Aquarius_frontThe Healing Power of Love – Aquarius New Moon

I had a lot of fun today getting the Feng Shui adjusted in my home to welcome the Chinese year of the Fire Monkey. The word Feng Shiu refers to ‘wind and water’, and just like in nature, the energies in your home change with the New Year. My home office changes to the fire element this year, and I’m looking forward to a busy and productive year ahead.

Pluto has supposedly been demoted from the realm of planets, but I assure you that he is still a teacher in astrology. Two days before the new moon, Venus, the planet (teacher) of self-worth conjuncts Pluto. This aspect presents an invitation to unite your passion (Pluto) with who or what you love (Venus).

Pluto and Venus opened the doors on Friday, and the Aquarius new moon on Monday initiates a path to healing on the emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.

Aquarius teaches us to care for humanity, to love others, but first, you love yourself – passionately.
Venus conjunct Pluto last week initiated  a ‘go for it’ time – so if you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to envision your next project, this is your weekend to get engaged as the new moon signals a time for new beginnings.

The Healing Power of Love
To fully understand any sun sign, it’s helpful to look at its opposite. In this case, it’s Leo. Have you noticed that the Age of Aquarius, (peace, love, and humanity) has brought about an explosion selfies, YouTube, viral videos; anybody can be the star of their own show.

Venus conjunct Pluto just before the new moon invokes healthy expression into the YOU of the Aquarius/Leo axis.
Spiritually, Aquarius is the sign that tears down walls and breaks through barriers. It’s also a sign that teaches you to overcome ego (Leo) and move into Universal well-being.

Sometimes it’s our own ego’s that create problems by not wanting to change. Or, the ego may be fearful of a new condition, even is the logical mind can establish that a change is good.

Harness the power of this new moon to move past barriers set up by your monkey mind. Aquarius has two planetary rulers; Saturn the traditional ruler, (before Uranus was discovered), and now, Uranus.

Both planets have big messages. Saturn speaks to the fixed air (stubborn) quality of Aquarius, but you can allow Saturn to regulate safety rather than restriction. Uranus breaks the iron grip of Saturn’s fear.

Uranus is a rebel, but also an enforcer of cosmic laws. Greek Mythology teaches that Uranus was the original creator, the child of Gaia, Mother Earth. Ancient Hindu philosophy presents Uranus as ‘Varuna’ (now most closely aligned with Brahma) the divine creator.

The planets teach that when you move in accordance with Divine Law, you are protected.

This new moon asks: What would you do if you know you could not fail?

And, this week, as always – let your Light shine.

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