The goat of Capricorn is actually part mermaid!

The Full Moon signals a time of fulfillment or completion. How does this concept apply to your life? Every year in midsummer, we have a Capricorn Full Moon – however this one is particularly poignant because this year Luna joins with the powerhouse of transformation, Pluto. With this combination, know that the changes will be deep and permanent. Some of you will experience this personally, but we all will be affected by decisions being made on the global level now.

The ancient image for Capricorn is a peculiar half goat, half mermaid type of creature. This image was meant to portray a land dwelling creature (humans) who were a part of, and fed by the waters which ran underneath the earth; the river of life. So, we humans are half walking and grounded, yet also half navigating and swimming through the seas of life.  The need to master both qualities is the ultimate challenge of Capricorn.

As rulers of the summer and winter solstices, the Cancer/Capricorn axis brings us to a shifting of seasons. When viewed from above the earth, the change is rapid and dramatic; the sun reaches his maximum northern or southern journey, and changes direction. In the course of a lifetime, the change may happen more slowly, but trust that the journey has reached a turning point.  The global financial situation has finally bottomed out, and we await the rebirth of a new structure based on sustainability. Cancer wants to feed all of her children, and Capricorn figures out a way to do it. Pluto stands ready to remove all that must be taken away in order for our world to be reborn.

Capricorn is truly the sign where the individual consciousness shifts into concern for the collective. By the end of this year and early into 2013, Saturn and Pluto travel in tandem through Scorpio and Capricorn, forming a long lasting sextile of opportunity. Although this shift of the ages feels harsh and is clothed in the fabric of need, trust that it will be brought forth as true provision for all. There is much power here, but, there is also heart. Like a true Capricorn, take this on with a foot in both worlds; stand your ground, but take action based on your emotional sensibilities.

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