Lucky Days 30 Day Personalized Astrological Report
Lucky Days 30 Day Personalized Astrological Report:
Price: $24.95
Timing has always been a part of creating good luck.
There are good times and bad times, times when you’re lucky and times when you’re not.
There are also countless theories of what it is, how it is obtained, what it means, and how to hold on to it.
Your Lucky Days/Winning Times report shows you EXACTLY what kind of day it’s going to be for you – even down to the hours of the day!
Take a look. This report calculates your moment by moment situation, based on where you are at the time.
For example, there are times when Jupiter, the planet of good luck, is activated by the way it interacts with the planets in your birth chart.
And, the placement and motion of the Moon, and even Uranus are also important in the timing of luck. Even, Pluto, the planet that impacts BIG events is monitored in the calculations made by the LUCKY DAYS report.
Here is what Adam has to say:
‘It was interesting to see how specific the Lucky Days report got. I got good news when the report said I was supposed to have good luck! Thank you so much Maya for your reading.’ ~ Adam, Los Angeles, CA