My key words for this week are: Clarity and Solidarity

The week starts succinctly with the moon in Capricorn, and early in the afternoon, that Saturn ruled moon conjuncts Pluto.

Pluto and Saturn like construction and authority – think of these two planets as having the power and organizational ability to build the great pyramids.

Indeed, as you look around on the surface level of world events, you see that authority has become a big deal; as in, who has the power to make decisions over the lives of others.

And, the deeper question dives into motivation – are people motivated by greed, power, or the desire to do good in the world.  It’s interesting to note that Capricorn’s (and Saturn’s) two governing values are time and money.

As the Moon and Pluto conjunct today, your secret to success this week is to be clear on how you can positively utilize your time, and to develop a positive relationship with money. Living in harmony with time and money gives you power over your own life – which brings about both Clarity and Solidarity.

Also today, Mercury enters Taurus and by Saturday, May 20th, Mercury will have cleared the shadow of his previous retrograde phase.  This reinforces the idea that this week is not necessarily one to initiate life changing actions; rather, it’s a valuable time to plan and prepare for the steps you will execute after the Gemini new moon of May 25th.

Tuesday is a stressful day with the moon forming harsh aspects to Uranus and Mercury before going void of course at 11 am Eastern time. Translated this means – take the afternoon OFF; read a book, visit a museum, go to the beach, or take a walk in nature. Tuesday is simply not a day for difficult negotiations or major strides.

Wednesday, however, is a great day to make and keep appointments and socialize as the Aquarius moon forms a sextile to Venus, and trines both Jupiter and Mars. Again, in plain language – Wednesday is a breezy and kind day when you like people and they like you. For example, it’d be a great day to attend a business networking event.

The rest of this week, May 15 – the 21st leans back into my key words of Clarity and Solidarity. On Thursday, Saturn trine Uranus promotes orderly and disciplined change. This is an excellent day to schedule a meeting that will be productive.

On Friday, Venus opposing Neptune makes you take off the rose colored glasses; however, the advantage is that you will see things as they really are, not as you hope they might be.

Finally, on Saturday, the Sun changes signs and enters Gemini.

Amidst the uncertainty in today’s world, the days of Taurus provided a respite – I witnessed many marriages and surely found it rewarding to spend time in nature. The season of Gemini will feel like a quickening – in the month of mutable air, things will move quickly, so use this week to plan accordingly.

Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the stars!

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