Maya White - Astrologer and Intuitive Guide

The Role of Myth and Archetype

Image displayed with same as articleThe word Myth is an ancient Greek term descended from the idea of speech itself. By the fifth century BCE, the term myth had come to mean a narrative of events. Keep in mind that only every one had the benefit of literacy, so myths come also through an oral tradition. Herodotus in his account of Greek war legends was admittedly unsure of the factual accuracy of his stories, but left it up to his readers to decide on believability. Myths became acknowledged as traditional stories which embodied the collective heritage of a culture. Observed from this point of view, one cannot help but examine sacred texts such as the Bible in a new light.

Of course, it is not just the Ancient Greeks who developed a unique cultural lineage told in relevant stories. Stories of collective wisdom and morality are common to every culture. It is wondrous that so many of the same stories and characters reappear time and again. Many or our astrological heroes and heroines of today can be traced back to the second millennium BCE Babylonian culture. Marduk, the administrator charged with creating order of the universe is an early identification of the Greek god Zeus, and also known by the Romans as Jupiter. Zeus reigned from a special throne atop Mt. Olympus, with his two ravens, Thought and Memory. Similarly, the Norse God Odin ruled from his throne in Asgard. As a conscientious caretaker, Odin went so far as to pledge one of his eyes in return for a drink which could give him wisdom. Modern astrology assigns Jupiter rulership of the wisdom seeking sign Sagittarius.

Another common theme in mythology is the fallibility and imperfect nature of the gods and goddesses. Who can forget the image of Gaia (Earth) impregnated by her first child, Ouranos (Uranus)? And later, Chronos (Saturn) the youngest of their children castrates his father, Ouranos. The spilled seed of this violence produced our mythical goddess of love, Venus. Following in the family tradition, Venus delighted in her many sexual exploits. She favored her lover Mars over commitment to her husband, Vulcan. However, she also found delight in attraction to Adonis, much to Mars' displeasure.

The myth or story line behind astrological characters, and how humans express these missions forms an archetype. Not all archetypes are expressed through modern astrology. Author Carolyn Myss in her book Sacred Contracts defines archetype as a "face and function of the Divine that manifests within each of us individually. . . Archetypal patterns awaken in us our own potential. They can liberate us from the limitations of our thoughts and feelings. They can help us shed light on the dark or little-known corners of our souls and amplify our own brilliance and strengths."

Notable minds such as Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, and of course Carolyn Myss have concluded there is a deep undercurrent to human psychology that links us all. We are indeed one great family, linked throughout time by stories and lessons passed down through the ages. Many of these archetypal lessons assume Divine substance- a creator, so to speak; though, belief in such is not necessary. Atheists, Christians, and Buddhists alike; we all suffer, feel joy, and age in a common human condition. Archetypes give us all a candle to light the path we walk on earth.

Carl Jung believed that all souls are connected through what he termed the collective unconscious. This form holds the energy of all who have participated in an archetype through the ages. This knowledge teaches us that everything has its role, regardless of the outcome. And, thankfully, it releases us from the Calvinistic expectation of religious perfection serving a prefabricated image of God. Rather, we strive for spiritual growth and development. Entering consciously into the personal archetypal realm we come to understand our personal mission, or the answer to the question -"Why am I here?"

Learning to work with the archetypes that are displayed in one's astrological chart is one way to help answer the quest common to our human condition. Astrology helps in the understanding of self that leads to personal empowerment. As a member of the human race and participant in collective unconscious, you are going to act out your role. Acknowledging the archetypes that influence you, and yes, even working with them consciously is the gift of the ancient art of astrology.