Hello and Welcome to my weekly Star Cast, where I bring you the update on what’s happening in the world of astrology – and how you can apply the wisdom to enrich your life here on earth.

My key phrase for this week is: BreakingThrough Illusion

This week begins with a dramatic Sagittarius moon making a dynamic square aspect to three planets, Venus, Neptune, and Mars.

The square is a call to action, and this aspect to Mars alone is a clarion call to get moving. In addition to the lunar squares, Mercury square Saturn sets the tone.

Mercury and Saturn will dearly help you refine just exactly what is the best way to proceed, so, if you’ve been looking, or even asking for clarity – take heed to the good advice you receive to begin this week.

It’s worth mentioning that on Sunday, Sept 24th; we had another dynamic and helpful planetary aspect – Mars opposing Neptune.

Neptune and Mars have a symbiotic relationship regarding what needs purification, (or call it intervention) and the positive side of this aspect, which will still be helping us all week, is that you gain clarity.

So, this week is off to a great start – the secret to success is don’t become overwhelmed by the burden of what is NOT; rather, focus on what IS, and take action to manifest what can be.

On Friday of this week, Venus also opposes Neptune – assisting in the theme this week of breaking up illusion (and confusion).

Wednesday, September 27th delivers another major planetary aspect – an opposition between Jupiter and Uranus. With this development, you can expect more examples of idealism in the news.

Both planets are blustery in nature – Jupiter likes authority and order, and Uranus likes chaos.

Your opportunity as a conscious and awake being is to maintain peace in your own center – walk your talk of being awake and aware, of being centered and grounded, and being a force for goodness on this earth.

The challenge with this opposition is  distraction, and the gift is the opportunity for an absolute paradigm shift – use this energy wisely to improve your world. Note the the word opposition, and opportunity have the same core of “opponere’ which means ‘to set against’.

The winning values in the opposition are: Peace, Love, and Agreement; move into the beauty that the planets are inviting you to live.

Wishing you a week of clarity, balance, deep insight, and above all – Peace.

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