When Uranus strikes, expect the unexpected.

When Uranus strikes, expect the unexpected.

There are always select moments in life that are ingrained in our energy field; for example, maybe you remember your first day at school, or the moment you met a partner, or held your newborn child.

I also remember the first time I heard the word ‘paradigm’. I was a bit shocked because I didn’t understand it. Here’s a definition: ‘a theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about’. A paradigm is also a model or pattern that can be copied; a broad philosophical framework.

The paradigm concept expanded my thinking, and this Aries New Moon conjunct Uranus, the Awakener, can and will do the same for us all.

You only need to turn on the news to see our world paradigm exploding. Here in the US, it doesn’t feel good to see sexism and stalking brought to the forefront of politics.

But, everywhere in the world, events are rapidly unfolding to create a new paradigm; Brexit, the Great Barrier Reef, the death of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

The date when Uranus entered Aries, March of 2011, initiated a paradigm shift. Within months, the fires of war were lit and have now exploded into infernos across the land.

But, there is hope in revolution.  Uranus is a catalyst – an agent that creates something entirely new and unique out of dissimilar materials. Uranus is also an Alchemist; a force that purifies, matures, and perfects. Injustice, inequality, and oppression all feed the Alchemical fires that are burning today.

And, you can take heart in knowing that this giant, full super Moon – as it unites with Uranus – signals the ripening and maturation of his time of chaos. The world will not change overnight, but you can change your world in an instant.

IF you want to accelerate this process – take a look at my  Soul Life Coaching program!

Uranus, the original Sky god, and Mother earth (Gaia) are giving birth to a new paradigm.  And, it’s your moment to manifest this in your life.

What does that look like for YOU? This powerful full moon presents a breakthrough opportunity.

Get in tune with this moon, and light your own fire of transformation. Create your positive personal paradigm; a new world is calling your name!



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