Our next celestial event in this ‘Season of Eclipse’ is the full moon Lunar Eclipse which ripens on Wednesday, March 23rd. With the sun in Aries and moon in Libra, this eclipse activates the cardinal axis of Initiation.

There are four cardinal signs; Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Each one symbolizes a unique aspect of taking action. Aries and Cancer address your activity in personal and family or other core issues; Libra and Capricorn take action in the relationship or outer realm.

Aries is the time and place when activate your pioneer spirit, and step out on a new journey.

And, this full moon invites us all to see the world in a New Light –a new way of living, a new way to thrive.
The recent Pisces solar eclipse (March 8th) triggered a time to wash away fears and lingering emotions of the past, and now the full moon delivers your evaluation point. The questions to ask are:

What came up for YOU? How did it FEEL? What did you do about it?

For me, the solar eclipse brought up family issues through the death (Pisces= end of life) of a brother- in-law. True to form, the solar eclipse triggered an event that I had absolutely no control over.

I felt indefinably sad. I was not well acquainted with the deceased, but his death brought up emotions around my grandparents who passed many years ago. I also mourned for my sister who has put on her brave face, and now has to carry on. And it even left me to thinking about my own passing.

But there was a huge gift in this loss, because it made me physically (Sun) reconnect with lost members of my family. And, now, in synchronicity with the stars, I am seeing my siblings in a new light as the full moon Lunar eclipse delivers new life (Aries) to my relationship (Libra) with my entire family.

Not every eclipse will impact everyone so dramatically; it depends on whether or not the eclipse degree activates something in your natal or progressed chart. Being able to predict and understand life events is a good reason to know about the Divine Plan revealed in your own chart.

Green Comet (NASA)

image credit (NASA)

The timing of this week’s full moon and Lunar eclipse coincides with a dramatic comet encounter – two comets actually are drawing close to the earth. Their names are Comet 252P Linear, and Ba14 PanStarrs, and they are both emerald in color.

Notably, on March 22nd, PanStarrs (thought to be a breakaway part of larger 252P) will make the second closest known passage of a comet from the Earth in the history of observational astronomy.

Here is a link to a great article detailing some of the events associated with comets; http://www.astro.com/astrology/aa_article141030_e.htm

Comets are travelers through space and time who come to our Solar system and can be thought of as bringing new ‘Light’, wisdom and knowledge from far away.

Symbolically, you can think of the comet and its tail as a broom coming in to sweep away debris of the past. Historically, comets have coincided with events taking place on the earth.

The cosmic calendar is inviting you to not only survive, but to thrive.

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