Energetically, the week between last quarter and the next new moon of July 23rd is a time to get your bearings and make adjustments.

It’s a time for critical thought that grants you a unique perspective to reflect on the past and peer into your future. In short, it’s an essential time to refine your goals made around the time of new moon on June 23rd.

How are you doing on your fulfillment held within the arms of Pluto and the full Moon of July 8th? Remember, even a small shift can give birth to a new pathway of expression.

If you’re feeling a bit off-course, there are several planetary aspect this week to assist your distillation of the full moon/Pluto wine.

The week is flavored by two sharp squares; Venus square Neptune and Mars square Uranus.

The square is a cosmic wake up call intended to get your attention. Sadly, Venus square Neptune rips off the rose-colored glasses. Venus is breezing through Gemini now, and although she is not particularly emotional, she has the gift of clairsentience (clear seeing) in her relationship to Neptune in Pisces.

The Redemption of Mars

Mars stands guard in a state of solidarity through his challenging square to Uranus. Mars square Uranus doesn’t always feel fair. When ‘the Soldier’ (Mars) challenges ‘the Revolutionary’ (Uranus), anything can happen.

Keep in mind, though, that Uranus changes only that which desperately needs change.

When Uranus strikes, expect the unexpected.

On one level, it seems like everything that can go wrong is doing so. But, as you see these changes in the world, remember that you also have a great opportunity to transform your personal life now.

Not only does Mars square Uranus on July 17th, but the new moon of July 23rd features a triple play lineup of Sun, Moon, and Mars in the first degree of Leo.

The high path of Mars is to break out of slavery and liberate ourselves. The adverse Mars is destructive; the high Mars is brave and enterprising.

The spiritual Mars channels the creative powers of the Universe.

Negatively, Mars gives birth to treason, fires, and sudden death. But Mars is also a protector and brave warrior who fights to create lasting peace.

This week leading up to the new moon of July 23rd is powerful, but not necessarily peaceful. Mars is still getting his ‘groove’ on – smoothing out bumps in the road ahead.

What this means for you is: you don’t have to be perfect, you don’t even have to be great – you just need to be YOU! The best you that you can BE.