Cap_front_logoThis week’s full moon lands with intensity in the late degrees of Capricorn – a sign truly symbolized by a mythic creature, the Sea goat.

We commonly associate the sign of Capricorn with the mountain goat, but the ancient Babylonian astrologers visualized a more complex being.

The Sea-goat transcends the depths of the creative waters and rises to the mountaintops. This full moon closes out the last days of the sun in Cancer, a sign of mothering and nurturance.

And, all levels of Mother and Father are up for review, including the Sacred Feminine and Divine Masculine. In search of his higher ground, the Sea-goat serves to equalize all races, sexes, and socio economic strata.

Individually, it’s a rich time to explore the gifts you inherited from your family – some good, others perhaps more troubling. And, globally, we see the angst of deep ancestral issues being purged as they are brought forth for healing.

You can see it everywhere now – pain brought up from the deepest depths of our human experiences. In the US, we face lingering anger and unresolved issues from the 1960’s that serve as a reminder of the Uranus/Plutophoto_1935_20060912 conjunction.

Capricorn is a cold placement for the sensitive moon. But, the gain is in clearing, and then finally, healing. The Cancer/Capricorn axis brings you to a turning point – in the spirit of Cancer, you learn to accept help (nurturance).

Kabbalah teaches that the months of both Cancer and Capricorn are two of the most *negative* times of the year. In this instance, the reference is to these signs being times when judgement is swift, and forgiveness is harder to access.

As shown by the ever changing moon, Cancer is a time of active change led by your emotional state. Capricorn is also a cardinal, or action starting sign. So, when the moon peaks within the arms of Cancer and Capricorn – expect change and plan on getting to the truth quickly.

And, if you surrender to becoming fully grounded in the nature of Capricorn, you also step up and help yourself. Capricorn guides you to create new structures that are build from a solid and grounded foundation.

Be patient and kind with yourself and others as we round out the last days of Cancer. This full moon serves as a reminder of self-sufficiency as a vehicle for strength to heal self and to serve others.

Feel; Listen: Respond

Wishing you brilliant days and mystical nights, and this week, as always – let your Light shine.

If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me HERE.


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