It’s About Time | Mercury, Jupiter, and June Gold

It’s About Time | Mercury, Jupiter, and June Gold

It’s amazing that the month of June is right around the corner, and, the best thing is that June begins like a Beethoven symphony. Beethoven’s magic was expressing emotion through music.
First, let’s look at:
Mercury conjunct Uranus May 31st

Uranus, known as ‘the Great Awakener’ is a higher octave planet of Mercury. Just like in music, the planets have special vibrational resonances.

There is far more to Mercury than communication, but that’s  good place to start. Science is increasingly teaching that communication is a Universal concept. We all know that animals communicate, and recently there are studies saying that trees communicate with other trees!

So, astrologically speaking, Mercury conjunct Uranus is ultra-high level communication across time and space. Inspired thinking. Inner Knowing. Mercury functions as the receiver, and Uranus is the high frequency antenna.

And the good news is that this energy sustains you into the fabulously rich transits of early June beginning with Jupiter trine Pluto on June 2nd.

Jupiter in Gemini: May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025
Something that has been a ‘happy place’ for me is Jupiter in Gemini. (Venus is also in Gemini now.) I was born with Jupiter in Gemini, and I like it. Somehow, for me, it feels like home.

Sagittarius is where Jupiter is strongest. (Rulership) So, the sign opposite Sag is Gemini – and so far away from ‘home,’ Jupiter becomes a visitor and must work strategically.

The winning plan with Jupiter in Gemini is: don’t second guess your decisions, and only rarely is it a good idea to change your mind…

On the heels of a dynamic Jupiter/Pluto trine, June 4th delivers an astounding Mercury trine Pluto; Mercury conjunct Jupiter; and Sun conjunct Venus. This is all fitting for June which begins like a Beethoven symphony

Translated – this is astrological gold. The stars are ‘aligned’ between now and the New Moon of June 6th in a rare and powerful formation. Your job is to be clear, focused, and maintaining an attitude of gratitude.

Wishing you many wonders as you reach for the stars!

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November 2023 Sun Sign Horoscope

November 2023 Sun Sign Horoscope

by Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer

image maya white astrologer

Astrological predictions and spiritual guidance by Maya White. Get your November 2023 Sun Sign horoscope here. How does the month ahead look for you?

And, remember, join my newsletter community and you can get my all new e-book, Secrets From the Stars  HERE

November delivers a chance for recalibration after the dynamic Solar and Lunar Eclipses of October. Jupiter moves closest to the Earth on November 2 and 3, offering a stellar opportunity to view our benefactor planet, and even view the multiple moons.

During this opposition, the Earth passes between Jupiter and the Sun so if you love viewing astrology in action, take advantage of this time to connect deeply with the planetary energies of Jupiter, now in Taurus.

There are more dynamic teachers active in the early days of November. Venus opposes Neptune also on November 3rd, and next, on Saturday, Mercury opposes Uranus. My take on this: cultivate your own informational center of gravity by analyzing what you see in the media, and even scrutinize what you hear people say. These oppositions (Sun/Jupiter and Neptune/Venus advise you to find that calm, still place in your own center; listen to your guidance, and heed your innermost truth.

Monday, November 6th helps you find that meditative center when Venus trine Pluto and Mercury trine Neptune grants a place for peace. You want to be ready for Mars opposing Uranus  (ooh – that aspect again…) on Saturday the 11th (11/11) when a hot temper is ill advised and rather, temperance is the keyword for progress and understanding.

The New Moon of November 13th energizes the 20th degree of Scorpio and initiates the lunar decan of this sign. Each sign is divided into three decans, or sections. And for Scorpio, the third decan is considered the most sensitive and it holds the possibility for understanding and compassion.

November 2023 is a ‘Pay Attention’ month. Pay attention to your own thoughts, be mindful of what others are saying, and move with your full awareness into the days ahead. Embrace this month as your sacred space for reflection and alignment. Your destiny isn’t just written in the stars; it’s also written in your ability to adapt and evolve.

Live Where You’re Supposed to Live and DO what You are Meant to DO!
Speaking of change – are you living in your Right and Perfect Place? Did you know that AstroCartoGraphy is a specialized branch of astrology that shows your best places ton the earth to live and travel to.

Astrology and AstroCartoGraphy is an impactful way to put YOU in the drivers seat to your Destiny.

Schedule your 2023 Destiny Reading HERE

free monthly horoscope for aries
Aries (March 20 – April 18)

Hello Aries. November 2023 is a month of profound transformation and lucrative opportunities for you. The Solar and Lunar eclipses of October have already begun to manifest beneficial changes, especially in your relationships and financial standing. With Mars, your ruling planet, in Scorpio at the beginning of the month, you’ll find your fiscal insights honed to a razor’s edge. This planetary alignment strengthens your resolve and adds depth to your decision-making, helping you strategize ways to grow your wealth.

On November 24th, Mars transitions into Sagittarius, stoking your intellectual fire. This shift will bring a burst of inspiration, making you eager to explore new avenues for monetary gain. New projects and investments are likely to catch your eye, and you’ll be charged with the drive to make things happen. What’s more, Jupiter in Taurus this month blesses you with an extra sprinkle of luck, further boosting your financial prospects.

Embrace the changes coming your way; they are shaping you for a brighter future. Remember, the cosmos is aligning in your favor, and the shifts happening now are laying down a path of greater prosperity and deeper connections. Keep your spirit high and your focus sharp; your future is a brilliant tapestry yet to be woven.


free monthly horoscope for taurus
Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

Greetings, Taurus. This month is shaping up to be an exciting time, full of promise and possibilities. Relationship-building is a highlight for you, so don’t hesitate to reach out and connect. Networking opportunities are not to be missed, as they can pave the way for beneficial alliances down the road.

The Scorpio Full Moon on November 13th is particularly auspicious, with both the Sun and Moon activating your relationship potentials. Feel the pull of emotional depth and genuine connection—it’s a prime time to either ignite new bonds or deepen existing ones.

Venus, your ruling planet, begins the month in Virgo, a harmonious Earth sign, offering you a grounded and practical perspective. On November 8th, Venus makes its way into Libra, enhancing your diplomacy skills and making social interactions even more pleasant. Time will move fast this month, so stick to your schedule and remain grounded.

November is offering you a beautiful tapestry of experiences, Taurus. Make the most of these celestial gifts and seize every opportunity that comes your way. Your willingness to connect and build bridges now will have long-lasting positive impacts. Hold onto the optimism this month brings, as it heralds the start of something truly beautiful in your life.


free monthly horoscope for gemini
Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

Welcome, Gemini. November 2023 promises to be a spiritually enriching month for you. With both Uranus and Jupiter now retrograde in Taurus, it’s your time to surrender control and open up to divine guidance. These celestial giants are inhabiting your solar 12th house, which is often dubbed the “let go and let God” house of astrology. This indicates that it’s time to trust in something greater and allow life’s blessings to flow toward you easily and effortlessly.

Your path of least resistance becomes especially fluid when Mercury, your ruling planet, enters Sagittarius on November 10th. This shift amplifies your intuitive faculties, making it easier to trust in the benevolence of the Universe. Use this period to deepen your connection with your inner wisdom; your intuition is more powerful than ever.

Gemini, this November, let the heavens inspire you to embrace a higher level of faith and surrender. You’re in a prime position to receive blessings and guidance; all you need to do is allow them in. Trust that you are divinely guided and that great things are not only possible but are already on their way to you. Keep your heart and mind open; the Universe is ready to surprise you with its generosity.


free monthly horoscope for cancer
Cancer (June 20 – July 20)

Water wonder greetings, Cancer. November 2023 is a pivotal month for you, especially concerning long-standing legal matters. The planets are indeed working in your favor, with Neptune and Saturn in the compatible water sign of Pisces offering you a unique window to resolve these issues.

Use this time wisely to conduct research, search for missing documents, and consult with experts. Neptune retrograde indicates that there is a missing piece of the puzzle, and once you find it, expect rapid progress.

The first half of the month calls for patience; the second half will unfold with more options and swift settlements. To alleviate any feelings of frustration or impatience, channel your energy into creative pursuits and activities that bring you joy. Whether it’s painting, writing, or spending time with loved ones, find what makes your soul sing.

Cancer, this season of yield and harvest is a symbolic reminder that your efforts will bear fruit. Embrace the journey, trusting that each step is divinely guided. You’re at the cusp of a breakthrough, and the Universe is providing you with the right elements to make it happen. Keep your spirits high, and soon you’ll find the missing piece that makes everything come together beautifully.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Leo (July 21– August 21)

Hello Leo. This month aligns as a major turning point for you, bringing tangible shifts in both your home life and career. The whispers of transformation from October’s eclipse season now gain volume, becoming solid realities.

Family has always been at the core of your heart, but now the universe is urging you to prioritize your own dreams and ambitions. Significant changes are afoot, and you might even consider moving to a new residence that aligns better with your vision for the future.

Throughout this year, you’ve honed your manifestation skills, and the fruits of that labor are becoming increasingly evident. Keep your eyes peeled around the Gemini Full Moon on November 27th. This celestial event will offer incredible clarity on your long-term goals, illuminating your path for the years to come.

Leo, the stars are aligning in your favor, enabling you to take bold steps toward fulfilling your personal aspirations. This is your time to shine even brighter, to claim the life you’ve envisioned. Continue to hold the reins of your destiny; the universe is reflecting back the brilliance that you radiate. Trust that your life is unfolding in a way that makes your soul sing. The best is yet to come!


free monthly horoscope for leo
Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

Hello Virgo, November 2023 is a month ripe with potential and opportunities for growth in various aspects of your life. Venus has recently graced your sign, and as it moves into Libra on November 8th, the spotlight shifts to your second house—the arena of earned income and self-worth. The planets are perfectly aligned to benefit you this month, especially if you heed their messages. Mercury and Mars in Scorpio give you an informational advantage, while Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus offer you a panoramic view of your life, enhancing your wisdom.

Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, residing in your 7th house of relationships, urge you to maintain a balanced approach in your personal and professional partnerships. Be wary of anyone who might exploit your softer side; remember, a partner can either be a tremendous support or a draining influence. Choose wisely, for the right choice liberates you both emotionally and financially.

Virgo, this November is your chance to take control and align with the beneficial energies of the Universe. Be judicious in your actions and decisions; the planets are lined up to bring you prosperity and emotional fulfillment. Keep your focus sharp and your intentions clear, for the universe is ready to meet you more than halfway. Your best life is within reach—go claim it.


free monthly horoscope for libra
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Welcome to November, Libra, the afterglow of the dynamic Solar Eclipse in your sign on October 14th continues to illuminate your path in November 2023. This month serves as a transitional period, urging you to maintain your peace of mind for optimal growth. Financial restructuring is a key theme, and this is your moment to evaluate and secure your financial future.

Mars trine Neptune on November 17th offers a harmonious opportunity to align your aspirations with your newfound reality. On the 25th, Mars square Saturn acts like a cosmic filter, helping you discard excess baggage and eliminate hidden costs. The systems and procedures you set up this month promise to have long-lasting benefits, setting you up for sustained success in the years ahead.

Libra, as you move through these transitional energies, know that the work you’re doing now is setting the foundation for a brighter, more secure future. This month offers a blend of celestial influences designed to help you elevate every aspect of your life. Trust the process and lean into the positive changes; the Universe is fashioning a tapestry of lasting prosperity and happiness for you.


free monthly horoscope for scorpio
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Hello Scorpio, November 2023 is a monumental month for you, opening new doors and horizons. The New Moon on November 13th marks the commencement of a transformative phase in your life, amplified by the recent October eclipses that have cleared the path for your future. Although Scorpios are known for their fixed nature and potential resistance to change, you find yourself at a once-in-a-lifetime crossroads. This is your chance to make radical shifts.

Lean into the present moment; there’s no going back to what was. Right now, you have an unprecedented opportunity to design life according to your deepest desires and highest visions. Any thoughts of limitation or past hurts are mere illusions—what’s real is your capacity for healing, not just yourself but also others around you.

Scorpio, embrace your inner shaman and mentor. This November, you are unshackled and free to move forward on your path. Let go of any preconceived notions or fears. You are capable of magnificent transformation. Step boldly into this new phase, equipped with the wisdom and courage that is inherently you. The universe is on your side.


free monthly horoscope for sagittarius
Sagittarius (November 22– December 20)

Greetings, Sagittarius. November 2023 is a month that calls for your patience. Consider this time as a crucial period of preparation and strategic planning. It’s tempting to take leaps and bounds, but it would be wise to hold your horses until the Sun enters your own sign on November 22nd—that’s your cue to spring into action.

You’ve navigated 2023 with a distinctive blend of luck and charm, hallmarks of your sun sign. Now, as the year draws near its end, get intentional about how you want to remember it. Your reflections aren’t merely nostalgic; they are shaping the future even as you ponder the past.

Sagittarius, find your center of calm this November. Remain poised and cultivate clarity in all your plans. When you do this, you’re not just preparing for a fruitful month, but you’re also laying the groundwork for a future that mirrors your highest aspirations. So take a deep breath, focus, and know that your best days are not just behind you but also ahead. Seize the promise that each new dawn brings, for the universe is crafting a grand adventure just for you.


free monthly horoscope for capricorn
Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)

Hello Capricorn, November 2023 is a significant month for you, especially with the Moon gracing your sign on the 16th and 17th. These are your Power Days, providing not just emotional but also spiritual grounding. With both the Sun and Mars forming a trine to Neptune during these pivotal days, you’ll feel a surge of inspiration. This celestial alignment doesn’t just bring you revelations; it also energizes you to act upon them.

As Pluto’s lengthy stay in your sign winds down, set to leave Capricorn for Aquarius on January 20th, 2024, take this valuable time to firm up your inner resolve. Make sure your day-to-day actions align closely with your ultimate goals and aspirations. You have the planetary support to tie up loose ends and solidify your personal strength.

Capricorn, the stars are offering you a chance to rise and secure your foundation. Harness the celestial energies of your Power Days and Pluto’s final moments in your sign to make this a November to remember. Your diligent efforts are about to pay off in big ways, so keep striving and remember: the best is yet to come.


free monthly horoscope for aquarius
Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)

Hello Aquarius, November 2023 brings a mix of energies that may leave you feeling a tad out of sync. With Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune still retrograde, your sensitive nervous system might pick up the cosmic ebbs and flows more than usual. However, mark your calendar for the Scorpio New Moon on November 13th, which casts its transformative light on your 10th house of career and social standing.

It’s the Gemini Full Moon on November 27th that you’ve been waiting for, though. This lunar event brings revelations and is accompanied by a compelling Mercury square Neptune aspect. This celestial dialogue offers the clarity you’ve been seeking, assisting you in making critical decisions that you may have been postponing.

So, Aquarius, even if you feel a bit disoriented this month, know that the universe has your back. Listen to its whispers and let it guide you. You’re on the verge of understanding something fundamental about your life’s journey. Trust the process and embrace the revelations that are coming your way. Your moment of clarity is right around the corner, and it’s set to bring transformative and uplifting changes to your life.


free monthly horoscope for pisces
Pisces (February 18– March 19)

Cosmic energies are swirling around you this November, Pisces.  With both Neptune and Saturn in your sign, you might find your physical and psychic reserves depleting more quickly than usual. Safeguard your well-being by prioritizing sleep, nourishing food, and a comfortable exercise routine. These basic self-care steps can serve as your protective shield this month.

Mark your calendar for Monday, November 6th, as the heavens have special gifts for you. Venus trine Pluto invites you into the depths of your own emotions, allowing you a clearer understanding of what really matters to you. Coupled with Mercury trine Neptune, you’ll find the courage to express these deep-seated feelings, whether it’s in a relationship, a project, or a creative endeavor.

So, Pisces, even if the waters feel turbulent, remember you’re a natural swimmer in the ocean of emotion. Use this month to tune into yourself; your feelings are your compass. Trust your inner wisdom and let your true emotions guide you. The universe is offering you the key to deeper understanding and emotional enrichment. Seize it, and you’ll find that even amidst challenges, life is beautiful and filled with possibilities.


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logo_signaturesm1Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer | Discover the Power of Place so You Can Live the Life You Want| Certified in AstroCartoGraphy Relocation Astrology

© Maya White/2023/All Rights Reserved

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November 2023 Sun Sign Horoscope

October 2023 Sun Sign Horoscope

by Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer

image maya white astrologer

Astrological predictions and spiritual guidance by Maya White. Get your October 2023 Sun Sign horoscope here. How does the month ahead look for you?

And, remember, join my newsletter community and you can get my all new e-book, Secrets From the Stars  HERE

The eclipse season has arrived. Eclipses have a point or origination, and they develop in cycles called Saros Cycles. The 7 South eclipses for October 2023 are known for sudden breakthroughs and things moving at warp speed. You can move through obstacles quickly now, so it’s wise to remain fluid, flexible, and ready to shift. The New Moon Solar Eclipse of October 14rh (21 Libra) is preceded by a dynamic Mars trine Saturn exact on the 13th. Keep in mind that Libra is a cardinal air sign. There are some critical planetary aspects leading up to this eclipse – Mars square Pluto on Oct 8 and Venus opposing Saturn on the 10th. Certainly avoid personal conflicts and stay on the Balanced and Justice side of Libra.

Next, is the Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 28th.  On this day  both Mercury and Mars oppose Jupiter. The next day, Sunday, Oct 29th Mercury conjuncts Mars, and most dynamically, the Moon travels through Taurus, activating Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Uranus. This Lunar Eclipse is one to stay tuned. Pay attention. And, be ready for something good to come your way.

Pluto stations direct on October 10th in the 28th degree of Capricorn. This gets the cosmic train in gear, but Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,  and even Chiron are still retrograde. Use this time wisely for creativity and setting intentions. Mars square Pluto on October 8th serves up a day of reckoning.  Practice being your best ‘adult’ on the 8th because Venus opposing Saturn on October 10th promises a price to pay for implementing ill advised decisions. In addition to the dynamic eclipses, one of the more dramatic days this month is Oct 22nd, when Venus and Mercury both trine Jupiter.

Embrace this month as your sacred space for reflection and alignment. Your destiny isn’t just written in the stars; it’s also written in your ability to adapt and evolve.

Live Where You’re Supposed to Live and DO what You are Meant to DO!
Speaking of change – are you living in your Right and Perfect Place? Did you know that AstroCartoGraphy is a specialized branch of astrology that shows your best places ton the earth to live and travel to.

Astrology and AstroCartoGraphy is an impactful way to put YOU in the drivers seat to your Destiny.

Schedule your 2023 Destiny Reading HERE

free monthly horoscope for aries
Aries (March 20 – April 18)

October brings a transformative month for you, Aries. Your ruling planet, Mars, shifts into the intense waters of Scorpio on the 12th, inviting you to delve deeper into your emotional landscape. This celestial movement harmonizes with Chiron, the wounded healer, currently stationed in your sign until April 2027. Together, Mars in Scorpio and Chiron in Aries set the stage for profound emotional healing.

Get ready for a wake up call around the New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 14 This eclipse activates the Lunar North Node—also in Arie. The North Node serves as a guiding light, always illuminating your path. You’ll find your intuition sharper and insights more profound than ever, aiding you in making decisions and taking meaningful steps forward.

Aries, you embody the energy of “I AM,” but this month, the universe asks you to expand that definition. It’s a period of holistic healing, which means recognizing that your well-being is intricately tied to your relationships with others. As you heal and evolve, you’ll find that you are better able to engage in more authentic, mutually beneficial relationships. Your resilience today paves the way for a brighter, more fulfilling tomorrow. Let hope be your guiding star.


free monthly horoscope for taurus
Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

Hello Taurus. This month delivers an extraordinary reset for you. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 28th lands squarely in your sign, offering a powerful moment for reflection and transformation. Followed closely by a Taurus Moon conjunct Jupiter and Uranus on the 29th, expect a surge of optimism and a flurry of new opportunities. Eclipses tend to magnify our inner thoughts and emotions, acting as cosmic catalysts for change. This specific eclipse carries a unique signature—obstacles vanishing as quickly as they appear. So, stay positive and keep your eyes peeled for unexpected openings.

Mars shifts into Scorpio on October 12th, followed by Mercury on the 22nd. With both Sun and Moon joining in Scorpio, you’ll find a heightened focus on your personal and professional relationships. Dialogue, negotiation, and emotional understanding will be critical themes.

October is essentially asking you to rise and realign. Embrace the transformation and stay open to change. The universe is clearing the path for you—your task is to walk it with faith. New beginnings are not only possible; they’re promised. Stay hopeful and be prepared to seize the opportunities that come your way.


free monthly horoscope for gemini
Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

Dear Gemini, October promises to bring some relief as Mercury, your ruling planet, finally and for really real is in direct motion. Now, everything makes more sense, and you day to day activities have predictability and order. Although you may feel a greater sense of clarity and alignment, don’t rush to hit the accelerator just yet.

You’re still under the influence of four other planet plus Chiron – still in retrograde motion. Jupiter and Uranus enrich in your 12th solar house, pushing you to explore the deeper layers of your unconscious. Meanwhile, Neptune and Saturn in your 10th solar house place emphasis on career and ambition, but not in the way you might prefer. You may feel like you’re stuck on clean-up duty, tying up loose ends rather than making strides in business. It’s time to lay the foundations for your future and Neptune washes away all which is not going to be beneficial 5 years from now

Though your nature craves speed and quick results, the celestial bodies counsel patience for now. This month is a lesson in timing; the stars are asking you to sit tight, evaluate, and plan. Keep an eye out for the cosmic signals; when the time is right, you’ll know.


free monthly horoscope for cancer
Cancer (June 20 – July 20)

Greetings Cancer. October serves as a pivotal month for you, with a strong emphasis on long-term goals and personal growth. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 14th spotlights your inner foundation, urging you to tend to your emotional well-being. On the other end of the spectrum, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 28th shines on your career and social standing. This month asks you to harmonize how you feel on the inside with how people perceive you in the outer world.

Circle October 22nd on your calendar as Venus trines Jupiter, signaling a pleasant financial opportunity. This could come in the form of a bonus or unexpected windfall. Be prepared to act swiftly to make the most out of this auspicious alignment.

The asteroid Vesta currently stationed in your sign may make you feel less inclined towards social gatherings and more focused on intimate settings. This is an excellent period to indulge in culinary delights and share quality time with close friends at home. Utilize this month to strengthen both your internal and external worlds. Opportunities are ripe for the picking; all you need to do is reach out and seize them.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Leo (July 21– August 21)

Hello Leo. October continues to glow with opportunities for you.  Venus has had an extended stay in your sign from June 5th until October 7th, showering you with love, creativity, and flair. Mars, too, has been your ally as it journeyed through Libra and now enters Scorpio on October 12th. These celestial energies are enabling you to achieve your goals with relative ease.

However, pay attention to the stars. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 28th brings challenges, forming a dynamic T-square with Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter. This cosmic configuration puts you in a position where confrontations could be more harmful than helpful. Although you may feel compelled to assert your authority, this isn’t the time for impulsive or thoughtless actions. The first rule under these celestial circumstances is simple: avoid hasty confrontation. Instead, lead with the wisdom and courage that make you a natural leader.

October may test you to align with your true desires, and it’s also shaping you into a wiser, more resilient individual. When faced with contrary opinions this month, remember that the true power of a Leo lies not in dominating the scene, but in lighting the way for others. Your innate wisdom will not only navigate you through these hurdles but will also inspire those around you. Stay radiant, Leo. The world needs your light.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

Dear Virgo, October is set to be an amazing month for you.  Venus graces your sign on October 8th, bringing favorable vibes to both your financial situation and your friendships. Your focus this month is incredibly sharp, thanks in part to Mercury, your ruling planet, resuming its direct motion. This celestial alignment is giving you the edge in staying organized and focused.

However, take it easy around October 10th when Venus opposes Saturn. What might initially appear as a setback will become clearer by October 22nd, as Mercury trines Saturn. The universe is guiding you toward necessary adjustments; all you have to do is trust the process. To add a cherry on top, mark All Hallow’s Eve, October 31st, on your calendar. Venus trine Uranus promises a delightful surprise to round off the month.

In a world full of chaos, your meticulous nature and focus are your superpowers. October offers you the clarity and financial stability you’ve been working towards. Embrace these opportunities and know that any adjustments made now are setting the stage for future success. You’ve got this, Virgo. Your diligence is about to pay off in delightful ways.


free monthly horoscope for libra
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Welcome to October. This month stands as a monumental moment in time for you, Libra, marking a significant turning point in your life. Decisions have been made, and now is the time to reap the rewards of your hard work and intention-setting. Jupiter and Uranus both activate your solar 8th house of investments, positioning you favorably to capitalize on your financial assets.

Your planetary allies, Venus in Virgo and Mars in Scorpio, provide unique supports—Venus lends spiritual strength, while Mars offers a safety net for your finances. Although the Libra Solar Eclipse might make it feel as though changes are occurring at warp speed, rest assured, these transformations have been in the making for quite some time.

This month, embrace the turning point that life is offering you. Your path is opening up in ways that promise not only material benefits but also a deepening of your soul’s journey. Step boldly and trust that your future is luminous. The universe is aligning in your favor; it’s your time to shine.


free monthly horoscope for scorpio
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Hello Scorpio! October presents an auspicious period for you as the eclipses of this month tip the scales of fate in your favor. Your inner world is a treasure trove of creativity and intuition—don’t ignore it. Take time to journal your thoughts and engage in meditative walks to allow messages from the unseen realms to enter your consciousness.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 10th brings a significant transition into your life. Whether it’s the passing of someone close to you or the beginning of a new chapter in your own life, approach these changes with serenity. This is your moment to let go and release what hasn’t been serving you. Make space for what is coming. Let go; your fixed water sign has a strong need for control. It’s time to melt the Scorpio ice and let your water nurture new plans and opportunities for growth and abundance.

In times of transition, it’s essential to remember that endings are also beginnings in disguise. Let go courageously, for you are making room for new blessings. Embrace the freedom that comes with these changes, and trust that the universe is preparing you for something even better. Your future is not just bright; it’s luminous. The universe is setting the stage for blessings that are beyond your wildest imagination. Your best days are yet to come.


free monthly horoscope for sagittarius
Sagittarius (November 22– December 20)

Greetings, Sagittarius. Welcome to a new month; October brings an understated yet potent energy to your life.  While there are STILL no major planets are directly influencing your sign this month, don’t underestimate the power of subtlety. The key to your success lies in being adaptable and primed for quick decision-making. Your intuition is your greatest asset now; don’t dampen its spark with over-analysis.

The next layer of your October strategy is self-assessment. Recognize your areas of expertise and mastery; this is where your breakthrough will materialize. Logic has its place, but this month calls you to move past cerebral calculations and into the realm of heart and spirit. Taking calculated risks could pay off in unexpected ways, and leading with your heart will make the process genuinely fulfilling.

In times of uncertainty, it’s easy to become overly analytical. This month, allow your heart and your enthusiasm to guide you. Trust in the unknown and the magic that comes when you step out of your comfort zone. The universe is setting the stage for incredible growth and opportunities that resonate with your truest self. Keep the faith, Sagittarius. Your willingness to embrace change is your golden ticket to an upcoming season of fulfillment.


free monthly horoscope for capricorn
Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)

Hey Capricorn. October beckons you to tap into your personal creativity.  Plus, this month offers you ample opportunities to monetize your unique skills and talents. Saturn and Neptune in Pisces could initially bring about some uncertainties, but remember that Saturn also symbolizes discipline. By maintaining a positive mindset, you can transform doubt into delight.

A significant highlight for you this month is the Grand Earth Trine involving Venus in Virgo, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in your own sign. This celestial formation bolsters your natural tendencies towards practicality, diligence, and ambition. It’s as if the universe is aligning to provide you with the stamina and resources you need to achieve your long-term goals.

As you navigate through October’s complexities, remember that your creativity is not just an asset but your superpower. Harness it wisely, and you’ll be amazed at the doors it opens for you. Keep pushing forward; your dedication will soon bear fruit that nourishes not just your life, but your soul.


free monthly horoscope for aquarius
Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)

Aquarius, as the way-shower of this age and a harbinger of the future for our planet, October is a pivotal month for you to focus on wisdom, higher education, and long journeys. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14th shines a light on your 9th house, which rules these areas of life. This could be a moment when thoughts about alternative living situations or extensive travel plans start taking shape. Circle October 24th on your calendar. When the Sun trines Saturn, it creates a perfect opening for you to act on those plans.

Known for your originality and social consciousness, this is a month for you to bring those unique qualities into play. Your voice is important and needed—remember that you are a leader in thought and social reform.

Embrace October as an invitation to dream bigger, think broader, and to forge new paths for the greater good. Your energy lights the way for others; know that you are destined to make impactful changes. Stay strong and visionary. Keep shining, Aquarius; your unique vision is a catalyst for change.


free monthly horoscope for pisces
Pisces (February 18– March 19)

Dear Pisces, October is brimming with transformative opportunities. The focus on your 8th house brings an unexpected but deserved bounty. Though you often navigate the world through your heightened sensitivities and desire to serve, this month brings out your practical side. The solar eclipse offers a financial reset that could ripple positively into your future. So embrace this shift and consider it an investment in your own well-being.

There is also has a special gift for you at the end of the month, Pisces. Venus trine Uranus on October 31st, All Hallow’s Eve, is a cosmic invitation for love. If you are single, this alignment opens a door to a potentially exciting romantic encounter. On the other hand, if you’re already in a relationship, this moment offers a chance to deepen your partnership connection.

In the coming month, let your compassionate heart be both a giver and a receiver. Remember, as you nourish others, you too deserve to be nourished. With faith and love, you’ll find that the universe is generous in ways you hadn’t even imagined. With open arms and a trusting spirit, welcome the blessings the universe has in store for you.


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logo_signaturesm1Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer | Discover the Power of Place so You Can Live the Life You Want| Certified in AstroCartoGraphy Relocation Astrology

© Maya White/2023/All Rights Reserved

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November 2023 Sun Sign Horoscope

September 2023 Sun Sign Horoscope

by Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer

image maya white astrologer

Astrological predictions and spiritual guidance by Maya White. Get your September 2023 Sun Sign horoscope here. How does the month ahead look for you?

And, remember, you can get my all new e-book, Secrets From the Stars  HERE

This September serves as a powerful transition period, setting the stage for the upcoming eclipse season in October—a celestial event mirroring the transformative energies of the eclipses on October 27, 2004. September opens a cosmic window for deep reflection and the transitions of your long-term goals and projects. The time is ripe to reevaluate your path and prepare for significant shifts ahead.

Mars travels in Libra this month, closely aligning with the South Node. In astrology, your South Node is often seen as your point of release, representing your past karmic cycles and patterns that no longer serve your growth. Make this your moment for recalibration in relationships.

Venus graces Leo all month, adding a sparkle of joy and self-expression to your life. Venus in Leo urges you to find your direction through what genuinely makes you happy, guiding you toward a more authentic life.

Here’s the big news-  Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and even Chiron are retrograde. These time periods are ripe for introspection, review, and resetting intentions. Let this month revive your internal checkpoints as you pause and reassess your goals.

Embrace this month as your sacred space for reflection and alignment. Your destiny isn’t just written in the stars; it’s also written in your ability to adapt and evolve. Here’s to a September filled with hope, wisdom, and enlightened action.

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free monthly horoscope for aries
Aries (March 20 – April 18)

Hello Aries. As September unfurls its autumnal hues, a significant shift awaits you. Mars, your planetary ruler, is positioned in Libra from August 27 to October 12. This celestial movement will bring relationships to the forefront of your life. Whether it’s romantic or platonic, your interactions will serve as mirrors, reflecting essential truths about who you are and what you bring to the table.

Late in September, as Mars dances closer to the South Node day by day, get ready for a revelation. You’ll gain insight into your relationship patterns, the good and the not-so-good. This newfound awareness isn’t meant to burden you but to empower you. Embrace it as your compass for developing healthier, more rewarding partnerships in the future.

Mark your calendar for September 24th when Mars opposes Chiron. This alignment is your celestial nudge towards healing and growth in relationships. It’s a prime moment to forgive, let go, or simply invest more into emotional growth. Just like a gardener tends to each plant individually, give attention to your partnerships, knowing that the work you put in now will yield beautiful blooms in due time.

As the month concludes, know that you’re on a journey to a more harmonious, enriched relational life. Carry this newfound wisdom like a lantern, illuminating your path forward with hope and possibility.


free monthly horoscope for taurus
Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

September is shaping up to be a momentous month for you, charged with celestial energy that’s uniquely aligned with your personal journey. First off, Venus is now direct, allowing for a clearer, more intimate connection with your purpose and meaning.

It’s time to get honest around your intentions because the universe has clarified the lens through which you are seen by the world. All that comes forth from you is vividly perceived by others and the Universal law of karma is always active.

Having both Uranus and Jupiter in your sign is nothing short of extraordinary, a cosmic alignment ripe with potential for breakthroughs. Starting September 4th, both of these influential planets go retrograde—Jupiter until December 30 and Uranus until January 27, 2024. Far from a drawback, this retrograde action prolongs their beneficial impact on you. It’s like the universe is giving you extra time in the spotlight, allowing for a more profound exploration of your inner worlds.

Come September 29th, the Aries full moon will bathe your 12th house of inner peace in its luminescent glow. Let this serve as a reminder to remain calm and center yourself, focusing on your spiritual growth and emotional well-being. This is not a month for hustle and bustle but for stillness and introspection.

This month is your sanctuary in time, a period for you to cultivate inner growth and come into alignment with your true purpose. Feel uplifted, for you are guided by stars that are cheering for your success and inner peace.


free monthly horoscope for gemini
Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

Dear Gemini, September heralds a wave of renewal and optimistic ventures for you, and it’s largely thanks to Mercury, your ruling planet, stationing direct on September 15th. Aligned with the Virgo new moon on the 14th, you’re positioned for a dynamic fresh start. Consider this your cosmic reset button—whether it’s a project you’ve been mulling over or a relationship that needs rekindling, now is your time to act.

This month, Mercury forms a favorable trine with Jupiter not once, but twice—first on September 4th and again on September 25th. Make sure you mark these dates on your calendar; they’re your personal windows of opportunity. The universe seems poised to deliver something wonderful into your life on these days, and your awareness of these cosmic rhythms can make the blessings even more pronounced. Whether it’s an unexpected career opportunity, an enlightening conversation, or a sudden insight, be prepared for serendipity to come knocking.

So, Gemini, put yourself out there and embrace the fresh energy September brings. The stars are particularly favorable for you this month, offering both renewal and chances for unexpected blessings.

Let this knowledge buoy you; you’re not just drifting on the tides of fate but sailing skillfully with the winds of celestial favor. Feel invigorated, knowing that the universe is conspiring to sprinkle a little extra magic on your journey.


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Cancer (June 20 – July 20)

Greetings Cancer; September brings you a unique opportunity for self-reflection and long-term planning. While there are no planets in your sign this month, the presence of the Asteroid goddess Vesta amplifies your natural emotional depth. Like a candle burning brightly, Vesta encourages you to delve deep into your inner world, making this a perfect time to contemplate your future.

The planetary retrogrades offer a slower pace, a pause that lets you catch your breath. For once, you find yourself unburdened by the caretaking and emotional labor often asked of you. You are free to focus solely on your own life, to nurture your own dreams for a change.

Mark the date of September 29th; the full moon shines brightly in a sky that holds much inspiration for you. If you can, consider scheduling a personal retreat around this time. A few days by the ocean could serve you well, allowing you to connect deeply with nature and your own emotional tides. Let the rhythmic ebb and flow of the sea align with your own cycles, sparking stellar plans for your future.

Cancer, this September is your sanctuary, a sacred space in time for you to focus on you. Feel the liberty of this unique cosmic landscape and look to the future with hope, excitement, and a heart full of dreams.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Leo (July 21– August 21)

Hello Leo, this September, you find yourself in the radiant heart of planetary action, a central figure in the cosmic drama. Your fire sign shares a graceful trine with Aries, which is currently hosting Chiron, also known as the Shaman and Shapeshifter. With the North Node also in Aries, the intensity in the astrological arena is palpable. But you, Leo, serve as a relief valve to this concentrated energy. Your natural flair for combining playfulness with profundity makes you a conduit for the transformative power of Chiron and the North Node.

Mark September 14th on your calendar, as the Virgo New Moon brings with it a wave of financial growth and prosperity. Whether it’s a new job, an unexpected bonus, or a fruitful investment, the tides are turning in your favor on the financial front.

You’re not just here to grow and prosper on your own, though. Your very presence serves as a spiritual beacon, shedding light on pathways of meaning and peace for all other signs. As you navigate through this month, remember that your energy doesn’t just uplift you—it uplifts us all.

So, Leo, shine brightly as you always do, because your future looks dazzling. Feel assured that your unique blend of exuberance and intensity isn’t just for show; it’s the key to unlocking a month of personal growth and communal inspiration.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

Dear Virgo, welcome to September, a month that beckons for deep introspection and audacious authenticity. Mercury, your ruling planet, continues its retrograde journey in your sign until the 15th. This recent cycle has been a profound time for you to connect with your inner wisdom, sparking key insights that will serve you well in the months ahead.

Also joining the celestial dance is the Dark Moon Lilith, who resides in your sign this month. While Lilith has been misunderstood and vilified through history, her essence speaks to personal empowerment and stark authenticity. This may be a month where you find yourself standing against popular opinions or established norms. But remember, expressing your truth, even when it makes you or others uncomfortable, is a potent form of empowerment.

Your true voice is your superpower this month, Virgo. It’s an instrument of your deeper self, and it’s begging to be heard. Use it to challenge the status quo, to stand up for what you believe in, and to solidify your place in the world.

In short, September isn’t just another month for you—it’s a transformation opportunity. Let it be a time of profound inner connection and a celebration of your own, unapologetic authenticity. You’re not just surviving this month, Virgo; you’re reclaiming your power. Feel the strength and independence that comes with it, and look forward to the positive changes that are yet to come.


free monthly horoscope for libra
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Hello and welcome to September, a month set to be deeply transformative for you. Mars, the planet of drive and desire, is now in your sign and will remain there until October 11th. While Mars is often associated with impulsiveness and aggression, its energy manifests differently in Libra—it seeks balance and peace, just like you. Take this time to harmonize different areas of your life, and equalize your external circumstances with your internal emotional landscape.

Furthermore, both Mars and the transiting South Node in Libra, turn this month into a significant window for purification and resolution. If you’ve been carrying around unresolved issues or old habits that no longer serve you, September offers a sacred space for healing. It’s a pivotal moment to review, reassess, and release anything that’s holding you back.

Know that as you journey through these transformative days, you are neither alone nor unguided. Unseen hands and angelic forces are at work behind the scenes, protecting you as you cross this critical threshold from past to future.

So, Libra, take this month to close old chapters with grace, while eagerly turning the page to the new ones that await. Feel empowered by the knowledge that you are divinely guided, and know that as one door closes, another filled with promise and potential is swinging wide open. Celebrate these special days, for they are your stepping stones to a brighter future.


free monthly horoscope for scorpio
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Heads up Scorpio! September is shaping up to be an intensely powerful month for you. There are five planets retrograde (not even counting Mercury) —Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto— and each planet casts a unique influence on your sign. It’s an extraordinary time for transformation and alignment across all facets of your life.

Let’s turn our attention to Pluto, the modern ruler of Scorpio. In mythology, Pluto donned a cloak of protection and a helmet of invisibility, shielding himself from detractors. Likewise, his feminine counterpart in Egyptian mythology is Neith, the goddess of creation, wisdom, weaving, and war. As a weaver, the goddess Neith creates and wears a defensive shield. This is an important concept for you now, as there is a thief in your midst – someone who is intent on stealing your hard work.

With so much celestial activity, use this potent energy to look inwards, reassess your goals, and identify areas of life that are ripe for transformation. Meditate upon Pluto’s attributes and connect with Neith’s multi-faceted wisdom. Let them guide you towards unearthing your innermost desires and development of your originality. Use this rich tapestry as a guidepost to align every level of your being—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

Scorpio, this September is unlike any other. It’s a cosmic symphony, and every note resonates with a different part of you. Take this time to become truly aligned, embracing the unique energies that seek to elevate you into a fuller, richer life experience. With Pluto and Neith as your guides, this month promises deep personal transformation and a strength that resonates from the inside out.


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Sagittarius (November 22– December 20)

Guess what, Sagittarius, although there are no planets currently in your sign, the celestial landscape is far from quiet for you. In fact, you’re in the direct line of multiple planetary influences, making September a month that’s brimming with possibilities. Pay close attention to September 4th and September 25th; on these dates, Mercury and Jupiter form a gratitude trine. Mercury, the universal messenger, amplifies the voices of other celestial bodies, and Jupiter—your ruling planet—has something significant to say.

Jupiter’s message for you, dear Sagittarius, is one of optimism and promise. While the full implications may take some time to unfold, September serves as a tantalizing appetizer for the feast of opportunities ahead. The Aries Full Moon on the 29th illuminates your solar 5th house, the realm of speculation, joy, and play. It’s a reminder that life is not just about achieving goals but also about reveling in the journey.

Optimism and good luck are your innate traits, and this month, they’re more potent than ever. Let these qualities be your compass, guiding you through the twists and turns that September has in store. Keep your eyes open, your spirit high, and your arrows aimed at the endless horizon.

The universe is laying a tapestry of opportunities at your feet; all you have to do is step forward with confidence and a heart full of gratitude. September is merely a taste of the incredible journey ahead, so buckle up, Sagittarius—it’s going to be an exciting ride.


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Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)

Hey Capricorn, get ready to bask in the glow of a cosmic earth trine this September. With Jupiter and Uranus in the earth sign of Taurus, you can expect a generous sprinkle of inspiration over your natural proclivity for discipline and hard work. These energies blend harmoniously with your own, creating a celestial cocktail that’s equal parts exhilarating and grounding.

Circle the date of September 14th on your calendar. The Virgo New Moon on this day invites a dynamic fresh start brimming with hope and opportunity. And as if the universe were raising a toast to your success, the very next day, September 15th, features another cosmic gift—Sun trine Uranus. This potent week around the New Moon is especially favorable for you, making it the perfect time to unfurl your sails and chart a course for the rest of the year. So, set your intentions, align your actions, and prepare for an incredible journey ahead.

But that’s not all. Mark another date—Saturday, September 31st. Mercury trine Uranus comes knocking once more, urging you to take inspired action. Whether it’s a project you’ve been pondering or an opportunity you’ve been awaiting, this is the time to take the plunge.

September is smiling upon you, Capricorn. Harness this joyful cosmic energy to fuel your ambitions and dreams. With a celestial wind at your back, this month promises to be nothing short of transformative. Enjoy the ride!


free monthly horoscope for aquarius
Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)

September arrives with a unique blend of cosmic energies, especially tailored for you, Aquarius. Both Saturn and Uranus, the co-rulers of your sign, are in retrograde. Additionally, retrograde Saturn is in cahoots with retrograde Neptune in Pisces, which impacts your solar 2nd house of earned income and self-worth. While it may seem like a challenging time requiring patience, don’t overlook the silver lining—this is a secret window of opportunity for you.

This month acts as fertile soil where you can plant seeds for your financial future. Leverage the qualities of Saturn for stability and Neptune for imagination to construct a financial blueprint for unlimited growth. If ever there was a time to focus on creating a stable yet flexible foundation, it’s now.

Here’s another key insight for you, Aquarius: pay close attention to the nitty-gritty details. Now’s not the time for glossing over fine points. In fact, the little things may hold the very keys to unlocking your intuition. If you find yourself caught in a fog of uncertainty, write it out. Take a moment to jot down the facts and the feelings, then read between the lines.

You’ll be surprised at the wisdom your logical mind can uncover. September offers you a blend of pragmatism and mysticism, making it a transformative period on multiple fronts. Embrace it, and watch yourself soar.


free monthly horoscope for pisces
Pisces (February 18– March 19)

Dear Pisces, September is poised to be a transformative month for you. If you’ve felt muddled or uncertain recently, breathe a sigh of relief—clarity is on the way! Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, stations direct on September 15th, and you’ll find that the fog which had clouded your judgment will finally lift. Yes, your feelings of stagnation are not imagined, but the good news is that the tides are turning in your favor.

Mars, the planet of action and drive, is now moving through your solar 8th house, presenting an auspicious time for you to benefit from outside support and resources. Though strategy and discipline may not be your natural tendencies, adopting these skills now can be incredibly rewarding. It’s a month to set some boundaries, tighten your focus, and watch how this discipline allows you to blossom in unexpected ways.

Stepping outside your comfort zone can be magical this September. An infusion of cosmic energy is bathing you in possibility and potential. By tightening up your aura just a bit, you open up a channel for immense satisfaction and a new level of personal fulfillment.

Embrace the transformative energies this month and let yourself flow with them—you’re on the brink of something truly wonderful.


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logo_signaturesm1Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer | Discover the Power of Place so You Can Live the Life You Want| Certified in AstroCartoGraphy Relocation Astrology

© Maya White/2023/All Rights Reserved

Schedule your personalized annual update HERE

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It’s About Time | Mercury, Jupiter, and June Gold

Messages From the Universe | Leo New Moon

On August 16th, at 5:38 AM EDT, a glowing opportunity awaits you under the Leo New Moon. Leo, the sign of heart and honor, carries with it a resplendent energy, illuminating your path of leadership, courage, and love. It’s not just about personal pride or outward shine.

The true essence of Leo is in sharing the spiritual Light that emanates from the Sun.

This New Moon invites you to take charge, to hear your heart’s longing, and to step onto the path that resonates with your soul. It’s your time to rise, to embrace the Leo qualities within you, and to be the leader of your own life’s journey.

Furthermore, this New Moon is graced by Mars trine Uranus, an exceptional aspect with both planets in earth signs. Mars in Virgo brings disciplined energy. Mars trine Uranus channels the inventive power of Uranus in Taurus into tangible forms. There is great potential for innovation and transformation is within reach, and it’s calling for your action.

With Mercury retrograde commencing on August 23rd, now is the opportune moment to take decisive steps. Harness the energies of the Leo New Moon, and let your heart guide your way.

Closing this note with love and encouragement, remember: Your light is meant to shine, not only for you but for the world to see. Let the Leo New Moon awaken your inner radiance, and may your path be filled with honor, love, and endless possibilities.

Wishing you celestial wonders and celestial wisdom, Maya White

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