by Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer

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Astrological predictions and spiritual guidance by Maya White. Get your April 2021 Sun Sign horoscope here. How does the month ahead look for you? 

May 2021 delivers lots of exciting planetary action. Mercury trine Pluto on May 2nd sets the stage for meaningful events, both in your prosomal life, and for world events. Next, on May 6th, Venus trine Pluto whispers that hope is warranted, and that good outcomes are possible.

This month also opens up the eclipse season with a Sagittarius full moon Lunar Eclipse on May 26th. This eclipse occurs just before Mercury stations retrograde on March 29th.

You will May becomes a dynamic month by taking action early in the month. Sooner is better in all instances. The Taurus new moon of May 11th supports your steps in positive creation.

The Universe is inviting manifestation of your next big step. Are you ready to accept the invitation?

Step up and make 2021 a year for your Personal Best!!

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free monthly horoscope for aries
Aries (March 19 – April 18)

With Mars, your planetary ruler now in Cancer, you may be feeling some inner tension. Here, Mars drives into your deepest core; the place that houses your inner drive as well as your vulnerability. If and when you feel uncentered, take time to regroup and find peace in a path of moderation. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius are helping you stay on course. Maintain your calm and stay with your carefully crafted plan of action. Things finally come together by the 24th; you can act surprised, if you wish, but really you knew this was coming all along.


free monthly horoscope for taurus
Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

Finding and fulfilling your true life’s’ work is the challenge now, Taurus. You are moving into a new phase of meaning that will bring you to a place of joy. However, this also requires a frequency shift, as the old rules do not fit the new paradigm. With the Sun in your sign until the 20th, this is your time to go deeply into what you really want, and figure out how to manifest it. Venus stands by to help all month; early in the month she is boosting your appearance, and after May 9th she enters Gemini to increase your finances and self-worth. What’s not to love?


free monthly horoscope for gemini
Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

You are moving into a new phase that will bring you to a place of joy. However, this also requires a frequency shift, as the old rules do not fit the new paradigm. This is your time to go deeply into what you really want, and figure out how to manifest it. Your gift is nurturing a healthy relationship with the truth. Your strongest tool is stability; and your shield is a calm state of mind. The full moon Lunar Eclipse of May 26th stirs up unexpected issue in a relationship; don’t make permanent decisions based on a temporary misunderstanding.


free monthly horoscope for cancer
Cancer (June 20 – July 21)

Slowly the gap between what you want and what you have is narrowing, and you walk the path of fulfillment. Like us all, you have been through a time of warp speed change, but unlike so many; you rely upon the mysteries of emotion as a navigational guide. May brings you to a solar in-breath before the required leap of faith which is to follow in June. The solar eclipse of May 26th can actually help you to get organized provided you DO NOT overcommit. Consider time to be a valuable resource that nourishes you as much as food or water.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Leo (July 22 – August 21)

Answers to long held questions are delivered now, Leo. And, as always, the truth shall set you free. This is a season of shifting priorities; many of the things that used to be so important have been resolved, and you are now free to pursue your passions over your responsibilities. Your clarity for making sound decisions is at a peak from the 16th through the 20th. Take time in the early part of May to gather the facts and flesh out your ideas, and make your final commitments before Mercury goes retrograde on May 29th.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

When you feel good, your relationships function well, also. And relating with others is where you now heal. Make the best of this golden era as some people leave your life, and others enter. Each person has a healing function for you, and as you heal, so does the planet. Take special steps to deliver a message of peace to a family member. You will be revealing a new public identity by year’s end; it’s time, and yes, you are ready.


free monthly horoscope for libra
Libra (September 22 – October 21)

May delivers the possibility of manifesting a long-held dream, Libra. For some, this has been several years in the making! The challenge is to complete that final step and finish strong. Resist the temptation to change directions in the last hour. Holding the course is your path to delight, and eventually freedom. And, get all paperwork wrapped up before the Sagittarius full moon lunar eclipse of May 26th which is followed by Mercury retrograde on May 29th. This is a double threat to your logistical empire; don’t tempt the fates with loose ends.


free monthly horoscope for scorpio
Scorpio (October 22 – November 21)

Realization is your key word for the month of May, Scorpio. With the Full Moon in your sign, the bright light is on how you show up in the world; but the focus is on your clarity. Questions are answered in a way you completely understand. Trust in the capacity of the unseen world to deliver words of wisdom through messages in your environment. This is a mystical time so harness your powers of observation, and know that you are being healed on a very deep level.


free monthly horoscope for sagittarius
Sagittarius (November 21– December 20)

Take time and step outside of the boundaries of your usual life this month, Sag. Your rainbow is pointing to a different pot of gold, and you need some time and space to locate the new landing zone. Think of May as a re-set button for the rest of your life: a life in which your daily activities completely match your heart’s desires. But you need to gain clarity on necessary steps to take. Take time to get some decisions in place before Mercury goes retrograde on the 29th; you’ll be glad you did.


free monthly horoscope for capricorn
Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

Feel the glow of serenity which embraces your days and nights. If you’re not feeling it – dig just a little bit deeper. Set aside lingering resentments and to allow a new paradigm to manifest in every aspect of your life. Take a deep breath; inhale the blessings of peace, and exhale your compassion for the world. The Taurus new moon of May 11th delivers release; the Sagittarius full moon of May 26th adds the peace of reconciliation.


free monthly horoscope for aquarius
Aquarius (January 20 – February 17)

May is your month for deep inner work. Although distractions vie for your attention, the most dynamic point of interest is in your personal chi center just below your belly button. Breathe deeply into this energetic powerhouse and you will find a safe harbor to weather any storm. Everything is already set in motion, Aquarius – you just need to show up and add the final touches. You are golden as long as you maintain a place of inner calm.


free monthly horoscope for pisces
Pisces (February 18– March 18)

A dear friend offers the blessing of support and love this month, Pisces. Perhaps you had been wondering about this person’s loyalty, but know that there is a bond that transcends the interference of personality differences. With peace now sovereign in your world, you are free to start another a new chapter in your book of life. Avoid second guessing your decisions; you must reflect on the past, but know that what is done is done. Save your critical thinking skills for an important decision which must be made on the 29th.


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logo_signaturesm1Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer | Discover the Power of Place so You Can Live the Life You Want| Certified in AstroCartoGraphy Relocation Astrology

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