Your soul is weighed against the feather of Maat

Your soul is weighed against the feather of Maat

This is your week to experience the Cosmic in-breath of the Autumnal Equinox joined with the Libra New Moon. Libra is a sign of balance and even justice, but in the language of the stars, Libra is your time to make decisions, not take shelter in endless options.

I’ts a unique time in many ways. Monday, the Sun entered Libra, and Tuesday is the New Moon.  In ancient Egypt, it was the Autumnal Equinox of September that began the New Year. And, the Egyptians honored the equinox of Libra as a sign that celebrates the birth of a Divine Child.

You are a Miracle Worker
You have most likely seen images of Egyptian deities with the crescent moon on his or her head – this imagery goes back to the idea of a divine messenger of wisdom and healing, and ultimately, love and caring for humanity.

Today, in the auspices of the Age of Aquarius, YOU are the healer and the wise one. You are the Divine Child dispensing your own unique gift to help others. The glyph, or symbol representing Libra is a set of scales, and these, too had deep significance for the Egyptians.

At the time of death, the goddess Maat placed the human soul on one scale, and a feather on the other.  If the scale tipped even slightly, the soul must reincarnate and learn how to live without the burdens such as hatred, worry and resentment, the emotions that weigh down our souls.

Name Your Shadow
There is a problem, and a teaching, however in the expressing the balance of Libra. The shadow side of Libra is a place where you become frozen in fear through endless questioning and doubt. The shadow side of Libra is keeping your options open. Why take only a piece of the pie when you might have it all?

Ah, this is another measure against the feather of Maat – indecision, which leaves your soul feeling incomplete and begging for another chance to reincarnate and get it right.  Libra is actually your time to dig into Saturn and make some decisions.

Delight in your Sovereign SelfJupiter trine Uranus September 25th
As always, the Universe is serving up a smorgasbord of opportunity. Thursday we have a relatively rare and important planetary aspect of Jupiter trine Uranus. Remember, the trine is an open door, and when Jupiter and Uranus dance in this way, think of your personal Sovereignty; claim your independence, exert self-control, and take ownership of your life. These two planets vibrate together to seed opportunity. One of the caveats of this transit is that you needn’t dwell too long on analyzing the situation – when the invitation arrives, step on board and fly.

What does that look like for you? For some, it will be surrendering to a relationship, for others, it will be leaving one that has run its course.

Is it time to leave that job? Maybe, it’s time to begin a new one that will bring you peace of mind. Take stock of your journey, and hold true to what will release the most power. Jupiter and Uranus are smiling this week in an aspect that conveys spiritual blessings.

Move ahead with tolerance and optimism; apply your best judgment to situations that come up for resolution – and celebrate the gifts that are revealed.

Astrology gives insight on your health, wealth, and even timing. Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life. If you want to light up your own life with astrology, schedule your reading HERE.

This week, as always – let your Light shine.


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