Astrology is an art and science that secures our place in the natural world.

  “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.”
. . . . JP Morgan

If you are facing an important decision, the SERVICES of a good astrologer can be one of your most valuable assets. Astrology  is the most objective of the intuitive arts. Your astrological chart is based upon a specific array of mathematical calculations which adds precision and objectivity to the astrological arena.

Today,  people from ALL walks of life utilize astrology to aid in making decisions. Often, people just need a confirmation, or illumination, that their urgings are in accord with living their highest potential.

Physicist Albert Einstein said : “Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it.”

Because of the mathematical origins of astrology, it is the perfect tool to originate an unbiased observation.  In the Middle Ages, magi, scholars, and even the papacy embraced astrology. Pope Julius II (1443–1513) trusted his astrologers to set the date for his coronation; Pope Paul III (1468–1549) was guided throughout life by his horoscope.

French psychologist and statistician Michel Gauquelin  spent more than 30 years investigating astrology, exhaustive research that led him to give verification to the importance of the planetary positions at a person’s birth.

After years of analysis,  Gauqelin, originally a vowed critic of astrology, made the following statement: ‘On the whole, it emerged that there was an increasingly solid statistical link between the time of birth of great men and their occupational success. … Having collected over 20,000 dates of birth of professional celebrities from various European countries and from the United States, I had to draw the unavoidable conclusion that the position of the planets at birth is linked to one’s destiny. What a challenge to the rational mind!’

The work of Michel Gauqelin and his wife Francoise, is a foundation of the theory of Astro*Carto*Graphy.

ZOLAR: ‘Astrology is like gravity. You don’t have to believe in it for it to be working in your life’.

To receive the benefits of astrology, you need only entertain an open mind; a good astrologer will take care of the rest.

President Theodore Roosevelt kept his horoscope mounted on a chess board in the oval office. When asked about it he would reply, “I always keep my weather eye on the opposition of my seventh house Moon to my first house Mars.”

Many people are familiar with the idea that President Ronald Regan and his wife Nancy utilized the services of an astrologer. Also, Admiral George Dewey (1837–1917) and President Grover Cleveland (1837–1908) consulted astrologers throughout their lives. John J. O’Neill, science editor of the New York Herald Tribune, the first science writer to win a Pulitzer Prize, began as a skeptic and ended up a believer in astrology.

Psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung (1875–1961) used astrology charts to assist him in diagnosis and treatment of his patients.

Astrology has worked for people throughout the ages; if you have a question, don’t hesitate to call on the same resources used by Popes, Presidents, Scientists, and people just like YOU! Call 1*888*588*6292 today for expert astrological advice.