dreamstime_xl_17322095When you think of the planets as teachers, and the zodiac as a University – astrology gets a bit easier to understand.

Each planet specializes in what it has to show you; Mercury, the messenger, addresses swift delivery of your information.

It’s interesting to note, however, that Mercury does not judge the information he presents. Jupiter is the planet that takes information and delegates how the words of Mercury are to be interpreted.

In short, just like a community on earth, the planets all work in synchronicity.

I mention on this because Mercury and Jupiter are busy this month, especially on Christmas Day when Mercury forms a flowing trine to Jupiter. The trine is an aspect of invitation – and with the trine, things ‘click’ into place without struggle.

There is still effort required, but sometimes what’s needed is to simply get out of your own way, or to move past a previous mindset. This holiday season, the planets invite you to claim your vision, (Mercury) and then make a plan (Jupiter) to manifest it in the year ahead.

There is also one major stressful time period this month – December 5th to the 10th. On December 6th Mars forms a challenging square aspect to Pluto, and on the 10th, Mars opposes Uranus. Mars is hot and volatile, so when he moves into challenging squares and oppositions to outer planets such as Pluto and Uranus – things happen.

The action also takes place in cardinal, or action taking signs; Mars is in Libra, Uranus in Aries, and Pluto in Capricorn.

You will likely see this play out on the world stage, and one of the benefits of being aware of astrology is that you have some perspective on events. On the personal level, this could be a time when you have a fender-bender auto accident at the shopping center.

Use this information to keep yourself and loved ones safe during this time. Just pay attention to what you see, and listen to your intuition.

There is another grand benefit for you in this planetary showdown. Mars square Pluto asks: ‘what did not feel good in 2015?’ And, Mars opposing Uranus says: ‘what do I plan to do about it?’

Mercury enters grounded Capricorn on December 9th helping you on your quest for self-examination.

The wonderful part of astrology is that it invites, encourages, and assists in reflection and growth. Your Light and color is always available, and the more clarity you create, the better life gets in every way.

Be sure to check out your December horoscope. This is all original, written for each sun sign, but also created for everyone to benefit from my favorite teachings.

Looking forward to a great month ahead.

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