Comparing the astrological charts of two or more people to determine compatibility is both an art and a science. There are many ways to extract information but easiest and most obvious approach is to compare natal Sun signs- and it’s a great place to start! The Sun sign can be thought of as a lens through which the rest of one’s blueprint of life will be focused through. Understanding the foundation of any structure helps when adding depth and width.

There is a completely logical order to the 12 signs, and a basic understanding of this makes it easier to approach compatibility. First, analyze the sign by element; fire, earth, air, or water. The fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire is an element of heart, spirit, and courage. Of these three traits, I would assign courage to Aries, heart to Leo, and spirit to Sagittarius. Earth signs like stability, predictability, and growth; a perfect fit for our earth trio of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The air element is predominately mental and/or analytical. Gemini gathers information, Libra analyzes (or weighs) it, and Aquarius disseminates this elixir of knowledge. Next we meet the protective, passionate, and mystical water signs in respective order; Cancer Scorpio, and Pisces.

After determining element, the signs are analyzed by one of three qualities; cardinal, fixed, or mutable. Starting with Aries, we have as our first in the line up a cardinal fire sign. Next comes Taurus; fixed earth. Gemini is mutable air. Returning to cardinal quality, next comes Cancer as cardinal water. And, they continue following that form throughout all 12 signs of the zodiac. (I have included a complete chart at the bottom of this column.) Knowing just these two basic details about someone’s natal astrology can help you understand much more about their nature, and leaves less room for surprises.

As a cardinal fire sign Aries is particularly good at initiating things. Others may expect though, that as a cardinal fire sign Aries might be able to work non stop. Not exactly. Just like any fire in nature, the fuel must be replenished or it burns out leaving a heap of coals and ash. Cancer- water dreamy moon ruled space shots, right? Wrong. Cancer is a water sign, yes, but the quality is cardinal, or action starting. As a cardinal element, Cancer has ambition and an emotional need to be active and productive. Libra is also a cardinal or action starting quality. Libra is often thought of as a sign of compromise and peace making. Yes, but they are driven to make it so, and these activities are a major part of their karmic lesson in life. It doesn’t always come easily, and there are many Libran lessons to be learned about separating the self from others. This cardinal air sign must carefully weigh information and make judgments regarding how to act. Last on the cardinal line up is Capricorn. First analyze by element; earth signs are materialistic and they like predictability. So, this cardinal earth sign will be the most driven of all to achieve both through a sustained push for achievement.

Fixed signs can indeed be stubborn and unmovable- for better or worse. How many people know a solid reliable Taurean? Leo is the fixed fire sign, the one and only. Now there is a worthy opponent; boundless enthusiasm is a positive trait of this Sun ruled planet. Scorpio reigns as the fixed water sign. As a sign that can encompass the highest highs and the lowest lows, Scorpio struggles occasionally with frozen emotions. The antidote is passion. As a fixed air sign, Aquarians are known for their tightly held opinions; keep that in mind when dealing with one.

Mutable is just as the name implies- changeable. It’s a nice quality to have, especially in today’s fast paced world. Quick witted and nimble footed Gemini is mutable air. One cannot get much lighter than that. Earth gods and goddesses Virgos are next on the mutable lineup. Now perhaps you can understand why your Virgo friends are so practical minded, always analyzing and dissecting. It is their nature to take things apart and put them back together again. Known for its wisdom and adventurous spirit is the mutable fire sign Sagittarius. They can be hard to pin down and always need fresh fuel. And last is the mutable sign Pisces. This water sign has great sensitivity, yet being mutable, can lack perseverance (fixed qualities) or initiative (cardinal quality). They will, however, always be your best friend in a time of need.

Of course there are many details of astrological compatibility, but knowing the basics of the Sun signs places you ahead in the game. Start to observe these simple formulations, and you’ll be amazed. What’s your sign, or rather, your quality and element?