earth since it has been since 2003. On Friday morning Mars moves into opposition to the Sun and into a tight alignment with the Earth. This will happen just hours before the lunar eclipse.

Because of the elliptical nature of planetary orbits, Mars is uniquely close and in exact alignment to both the Sun and the earth.  Mars will be conjunct the moon for this upcoming eclipse.

All in all, it’s quite unusual, and indeed, these are unusual times. The question becomes: how can you manage this planetary triple play in a way that feels good and benefits your life?

All around the world the lunar eclipse is making the news. It will be the longest lasting total lunar eclipse of the century. Plus, as the Sun, Moon, and the Earth unite in perfect alignment, the moon will become red. This is the light from the Sun passing through the earths’ atmosphere. While other colors of the spectrum are not visible, red, dust and particles from volcanic eruptions accentuates the base color in a prism.

Expect Changes and Events from the Lunar Eclipse

Astrology teaches us that the length in time of any lunar eclipse translates into an equal number of months for related events to take place on the earth. So, with this eclipse being almost four hours in length, the corresponding time for critical earth related events will be four months.

The sign of the moon addresses what kind of events we can expect. Manley P Hall, best known as the author of ‘The Secret Teachings of All Ages’ (written in 1928) states that an Aquarius lunar eclipse delivers infertility to the land and sickness to rulers. Being in the Uranus ruled sign of Aquarius, many predict the eclipse to bring definite changes.

Christopher Columbus leveraged his advance knowledge of a blood moon lunar eclipse in 1504.  He convinced the Jamaican natives that they must feed his crew or else face the wrath of his Christian god. That ploy worked, and he returned to Spain the next year.

Mars is also red when viewed from the earth. And, since ancient times, Mars is affiliated with blood. Surgeons, warriors, and sharp tools are traditionally associated with Mars. But, so is your actual Life Force, the blood that moves in your veins and moves you to get things done.  Your enthusiasm, your courage and desires are also expressed through Mars.

Paying Attention to Mercury Retrograde in Leo

Now, for part three of our Planetary Triple Play – Mercury retrograde in Leo from July 26 –August 19! As a carrier of thought and communication, Mercury delivers the “news.” Because he is notably without conscience Mercury can also deliver ‘fake news.” All good reasons to pay attention.

As he rewinds through the middle degrees of Leo, your mission is to tell yourself (and others) the truth. Mercury in Leo is boisterous, proud, and wants the world to know of his accomplishments.

Mercury in Leo inspires creativity, and this is your best bet in managing this summer’s Triple Play.

Be Brilliant.      Shine Your Light.      Connect With Your Source.      Express Your Wisdom.

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Honoring your connection to the wisdom that shines from the stars –

Maya White