Venus delivers not only love; she is returning what has been taken away.

Where Were You in 2004?

The Venus transit of 2012 is returning something you lost eight years ago. Think back. The details will be revealed by an analysis of the Gemini house in your natal chart. Do you remember where you were for the 2004 Venus transit? I do. I was at the beach in south Florida.

Transits of Venus across the face of the Sun are among the rarest phenomena, and they occur in a pair separated by 8 years, and then another pair 121.5 years later, and another pair in 105.5 years. Then the cycle repeats. The next pair of Venus transits occurs not until 2117/2125.

Intimately tied with this Venus event is the ancient Sumerian story of Inanna.  It’s a story I love to tell, but, have told it so many times, that I will refer to an older article .[LINK HERE]

When looking for meaning in celestial happenings, one of the best ways is to analyze transpired during previous cycles. History reveals that this cycle of Venus correlates with scientific and social advances. And, oh yes, the Queen Mother celebrates her Jubilee, all in perfect timing.

The pattern of Venus cycles forms a 5 pointed star, or Mystic Rose, a fundamental theme in explaining the mysteries of nature

Let’s travel further back in time, to the Venus transit cycle of 1631/ 1639. Galileo, perhaps the first person in his day to view the Venus transit through his telescope was bravely insisting that the sun, not the Earth was the center of the solar system. Rene Descartes, the Father of Modern Psychology, also developed a unique mathematical system known as analytical geometry. The Catholic Church remained powerful, but was facing challenges from France and Holland, and struggled to integrate the Ethiopian Christians.

The Venus transit cycle of 1761 – 1769: Britain celebrated military success over France and Spain; however, the American colonies were brewing what would eventually be a huge loss for the mother land. The Anglican Church was established. In 1768, sugar consumption (sweets are ruled by Venus), which began among the Arabs and had been limited to Europe’s wealthy, became popular among all classes. Islands in the Caribbean were the great producers of sugar, using labor supplied by slaves. World exploration expanded to the far off islands of Tahiti. The first encyclopedia was completed, and banned by the Catholic Church. The Seven Years war comes and goes.

1874 – 1882. Electricity became available to the public. The telephone, light bulbs, and recording equipment were all invented. The Theosophical society and Christian Science movement were both founded in 1875.

Venus can literally also be 'Hell on Wheels!'

So, our upcoming dance with Venus is an opportunity to welcome Divine feminine energy, and the Goddess has much to share. Look for changes in technology, new thought, and social advances. On June 8th, she disappears from the evening sky (god save the Queen) and will not be seen again until she re-emerges as the morning Goddess on June 13th and she again begins her dance in the sky. In keeping with the ancient story, Venus/Ishtar/Inanna returns as the glorious Goddess of the morning sky, to again reign in splendor.

For the ancients, Venus as the Morning Star was linked to the protective side of warfare; her presence was a signal to do battle for positive results. Personally, we may have to claim our returned prize, but, know that now is your time for victory.

I trust that our New Age goddess will abhor war, and that she is empowered to care for all of her children.


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©Maya White/ White Star LLC/ 2012

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