circle_edit_smThis is a week filled with opportunities.

On Monday, January 11, the Aquarius moon interacts with Saturn, Venus, and even Uranus through a favorable sextile.

The sextile is like a rowboat – you must dip your oars into the water to gain momentum, but you have everything you need to get going.

Plan (Saturn) something you love (Venus) and welcome the unexpected (Uranus) benefit of your endeavor.

The New Moon on Saturday set the tone for a cycle of growth as Saturday’s powerful Capricorn New Moon joined with Pluto, the planet of irrevocable change.

New Moon of January 9th signaled a fresh start as well as a time to plan for the next 6 months. On July 19th, the Capricorn New Moon of January ripens into a Full Moon, again in Capricorn – so, you have 6 months to plan ahead and work towards fulfillment of your intentions.

Here is a simple Manifestation Plan for the 2016 Capricorn lunation cycle:

January to July – 4 Step Manifestation Plan
Unite with your heartemotion is the secret of Capricorn, the SEA- goat; practicality plus revelation
Connect with your visionthe Capricorn gets a view from the highest peaks of realization
Come up with a planprivate time gives you space to listen to your inner guidance
Visualize your harvest connect with the bountiful crop that is an outpouring of your creative desires

Plant Your Seeds in Fertile Groundrich_benefit
Every day this week is lined up to present opportunity.

As the moon slips into Pisces on Tuesday, Venus and Uranus have a playdate, igniting a fiery trine between Venus in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries.

Energetically, this aspect invites you to try something new – go someplace you’ve never been before and meet a new friend.

Venus trine Uranus  helps open your heart to romance. Uranus does not always manifest long lasting love, but he often softens your heart, allowing Venus to walk in.

One of the best days this week is Wednesday, January 13th when the Sun forms a welcoming trine to Jupiter, the planet of good luck. There is a subtle difference in aspects whether the faster moving planet is ahead or behind the slower moving planet, and when I peel back the layers of this one, it looks ever more dramatic.

This is a waxing, or growing trine; the Sun is ahead of Jupiter and moving towards a Sun/Jupiter opposition on the Solar Eclipse of March 8th.

So, the planetary invitation is to embody, or activate, express your growth now – don’t wait thinking that things are going to change much without your participation – including your good luck.

I guess that bodes well for some of the lucky Powerball players, and, whether or not you win the record jackpot – it’s still a lucky week. Make the most of it.

Next, on Thursday, Mercury trines Jupiter, another aspect of luck; we all know that a major part of good luck is really timing combined with effort. This aspect between Mercury and Jupiter supports good decision making; your mind (Mercury) is balanced and our efforts are rewarded (Jupiter).

Even though Mercury is retrograde, this is another waxing trine, one that will be duplicated again on February 6th and ‘ripens’ or completes, on March 15th.

This week culminates with a dynamic 1st quarter moon in Aries – the sign and lunation cycle for taking action. Overall, the joy of this week’s message is:
The fertile ground is today; the here and now; the power of living in the moment.

And, this week, as always – let your Light shine.

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