Astrology: Art and Law

As the times become more and more uncertain, it is our natural inclination to seek predictability. Astrology has long been one way for the Family of Man to find a meaningfully clear and efficient path through life. Frequently people ask how astrology can help them. Why and how does astrology work? Many people wonder, ‘is it the same as fortune telling’? The sources for insight are celestial bodies, but the interpretation part of astrology is very much an art.

Consider some interesting facts from the history books. For ages, astrologers were soothsayers mainly to royalty and or the wealthy. Respected and leaned people had the advantage of this fine system of stellar assistance. The list of possible guidance that one may glean from astrology is varied and long. Some people look for and get validation of their life path, along with a clearer vision of what is appropriate at the time. Astrology often helps a person refine that which they already know; and provides details on timing by addressing actual calendar time. It gives a handle on which tools to use, and puts a spotlight on places where one might be resistant. Just like in the story of Rapunzel, the very act of naming the witch takes away her power. Our unconscious is brought into light by identifying situations as well as personal qualities in ourselves. With guidance and conscious choices, we can adjust our course as we sail into life.

British Law

As a profession, astrology suffered from the same ill wind that eradicated millions of healers in Europe- religion combined with socio-economic class struggle. Astrologers were regulated by law in 16th century England. Prior to 1700 in England there wasn’t much of a middle class, rather just the very rich and the very poor. Many of the poor people were transients who stole from the rich in order to survive. In addition to theft, many of them also took to telling fortunes using any method the consumer wanted; i.e. – tea leaves, crystal ball, or a horoscope.

The British Vagrancy Act was legislated to make it harder for these transients- the gypsies- to earn a living. In the Vagrancy Act, (c.1730) the terms ‘Astrologer’ and ‘Horoscope Reader’ first appeared as explicitly illegal. By the 1800’s, gypsies wandering throughout the United States appeared on the scene, practicing their craft of prediction as one means of livelihood. Along with many other British laws, the Vagrancy Act was adopted by the United States colonies, effectively naming ‘Astrologer’ as an illegal or regulated profession.

One of the most famous early American Astrologers was Evangeline Adams; born (approximately) 1868 and died in 1933. (She was apparently not forthcoming in revealing her true date of birth). Evangeline Adams came to early professional notoriety by accurately predicting a hotel fire, and she later became famous for her predictive accuracy in a New York City court room. She also incorporated palmistry as part of her intuitive repertoire.

American Law

Adams was consulted by famous clients such as singer Enrico Caruso and financial wizard JP Morgan. It was her relationship with JP Morgan that was the basis of her being framed and subsequently place on trial in an American court of law- for ‘fortune telling’. Allegedly, personal enemies of Morgan managed to have her set up in a sting operation, in order that she be prosecuted for that old law stemming from the British Vagrancy Act. Adams was summonsed to preserve her career in court. And, in a coup famous in modern astrological history, Adams successfully defended her profession by accurately interpreting the natal chart of an associate of the judge. Some sources say it was the judges son, others infer a close friend.

Evangeline Adams was for a time also a close personal friend of occultist Aleister Crowley. They reputedly collaborated on either one or two of her first books, but the writing credits went only to Adams. Her first book is ‘Astrology, Finding Your Place in the Sun’; the second is ‘Astrology, Finding Your Place Among the Stars’. I have read them both, and they are very different. It’s the writing style that was most telling. Both style and content of the first book remind me of Crowley’s tarot manuscript, ‘Book of Thoth’; full of long drawn out sentences with nebulous images. Her second book, ‘Finding Your Place Among the Stars’ is descriptive and passionately written; it’s like reading a novel with thrilling tales of sex, death, intrigue, and love. Adams’ first book may be a reflection of her short lived attraction to an individual, but the second one is an expression of her love for her craft.

Natural Law

If astrology is a predictive art that can pinpoint trends in an individual’s future, is it possible to foretell earth changes as well? The shock of disaster caused by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami from the December 26 earthquake will be with us for a long time, and the heart of humanity has been opened even more. Amazingly, this natural disaster was predicted by a team of geological research scholars affiliated with the University of Madras, India. The research team, headed by N. Venkatanathan, presented their prediction in New Delhi on December 22, 4 days before the event. The team states that by observing planetary positioning and correlating earth geology of a certain area, placement as well as magnitude of earthquakes can be predicted with accuracy at least one month in advance

The prediction was remarkably precise as to both time and place. Mr. Venkatanathan predicted a 6 to 7 magnitude disaster would occur on December 26th at 00:30 GMT near Banyak Island, Sumatra, Indonesia. (The actual event was a magnitude 9, it was 28 minutes later, at 00:58 GMT; and located off the west coast of northern Sumatra, only 157 kilometers away from the predicted epicenter). The earthquake predictive team did not anticipate the subsequent tidal wave and destruction caused by this tragedy.

The Indian geologic research team also wants to establish recognition protocol for earthquake precursors such as fore shocks and changes in ground water level. When two or more planets, including the Sun and Moon are exactly aligned with the Earth, the Earth is caught in the middle of a huge gravity struggle between the Sun and the planets. These gravitational stresses actually change the orbiting speed of the Earth. When the orbit speed changes, the tectonic plate also is affected; just as people standing on a moving bus would collide with each other if the driver were to suddenly apply the brakes. This momentum and subsequent gravitational halt is predictable and can be calculated using available scientific software. Certainly this is a brilliant example of how modern advances combine with an ancient art.

Even in India, where astrologers are respected and known for their accurate predictions, the geologic research team was not taken seriously until after the earthquake event. Certainly, this type of research promotes a major advance in blending physics and metaphysics. Astrology is a reminder that we are interwoven not only with others of our species, but also with the stars and our lovely home planet Earth. Think of astrology as a vessel that helps us sail through life with a supportive wind; one that helps us get even better at going with the flow.

Magic Bus: The Mutual Reception of Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius

In the name of keeping up with current events, I again postpone Part II of the Astrolocality discussion. There’s another intriguing astrological ingress (or time when a planet makes a change of sign) to discuss; January 2004 marks the month Uranus enters Pisces where it stays until March of 2011. Uranus, the Facilitator is now leaving his electrically charged domain in Aquarius and entering the magnetic mysticism of Pisces.

Mutual Reception

Uranus was discovered in 1781, the first planet to be found with a telescope. With an 84 year orbit, Uranus opens the doorway to the ‘modern’ or outer planets: those which symbolize humanity’s grasp for personal freedom and higher consciousness. Next in line, Neptune came to light 65 years later, in 1846. Neptune’s orbit takes 165 years. Uranus has been passing through Aquarius, his sign of astrological rulership for the past eight years. In Pisces, Uranus must again learn to speak the feeling language of deep water and waves. Part of what makes this change of Uranus into Pisces so intriguing is that Neptune, planetary ruler of Pisces, remains in Aquarius. This relative positioning between the two planets and signs is called ‘mutual reception’ and is part of what makes the upcoming years ever more filled with unknowable potential.

Old and New

Both planets are inspirational. Uranus’ motivation is expression of power and personal freedom to be One; that of Neptune and Pisces is dissolution of boundaries in order to blend into unity with the One. Neptune infuses heart and soul into the ethers of Aquarius. Astrologer Evangeline Adams (1868 – 1932) eloquently describes Neptune in Aquarius as the ‘flame of conscience’ with spiritual courage, idealism, and vision. Adams cites the French Revolution as well as the fighting spirit of American Civil War soldiers as examples of Neptune in Aquarius- being willing to give one’s life for a humanitarian ideal. These days we have suicide bombers. Uranus can be thought of as a planet of individualized will; part of Neptune’s function is a willingness to surrender to a higher ideal. In keeping with this urge to blend, Neptune also has great healing powers, and surely as this planet continues its transit through Aquarius we will benefit from ancient therapeutic modalities being given new recognition. With complement, as Uranus enters Pisces, old systems develop new methods of delivery; especially when assisted by the effect of mutual reception.

Roaring 20’s

The Jazz Age. For clues about the seed energy of Uranus in Pisces, one place to search is the history books. Uranus last entered Pisces in January of 1920. At that time, Neptune was at 10 ° Leo. This time, January 2004, Neptune sits just opposite, at 10 ° of Aquarius. Aided by objectivity of time and experience, a marked contrast emerges between the dark and light side of the 20’s. Art Deco, dance, and creative expression are part of the memory bubble; but so are prohibition, race riots, and the rise of the Nazi party which held its first Congress on January 27th, 1923. In keeping with the Piscean aspect of surrender one can look back on the rise of fascism as a movement that surrendered individual will (Uranus) in hope for redemption (Pisces) through a charismatic (Leo) leader. (Pluto in Cancer lends the archetype of a ‘bad’ parent.) Unfortunately, many of the redeemers (Neptune) of the 20’s were self serving despots. Not all, though. In August of 1920 the US congress passed the 19th Amendment, granting women the right to vote. And, by November over one million people were out of work because of labor disputes. This is an example where the workers organized (Uranus) and demanded to be part of (Pisces) the company’s profit plan.

Intuitive Technology

November 1920 brought the first live radio broadcast, and by January 1923, the first wireless telephone call was sent from New York to London. Clearly Uranus the Creator likes invisible energy transmission, especially those that inform or awaken us. Knowledge is power; and now we take the technological strides gained as Uranus transited his domain in Aquarius, while adding the watery merging qualities of Pisces and Neptune. Inevitably, these energetic transmissions will become more and more sophisticated, especially as scientists look deeply into the natural world filled with mystery. What new creations step out of Neptune’s watery primordial matrix? Thinking computers; reasoning robots? At what point does consciousness imbue persona into man made machines? It seems the message of our age is one of accepting our mantle of co-creators and true children of ‘the One’, call it spirit, creator, or God. Truly, we are becoming empowered, and as we learn to accept responsibility (gotta have that Saturn) our creative abilities will grow. It’s the ultimate redemption.

Artistic Originality

I find it a bit sad that the mass media feels a need to air re-runs of sit coms from the 70’s. Even music is sadly lacking in inspiration. Contemporary artists who want a ‘sure hit’ often go back to performing earlier songs that assure acceptance. Another change I see on the horizon as Uranus enters Pisces is true originality in art and music. Again, it goes back to that primordial creative spark. The 20’s were a renaissance with shortened skirts and lowered hemlines part of the memoir. Ouranos (Uranus) is Father of Saturn and consort of Gaia; the original ‘wild man’. He may be a bit awkward with the arts, but cut him loose in Pisces, and wow, watch for the fireworks. Inventiveness, expression, and acceptance now become viable parts of the artistic world.

Fantastic Voyage

How can this ingress not be just one of the most exciting events of the year? A most powerful image for Uranus is that of lightening over water and the resulting rain that pours down; the essential force of creation meets divine matrix. Indeed, we are setting sail today into a world filled with trepidation but also wonder. Realistically, we know all is not rosy in the world picture, either; humanitarian concerns must be addressed. Little tests prepare us for big tests. Magically, if we each give a little, the results increase exponentially. And, what better place is there to begin than at home and in our everyday lives? Yes, the world grostyle increasingly impersonal and complex, but our true needs remain simple. Shamanic journeys and trips around the world all begin and end at the same place; with love and a pure heart.

Venus: Goddess of the Morning Star

Venus has been waiting patiently for her turn to speak. Rising silently from her scallop shell in the foamy ocean, the Goddess of Desire invites us to explore her multi faceted beauty. According to Greek legend, Venus /Aphrodite was conceived of scattered semen from Ouranos after he was castrated by his son Saturn. As a child of the sky god and the fertile sea womb, Venus emerged fully mature from primordial waters which mirror our instinctive desires to merge with love; be it the subjective desire of our imagination, or a real life object of our pursuit.

Venus has a deep mystical side, but she also symbolizes basic attractions. Even her astrological symbol looks strikingly like a hand held mirror, reminiscent of the maiden who admires herself. By necessity, her playing field is the realm of relationships, but Venus rules all aspects of love and attraction. The root definition of love is “fond desire” which has many aspects, including religious devotion as well as brotherly love. Venus’s domain is Eros, the quality of sexual passion and romantic love. Eros also contains a quality of relatedness. We most often think of falling in love with another person; but what about that of shoes you just have to own? The insatiable need comes from you, the buyer. Enticingly, though, the hypnotic power of attraction is fueled by perfectly styled smooth black leather shoes, the object of desire.

In modern astrology, Venus helps identify what is pleasing to us, as well as our style of drawing it in. Venus attracts primarily by magnetism. Mars, the red warrior planet reaches out in active pursuit, chasing after what he desires. Mars is related to our vital energy, enthusiasm, and the impulses to protect ourselves. Venus identifies with the object of her desire and works primarily to meet the needs of affection. Love fuels our sense of beauty, as well as appreciation for others; hence, the other representatives of Venus’ domain – art, music, and literature.

The arts are well tempered in Libra, one of the signs ruled by Venus. Balance, equality, sensibility, and relationships are all key words for Libra. Taurus, the sign so easily associated with spring fertility and nature is her other expression. Is it surprising that the apple is one of Aphrodite’s fruits? Most of us grew up with the story about Eve partaking of her forbidden delight. Venus is also represented by the tortoise, swallostyle, and cooing doves. Doves were symbolic of the female sexual organs to early pagans, and have been associated with feminine lore in countless other traditions. Swans were also sacred to Aphrodite. Zeus (father of Venus) took the shape of a swan when he made love to the mortal Ledo. Visualize the long graceful neck of a swan and its majestic white body. Metaphysically swans teach us how to open to our inner beauty and express it to the outer world. Swans are noted for their trait of choosing life long mates.

The Venus of Greek mythology was wedded but not committed to fidelity. This mother of Cupid ruled sexual love and instinctual behavior. Venus was married to Vulcan, a god of fire and metalwork who labored tirelessly to create perfectly manufactured objects that would please her. However, Venus was never able to honor Vulcan’s need for monogamy. She is linked to a succession of lovers, and was especially attracted to the fearsome god of war, Aries.

One often repeated story of the escapades of Venus and Aries tells of how Vulcan trapped the two lovers in bed with a magic net forged of gold chains. Once the helpless pair was secured in his palace on Mount Olympus, Vulcan called upon the other deities to witness the sight of the chained lovers. His intent was to embarrass Venus as punishment for her infidelity. Much to Vulcan’s dismay, most of the other gods were not swayed by this humiliating spectacle. Mercury stated that he would willingly change places with Mars to be allowed the pleasure of Venus’s company. And, the female goddesses, in solidarity with Venus, gave no support to Vulcan. In keeping with Piscean qualities of compassion and mystical love, Venus and Aries were finally released at the insistence of Neptune.

Venus shines prominently in the night sky, and even progresses through phases similar to the moon. She is almost equal to Earth in size and mass; but rotates clockwise, as opposed to earth’s counterclockwise movement. Given her visibility, it’s not surprising she plays such an important role in ancient cultures. The Mayans aligned their temple pyramids to the rising of celestial bodies, and used Moon/Venus cycles to calculate their interlocking sacred and secular calendars. Venus shines brightly in the sky as a morning or evening star but there are also periods of time when she is not visible from earth. This cycle holds a key to deeper understanding of how feminine power has been diminished as male dominated warring cultures gained ascendancy.

Some of our earliest surviving myths come from the Sumerian culture (approximately 2000 BCE) in the area known today as Iraq. The Sumerian goddess Inanna, is an early Venus archetype. Inanna of the Morning Star had to journey to the underworld where she was trapped and rendered naked and defenseless. Only by her cunning and strength does she gain release. Another early Venus-star deity is Ishtar, who also travels in the underworld to bring back her lover Tammuz. After a terrifying ordeal, she is returned to the land of the living because the other gods cannot abide even their utopian existence without a goddess of love. Ishtar returns to reign as the Queen of Heaven, though without her lover, Tammuz.

Sadly, our early mother goddesses have lost some strengths as they were assimilated and diluted through Greek and then Roman world view. Early Venus-star goddesses were strong willed queens who integrated their power through a heroic descent to the underworld. Venus has retained her allure and sexuality, but Queen Ishtar has been fatally boiled down to Marilyn Monroe; a vision of beauty, but not of personal strength. The “heavy lifting” still gets brought to the table, but now by other personifications of human struggles, such as Pluto and Persephone. Isn’t it telling that both Ishtar and Inanna were stripped naked while in the underworld? Love surely has the power to reveal our true essence. Common to all ages, the need for love is one of our most powerful human drives. The transformational power of love remains eternal, and of course we enjoy the fruits of Venus as we know her; in relationships and other pleasures that make the world go ’round.

The Ancient Art of Chinese Astrology

The Chinese system of astrology differs significantly from the Western derived system. One major difference is that the star groupings or constellations were viewed and named differently. And, where the Western system emphasized placement of planets as viewed from earth, the Chinese system placed primary importance on the daily motion of the Moon and planets. Much of the emphasis of traditional Chinese astrology lies in divination by observing the moon and planets as influenced by the earth’s atmosphere. So, for instance, if the planet Mars was observed as having a peculiar golden glow at a certain hour of the night, that would have special significance. Some of these specialties have been revived today through the art of Feng Shui, but many details of this specific oriental art have been lost to the ravages of time and modern civilization.

The first cycle of the Chinese Zodiac in use today was introduced in 2637 BC (some sources say much earlier) by Emperor Huang Ti. This ‘art form’ developed as the Chinese writing system emerged and joined with philosophy. Chinese Astrology uses the balance theory of Yin-Yang Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth) to predict people’s future. It is a complex discipline in its own right based in the philosophy of Confucius, Lao-tse and especially the I Ching.

The system of Chinese astrology which has survived intact and is popularly practiced today is a twelve year system which ascribes animal characteristics to people born in a certain year. At first glance, this may seem to be simplistic, but closer examination reveals amazing synchronicities.

According to Chinese legend, the order of the twelve signs was determined by Buddha, upon celebration of the Chinese New Year. Buddha invited all of the animals in the kingdom together for a meeting, but only 12 creatures actually came. The first animal to arrive was the sociable Rat. Next was the steady and persevering Ox, followed by the magnetic, courageous Tiger, and self reliant Cat. The spirited Dragon joined next, along with the wise and charming Snake. Then came Horse in a reckless fury, followed by the artistic Goat. Later, the clever Monkey and the self assured Rooster joined rank. Last to arrive were the loyal Dog and the devoted Pig. Buddha gave each animal a year of its own, bestowing the nature and characteristics of each to those born in that animals year.

See if you can find yourself, your mate or children. It is also important to note that the Chinese New Year calendar starts on variable dates; always on the second new moon after winter solstice. Because of this, those born in January and February should check a reliable Chinese calendar to find out for sure what their animal sign is. As the Chinese say, ‘This is the animal that hides in your heart’.

The Rat: 1912; 1924; 1936; 1948; 1960; 1972; 1984; 1996; 2008

The Western use of the term in a derogatory sense does not apply. Charming and likeable; sociable with elegant manners and fine tastes. Noted for honesty and a sense of fair play, though ruthless when crossed. An angel in the crowd but a devil at home. Apt to take up a social cause or work for a charity. Nocturnal, works best during the quite hours of night. Studious and quick witted. Hunger for contact may lead to weight problem.
Famous Rats- Marlon Brando (1924) Al Gore (1948) James Taylor (1948)

The Ox: 1913; 1925; 1937; 1949; 1961; 1973; 1985; 1997; 2009

Steady achiever; can succeed where others fail because of perseverance. Excel in method and routine. Cautious and conservative about new ideas. Will always have a goal in mind, a means to an end. Easy going and calm. Family is important, but male oxen are essentially self reliant loners. Likes the country and the country life. Achievers.
Famous Oxen- Bill Cosby (1937) Princess Diana (1961) Saddam Hussein (1937)

The Tiger: 1914; 1926; 1938; 1950; 1962; 1974; 1986; 1998; 2010

An iron fist in a velvet glove. Fiercely competitive. Proud and defensive with unpredictable moods. Magnetic leaders with honorable intentions. Courageous and with an innate sense of good luck. Like to be in a position of authority. Quarrelsome.
Famous Tigers- Miles Davis (1926) Marilyn Monroe (1926) MC Hammer (1962)

The Cat: (or Rabbit): 1915; 1927; 1939; 1951; 1963; 1975; 1987; 1999; 2011

Avoids confrontation when possible, but brave when the chips are down. Sensitive to environment; hate disorder or mental confusion. Self protective and discreet. Can have hypochondriacal tendencies. Self reliant and caring, yet aloof. Gifted, yet traditional.
Famous Cats- Fidel Castro (1927) Judy Collins (1939) Dale Earnhardt (1951) Tiger Woods (1975)

The Dragon: 1916; 1928; 1940; 1952; 1964; 1976; 1988; 2000; 2012

A risk taker with a leaning towards the occult. Impulsive and can be short tempered. A love of ceremony and ritual; Artistic and often enter the world of entertainment. Strong willed, elusive, and can be selfish. Restless in love; looking for the next challenge.
Famous Dragons- Salvador Dali (1904) John Lennon (1940) Jimmy Connors (1952) Courtney Love (1964)

The Snake: 1917; 1929; 1941; 1953; 1965; 1977; 1989; 2001; 2013

Methodical with a reputation for wisdom. An elegant connoisseur who may be scandalized because of naiveté. Cerebral and cultivated. Well bred, and soft spoken. Beautiful and charming, yet has a forbidding quality. Lucky, but can be vengeful sore losers.
Famous Snakes- Yasser Arafat (1929) Dick Cheney (1941) John Edwards (1953) Oprah Winfrey (Jan, 1954) Martha Stewart (1941)

The Horse: 1918; 1930; 1942; 1954; 1966; 1978; 1990; 2002; 2014

A symbol of yang, or masculine ambitions and/or leisure activities. Independent. Restless, always on the go. Eloquent and quick witted. Hard workers. Can be impatient and tactless. Inspire confidence and earn respect in the community. Love to travel.
Famous Horses- Neil Armstrong (1930) Janis Joplin (1942) Paul McCartney (1942)

The Goat (or Sheep): 1919; 1931; 1943; 1955; 1967; 1979; 1991; 2003; 2015

Complementary sign to the Horse, represents the yin feminine principle. Peaceful and contemplative with an interest in music and poetry. Capricious, charming, nature lovers who are vulnerable, absent minded, and shy, yet are engaging. Impractical, but surround themselves with organizers. An earthy seductive sensuality. Undisciplined malcontents.
Famous Goats- John Kerry (1943) Mick Jagger (1943) Kurt Cobain (1967) Julia Roberts (1967)

The Monkey: 1920; 1932; 1944; 1956; 1968; 1980; 1992; 2004

Skillful dexterity and technological ability. Humorous and mischievous. Fascinating and clever problem solvers. Can get discouraged, lose interest, and may wander in marriage. Intrigued by fantasy. Ambiguous honesty, easily creates own facts. Opportunistic.
Famous Monkeys- Charlie Parker (1920) Elizabeth Taylor (1932) Johnny Cash (1932)

The Rooster: 1921; 1933; 1945; 1969; 1981; 1993; 2005

Competitive and aggressive, resourceful and self assured. Think that rules are made to be broken. Enthusiastic and vivacious. Love of travel. Can be short sighted and brazen. Compassionate thinkers who can protect themselves when necessary. Inventive.
Famous Roosters- Yoko Ono (1933) Katherine Hepburn (1909) Carly Simon (1945)

The Dog: 1922; 1934; 1946; 1958; 1970; 1982; 1994; 2006

A firm and loyal friend strong on defense, protection, and loyalty to the family. Magnanimous and philosophical. Possess an inner insecurity, though will champion causes for others. Can be pessimistic or stubborn. Perspective limited by circumstances.
Famous Dogs- Ralph Nader (1934) Bill Clinton (1946) George W Bush (1946) Madonna (1958) Elvis Presley (Jan 1935)

The Pig: 1923; 1935; 1947; 1959; 1971; 1983; 1995; 2007

Home makers and concerned with welfare of others. Truthful and sincere. Loyal humanitarians. Unwilling to take advice even though their judgment is not always the best. Loving and sensitive, but can be easy prey. Usually a devoted mate and partner.
Famous Pigs- Elton John (1947) Carlos Santana (1947) Hillary Clinton (1947) Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947)

An excellent source for more information on this topic is a book titled “Chinese Astrology, Plain and Simple” by Suzanne White. First published in 1976, and reprinted in 2000, Ms. White has sold over 2 million copies of her book worldwide. The new edition (387 pages) released in 2000 is thorough and well worth the cover price of $12.95.

Any system, when used properly, that helps us to understand ourselves and others better, can only improve our lives. I must confess that a closer examination of Chinese Astrology has revealed some surprising relationship insights for me. Closing with best astrological wishes for all.

Information Sources: ‘The Astrology Encyclopedia’, 1994 by James R. Lewis and for birth years of famous people.

Back to Basics

Homage to Amun-Re, the brilliant Sun god who sailed his boat across the hot Egyptian sky every day. By night, when the Sun set (or died) Amun-Re continued his nautical journey through the underworld and 12 hours of darkness. The doorway into each hour of the underground was guarded by frightening demons which Amun-Re hads to overcome in order to realize his sacred mission; to be reborn with the next dawn.

The Sun has been honored throughout history as a force of life and vitality. Equally important is the Moon, which brings mystical light to the night sky. The Sun and Moon are considered primary “lights” of the astrological chart. Indeed, Sun sign astrology has spawned an industry of daily nestylepaper columns and livened up many party conversations. The Sun sign is an important part of astrological interpretation, though not the only one. A complete astrological portrait includes all of the known planets in our solar system, and is a synchronistic interplay of time and space on a human soul. This article is to honor our primal movers, the Sun and Moon.

The Sun represents a focal point, or center for personality. Consider how the planets of our solar system circle around the blazing light, held in orbit by its powerful gravitational pull. Instinctively, we all know that the Sun gives life. The inner core of the Sun contains hydrogen atoms which fuse into helium and send out energy in the form of blistering gamma rays, just as the soul pours out an inner drive for expression. The Sun illuminates archetypical drive and focus represented by each astrological sign. Key words for Sun are; vitality, creativity, exhibition, and dignity.

The ruling element of the Sun is fire. Picture a camp fire at night; flames leaping hungrily into the sky. The fire is fueled by air and wood, and sustained on earth. Fire is considered to be representative of Spirit. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac is a cardinal, or action starting fire sign. The focus of Aries is “I Am”. Aries represents the primal burst of spirit into human form. Sagittarius, the 9th sign of the zodiac is a mutable fire sign which seeks expression through the keynote phrase “I Am- Free”. Personal freedom to expand consciousness is the lifeblood of a Sagittarian. Spirit develops wisdom through travel and an unencumbered outlook in Sagittarius. Vibrant Leo seeks expression through creativity and charisma. This fixed fire sign says “Look at – Me”. Leo wants recognition and refines the energy of fire through development of personality and ego. The ruling planet of Leo is our glistening mentor, the Sun, or Amen – Re sailing his vessel across the bright sky.

All Sun myths share a common storyline telling of the time when Sol disappears into the cold night and of resurrection to a new day. At night, Amen -Re enters the mysterious domain of an equally powerful light, the Moon. Notably, the Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon. However, because the Moon is 400 times closer to the earth, they both appear to be of equal size. The Moon rules a labyrinth of emotions and hidden fears. This ever changing luminary even moves the oceanic tides. How can it not influence human beings, the children of earth? The Moon represents our instinctual drives; primarily how we FEEL.

In Hindu (or Vedic) astrology, the Moon is the single most important influence on a chart. The Moon takes top priority because it responsible for the overall happiness and well being of a person. The Vedic Sun also rules confidence, authority, power, and status, but is considered a malefic, or negative planet because of its intense heat. The Moon rules peace of mind, comfort, ease of life, affluence, and fame. Both Western and Vedic astrology agree on elemental assignment of the Moon, that of water.

One element that can totally dampen the pure energy of fire is, as we all know – water. Emotions are the domain element water. Campfires are most beautiful beside a lake or the ocean. Clear water reflects the rising flames, day or night. We frolic and immerse ourselves in its fluid release; return to the primal womb. Late at night, before retiring from the day, we dostylee our campfire with the nurturing fluid to insure that the unpredictable fire will not resurrect and burn out of control when unattended.

Consider the changing forms of water; it can be contained in a vessel, frozen, or constantly moving as a river. The sign Scorpio is represents fixed (or frozen) water. Betray the intense Scorpio, and you will know the meaning of being “frozen out” of his or her life. Dreamy Pisces portrays mutable or moving water. The two fishes, here, there, everywhere; but you cannot catch them easily. Pisces is the inspirational Mystic – ungrounded, and unfathomable. Cancer, the sensitive shy crab is assigned the cardinal, or action starting qualities of the emotional water element. Cancer is the “moonchild”, silly, changeable and always busy. One of the body parts ruled by the Moon and Cancer is the stomach. Have you ever noticed how people with a Cancer Sun or Moon are strategically planning their next meal?

Western and Vedic astrology both agree in assignment of female gender qualities to the Moon, and place masculine association with the Sun. Nonetheless, there have been many female Sun goddesses throughout history. One notable deity is the Japanese Sun Goddess Amaterasu. The best known story of Amaterasu is about the day she fought with her unruly brother the Storm god and withdrew into a cave, causing the world to become dark and uninhabitable. Only Uzume, the Goddess of mirth was able to entice her interest with a bawdy show of dancing and singing. When Amaterasu curiously looked out her cave door, she was dazzled by her own beauty reflected in a mirror, and came out again to shine her light on the world.

Oprah: We Love You!

Oprah Winfrey is one of the most visible and financially prosperous celebrities in the world, and she has set a high standard for show-biz royalty as well as every day people. Her astrological chart and Astro*Carto*Graphy maps reveal much about her personal and professional life.

The Power of Free Will Choice

Oprah Winfrey is a confirmation for astrology combined with the triumph of personal will. She has a powerful natal chart, but that alone does not pre-ordain the beacon which she has become.

Sharing a synchronicity of time and space, we are all born into a blueprint which is revealed in the natal astrological chart. However, we also have the power to create our destiny. Evolving through the combination of astrology and free will, we co-create in a unique world which empowers us to determine what we wish to manifest.

Oprah’s chart reveals her gift of beauty, her courage, and mystique. It also exposes her challenges. She was born with her Sun in the sign of Aquarius. This fixed air sign, also known as the Water Bearer, is distinguished by its desire to dispense knowledge and wisdom. Ruled by the planet Uranus, Aquarius is also independent in both lifestyle and thought. Oprah’s Sun is also joined by the planet Venus, Goddess of beauty and love.

Oprah, you are beautiful! The photographers love to capture your image, the public adores you and your pets, and you always look – gorgeous!

With her Sun, Venus, and Mercury all in Aquarius, what we see is what we get. Oprah doesn’t pull punches and she thinks well on her feet. As a fixed air sign, Aquarius is also known for holding steadfast to an opinion; another quality which enhances her strength. She will entertain ideas other than her own, but only after careful evaluation.

An 11th house Moon in Sagittarius readily enhances her positive Aquarian qualities. Here is more of her drive for independence combined with frank speech – she’s sassy! And, considering that she also has Mars in Scorpio, (which challenges her natal Pluto) this makes her potentially armed and dangerous. Unfortunately, she had to develop her strength through battles against worthy opponents. Oprah, however, exemplifies a positive example of Mars in Scorpio (in the 11th house); a passionate fighter for the causes which she believes in, especially those which uplift a troubled society.

Another major piece of any astrological profile is the ascendant, or rising sign, which is determined by one’s time of birth. Oprah’s ascendant is also Sagittarius, the same sign as her Moon.

The Sabian Symbols

The Sabian Symbols are an oracular branch of astrology developed in 1923 by Marc Edmund Jones. They offer a synchronistic message for each degree of the zodiac, and those related to Oprah’s Moon sign and ascendant are compelling.

The Sabian message for her Moon or emotional essence is: “An old owl up in a tree. This is a symbol of steadiness and normality in human affairs combined with exceptional wisdom in each detail of personal accomplishment.” (1)

The Sabian message for Oprah’s ascendant, a reflection of her personality and how she presents herself, is equally fascinating: “The Pope. A symbol of human excellence and special values exalted in social and political hierarchies of modern civilization.” (2)

As another champion for free will choice, Marc Edmond Jones challenged the notion that astrology creates destiny. Instead, he taught that astrology helps people see their own tendencies clearly, so that they can decide what they want to do for themselves.

Oprah’s Natal Chart

The planets already mentioned do explain some of Oprah’s drive, but, still, what makes her “tick?” And, why does the public love her so much? It is because she also loves the public! Neptune, the planet of glamour is in her astrological sector of career and public image.

Part of her universal appeal is that each person sees themselves in her. Monday through Friday, at 4 PM, she dispenses benediction to us all; the female Pope becoming Sophia, supreme goddess of wisdom. We love her, and because of her outstanding development of free will choice, she has become deserving of our admiration.

Next, what do the stars reveal about her personal life? Here’s a shining example for astrology 101 – Uranus conjunct the South Node in the 7th house. We already know she’s independent, but now we see that she has “issues” around personal relationships; deep, soul issues. Astrologer Stephen Forrest teaches that the combination of Uranus and the South Node is a marker of past lifetime chaos; someone whose loving relationships were uncontrollably swept away.

Always opposite the South Node, or karmic past, is the North Node. Here is our mission; what we came into this lifetime to learn about. Oprah has her North Node in Capricorn, conjunct the wounded healer planet/asteroid, Chiron. She could be a great hand’s on healer. Instead, she heals the world through her hands on approach. With Jupiter in the 6th house, she grows spiritually through her good works.

She has made no secret about her early struggles which include the death of her first and only child, as well as sexual abuse. These are experiences which might be expected of someone with Pluto, the planet of transformation, in the 8th house of life and death. Courageously, Oprah has shared what might otherwise be dearly held as a deep secret and taught by example the value of bringing light to our dark places.


As an expression of her desire to empower those less fortunate, in January of 2007, Oprah opened the Leadership Academy for Girls, a private school just outside of Johannesburg, South Africa. In her own words, she “fell in love with the beauty and spirit of Africa.”

Astro*Carto*Graphy is a branch of astrology which looks at personal resonant earth locations. Look at the planetary lines which Oprah has directly over Johannesburg; Sun, Venus, and Saturn. Immediately, her self expressed (Sun) love for the girls (Venus) is evident. Her sacrifice and commitment to them are sanctioned by Saturn.

Natal A*C*G Map for Oprah Winfrey, South Africa

So far, we have examined Oprah’s natal chart. The term “transits” refers to where the planets are in the sky as of a current date. Not surprisingly, she has been influenced by some powerful transiting planest, most notably the archetype of wholesale change, Pluto. Using a birth time of 4:30 AM, which appears to be accurate, based on the placement of her A*C*G lines, Oprah faced some fearsome challenges in 2007, and she will have more transformations in 2008.

One of her most publicly daunting events was the abuse scandal which rocked the girls’ academy in South Africa. With Pluto transiting her ascendant, and having this planet in her natal 8th house of sexuality and hidden things, it is not unexpected, (from an astrologer’s point of view) that she would have to deal with such a challenge. She also had the planet Neptune transiting her natal Mercury. Predictably, she was deceived and had to untangle a web of lies. However, based on the strength of her natal chart, it’s no surprise that she took on the task like a warrior.

The next map, calculated for August of 2007, illustrates the wounded healer Chiron, traveling over Johannesburg. This map confirms the accuracy and power of Astro*Carto*Graphy. As Chiron moves over her beloved Girls Academy, a sexual abuse scandal is bought out into the public eye; she faces the injury and brings closure to a wound from her personal past.

C*C*G update map for Oprah Winfrey, August 2007

With transiting Pluto on her ascendant for most of 2008, it’s a sure bet that parts of her old life will be transformed. Already, she has broken new ground by endorsing Presidential candidate Barack Obama. After September, as her progressed Moon enters her 12th house of solitude, she will want even more time for personal reflection. Even the queen of publicity deserves some privacy.

This short analysis barely scratches the surface of all that is revealed by a birth chart. Truly, astrologers are never bored because we can always dig out more relevant information on every little detail surrounding any person; it’s a great past time!

What astrology cannot predict, however, is that marker of true individuality, how each person opens their box of potential. This is what truly makes life, and people, interesting.

Oprah Winfrey has taken her unique set of astrological gifts and challenges and created an elegant symphony. Through her mastery of free will choice, she has brought in light where there was darkness. She is beacon of courage and grace who has touched so many lives in a personal way. Thank you, Oprah, for being beautiful you.

Oprah's Chart Wheel

Oprah’s Chart Wheel

(1) Dr. Marc Edmund Jones. The Sabian Symbols in Astrology. The Marc Edmund Jones Literary Trust, 1993. ISBN: 0-943358-40-X (2) ibid Natal Chart for Oprah Winfrey Data source: AstroDataBank