lovers_smThere are many dynamic moves to look forward to this month. June gets off to a perfect start with the Gemini new moon of June 4th.

This new moon triggers a mutable square with the Sun and moon in Gemini, Saturn in Sagittarius, Neptune in Pisces, and Jupiter in Virgo.

Mutable signs correspond to the changing of the seasons on earth, and they function well in the spiritual realm.

The challenge with mutability is to respond to every day life. With this new moon energy deeply entrenched in the stresses of a mutable square, give yourself extra time this month for walks in nature and get away from the hustle of a busy day.

Gemini is traditionally a sign that promotes a balanced relationship, and that is one of the reasons for the popularity of being a ‘June bride’.

I checked to see what I think would be the best days to get married this month. There are three days: Monday, June 6th; Monday June 20th; and Sunday, June 26th.

One of these dates is one of the most powerful days of the year – Sunday, June 26th when Jupiter trines Pluto. This is a full ripening of the grand Earth trine that was initiated by the Taurus new moon on May 6th.

Jupiter trine Pluto empowers you to take control of your life. This aspect empowers a couple to straighten out and work with integrity on any problems that arise.  Even if you’re not in a relationship, for you, this trine is an open door to connect with people, tools, and systems that makes your life easier.

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Another great day for your wedding is Monday, June 6th, when the earth is graced by a lovely Sun/Venus conjunction. With the Sun and Venus still in Gemini, and just after new moon, this would be great day to initiate a long union!

A relationship sanctified at this time has the benefit of a long life because the moon is so early in its growth cycle.

And, last but not least, the full moon of June 20th – Summer Solstice. The Solstice full moon lights up the 29th degree of Sagittarius, a critical degree. The last degree of Sagittarius addresses provisioning and preparation for the journey through Saturn ruled Capricorn.

June is going to be a great month. Let the Gemini new moon on June 4th deliver you to a point of balance and integration. Gemini energy assists you in getting right to the heart of any matter. Going deep is also the challenge of Gemini; use your mind to pierce any untruths that surround you.

June is a month of truth in relationship with others, and the most important one – nurturing and love of self. Enjoy this amazing month!

Wishing you Truth, Love, and Light,

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