It’s About Time | Mercury, Jupiter, and June Gold

It’s About Time | Mercury, Jupiter, and June Gold

It’s amazing that the month of June is right around the corner, and, the best thing is that June begins like a Beethoven symphony. Beethoven’s magic was expressing emotion through music.
First, let’s look at:
Mercury conjunct Uranus May 31st

Uranus, known as ‘the Great Awakener’ is a higher octave planet of Mercury. Just like in music, the planets have special vibrational resonances.

There is far more to Mercury than communication, but that’s  good place to start. Science is increasingly teaching that communication is a Universal concept. We all know that animals communicate, and recently there are studies saying that trees communicate with other trees!

So, astrologically speaking, Mercury conjunct Uranus is ultra-high level communication across time and space. Inspired thinking. Inner Knowing. Mercury functions as the receiver, and Uranus is the high frequency antenna.

And the good news is that this energy sustains you into the fabulously rich transits of early June beginning with Jupiter trine Pluto on June 2nd.

Jupiter in Gemini: May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025
Something that has been a ‘happy place’ for me is Jupiter in Gemini. (Venus is also in Gemini now.) I was born with Jupiter in Gemini, and I like it. Somehow, for me, it feels like home.

Sagittarius is where Jupiter is strongest. (Rulership) So, the sign opposite Sag is Gemini – and so far away from ‘home,’ Jupiter becomes a visitor and must work strategically.

The winning plan with Jupiter in Gemini is: don’t second guess your decisions, and only rarely is it a good idea to change your mind…

On the heels of a dynamic Jupiter/Pluto trine, June 4th delivers an astounding Mercury trine Pluto; Mercury conjunct Jupiter; and Sun conjunct Venus. This is all fitting for June which begins like a Beethoven symphony

Translated – this is astrological gold. The stars are ‘aligned’ between now and the New Moon of June 6th in a rare and powerful formation. Your job is to be clear, focused, and maintaining an attitude of gratitude.

Wishing you many wonders as you reach for the stars!

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It’s About Time | Mercury, Jupiter, and June Gold

Messages From the Universe | Leo New Moon

On August 16th, at 5:38 AM EDT, a glowing opportunity awaits you under the Leo New Moon. Leo, the sign of heart and honor, carries with it a resplendent energy, illuminating your path of leadership, courage, and love. It’s not just about personal pride or outward shine.

The true essence of Leo is in sharing the spiritual Light that emanates from the Sun.

This New Moon invites you to take charge, to hear your heart’s longing, and to step onto the path that resonates with your soul. It’s your time to rise, to embrace the Leo qualities within you, and to be the leader of your own life’s journey.

Furthermore, this New Moon is graced by Mars trine Uranus, an exceptional aspect with both planets in earth signs. Mars in Virgo brings disciplined energy. Mars trine Uranus channels the inventive power of Uranus in Taurus into tangible forms. There is great potential for innovation and transformation is within reach, and it’s calling for your action.

With Mercury retrograde commencing on August 23rd, now is the opportune moment to take decisive steps. Harness the energies of the Leo New Moon, and let your heart guide your way.

Closing this note with love and encouragement, remember: Your light is meant to shine, not only for you but for the world to see. Let the Leo New Moon awaken your inner radiance, and may your path be filled with honor, love, and endless possibilities.

Wishing you celestial wonders and celestial wisdom, Maya White

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It’s About Time | Mercury, Jupiter, and June Gold

Messages From the Universe | Aquarius Full Moon

The Aquarius full moon urges us to embrace your unique self and step into the realms of innovation and exploration. And, as this vibrant full moon graces the skies on Tuesday, August 1st, we are in for an exhilarating celestial journey.

I am so excited about this full moon! Each zodiac sign has a planetary affiliation, or ‘ruler’, and Aquarius is one sign with two affiliations, an ancient ruler, (Saturn) and a modern one (Uranus).

Honestly, both planets have relevance, but it’s the affiliation of Aquarius with the planet Uranus that gets me excited. Saturn builds walls; Uranus breaks them down.

While thinking about journeys, just imagine this for a minute … what better way to enrich your soul and expand your horizons than through travel using the wisdom of AstroCartoGraphy!

An Aquarius full moon (supermoon!) and AstroCartoGraphy go hand in hand. With this amazing tool, you can choose your most empowered destinations. This is a time of favorable cosmic alignment, encouraging you to reach new heights and break free from limitations.

And, now that the north and south nodes have changed signs, moving into Aries and Libra, the urges of innovation and freedom are stronger than ever.

This auspicious full moon is further accentuated by Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus, exact today, infusing us with boundless potential for personal growth and heightened awareness. Mars trine Jupiter, provides the impetus to forge ahead and embrace opportunities that come our way.

Plus, even if you don’t want to travel to a location, or cannot live there, you can bring the energy of your best places, your PowerCenters, into your life using Remote Activation. Remote Activation, a taught by Jim Lewis, the creator of AstroCartoGraphy is a practice whereby you activate the planetary template of a location on the earth by drawing it into your life through art, music, culture, food, and people.

This celestial combination brings the power of astrological insights to your journey, guiding you towards new paths and revelations.
To add another confirmation to the Universal full moon message, Mercury opposing Saturn today offers a gift of clear judgment, enabling you to make sound decisions during this potent lunar phase. The clarity achieved through this aspect empowers you to manifest our aspirations with confidence, knowing that the universe supports our endeavors.

With Mars trine Jupiter, there is an impetus to forge ahead and embrace opportunities that come our way. This is a time of favorable cosmic alignment, encouraging us to reach new heights and break free from limitations.

As we bask in the cosmic radiance of this Aquarius full moon and the harmonious dance between Mars and Jupiter, remember that the stars hold infinite possibilities. Embrace the energy of this celestial event and allow it to ignite the fire within, propelling you towards joy, abundance, and success.

May this full moon mark the beginning of a remarkable journey towards personal growth, deep awareness, and boundless horizons.

Embrace the stars’ wisdom and trust in the celestial support available to you. Remember, the universe works always in your favor.

Wishing you celestial wonders and celestial wisdom, Maya White

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It’s About Time | Mercury, Jupiter, and June Gold

Messages From the Universe | July Highlights

The Cancer New Moon on July 17th beckons us to embrace its nurturing and transformative energies. As we enter this significant week, a celestial dance unfolds, guiding you towards profound shifts and opportunities for growth.

This new moon invokes release of what is no longer meant for you and invites your new beginnings.

Cancer invokes a new experience of self. Home and family are the traditional domains of Cancer, but on a deeper level, it’s about you and where and how your soul resides in your body

Nurturance and Gratitude are the obvious pathways to Cancer the ultimate experience and the invitation is to love your life and the body you’re in.

But that’s not all—this week holds even more magic. Right in tune with the New Moon, on July 18th, the nodes of the Moon, move into Aries and Libra.

Think of the North Node as a guiding Light. In Aries, your personal clarion call rings now and fortune favors the bold; let your life be fresh and renewed. The South Node leaves 18 months in Scorpio and now dances into Libra.

Art and elegance are the forte of Libra. But indecision is the Achilles heel of Libra South node … embrace beauty, practice social graces, but stay focused and on task in the months ahead.

This cosmic rearrangement brings powerful lessons of self-discovery and harmonious connections with others.

Additionally, mark your calendars for July 22nd when Venus stations retrograde. This celestial event invites us to reflect on matters of love, relationships, and self-worth. It’s an opportunity to reevaluate your desires and align them with your authentic self.

Remember, always, and especially during this week of cosmic alignments, we are here to uplift and inspire you on your spiritual journey. Explore our website at to discover empowering content, astrological insights, and transformational resources.

Embrace the transformative energies of the Cancer New Moon and let your spirit soar amidst the celestial symphony.

May this week be filled with love, light, and abundant blessings.

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It’s About Time | Mercury, Jupiter, and June Gold

Messages From the Universe | June Highlights

June 2023 invites us into a time of deep grounding and spiritual growth, as a powerful stellium of planets in Taurus – Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, and the asteroid goddess Vesta all join forces. This celestial alignment in the rich sign of the Bull is a call to organize, condense, and stabilize your life. Accept this cosmic invitation to distill your intentions and actions; to make them concrete and tangible, and even shape your spiritual aspirations.

Jupiter in Taurus holds the cosmic spotlight in this celestial ballet, magnifying the potential for personal and collective abundance. It is a potent catalyst for expansive growth in relationships, values, and your connection to the material world. Jupiter in Taurus nurtures the wisdom seekers; not just in the ethereal realms, but also in the real-life world of your physical existence.

Venus and Mars, along with the asteroid Pallas Athena, march through regal Leo, infusing interaction with a fiery passion. Pallas Athena, the goddess of wisdom, bolsters Venus and Mars in Leo, imparting a level of maturity, stability, and empowerment that balances the enthusiastic energy of these planets. This alignment inspires us to express our love and ambition with a new sense of wisdom and authority.

If you are feeling disconnected or uncertain, June 2023 offers a potent opportunity to find grounding and connection. This month’s celestial alignments serve as a brushstroke of spiritual light and color, painting our individual and collective paths towards self-realization. As the universe moves and twirls, know that you are cradled in this cosmic dance, forever entwined with the rhythm of the stars.

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Messages From the Universe | March 15

Messages From the Universe | March 15

Messages from the Universe is the theme for this week. Start this time period off right, and you have a handle on the months ahead.   All week and until Equinox on March 20/21, we are in the auspices of strong Mars and Neptune dynamics.  Plus, as the Sun conjuncts Neptune on Wednesday, March 16, you gain clarity on a troubling situation. Neptune is rich in imagery, and with this influence, creativity is your shield, and actualization is your reward.

Hold on to your truth and DO NOT give your power away

In 1973, Tibetan Master, Chögyam Trungpa wrote a book titled ‘Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism’. In this book, he discussed the role of ego in our search for spiritual growth. Basically, Trungpa said that the human ego strives for achievement, even in measured ways such as ‘higher levels of spirituality’, or experiencing a spiritual revelation.

But the Master Trungpa also states that that our Higher Self has no need to achieve.
Hence – just ‘TO BE’ is the nature of our Human Existence. And, this is for me a perfect example of Mars and Neptune dynamics.

Mars and Neptune are so very different and honestly, it took some years for me to wrap my head around just how these two planets interact. But now I understand.  Mars in Gemini wants to be on the move, but Neptune in Pisces says ‘hold that thought’.

You may feel frustration, you might think nothing matters. But as a part of your evolution on Earth, it does matter. Growth is an integral drive of human nature; but we must grow without competition or comparison.

This week’s Message from the Universe is: Dance is a high form of Mars and Neptune. Give the ego a rest this week. Let go. And Dance.

 Venus the Queen is FREE

Mercury conjunct Neptune and Sun square Mars are standing guard for this primary event; Venus square Pluto in that critical, anaretic 29th degree. Remember, the 29th degree of any sign is a message of completion and implementation.

Sweet Venus in Aries is running away from her final duty to Pluto in Capricorn… Venus is now set free as she enters Taurus by end of day on March 16th,

The planets are teacher for us all in this evolutionary Earth school. Thankfully you have the wisdom of astrology as a guide. Remember that your planetary assignment this week is:  Dance more, think less. And, BE happy…

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