Something unique happens this month – between December 25th and January 4th; all of the planets will be moving in direct motion – none of them retrograde.

When planets are direct, or moving forward through the 360 degrees of the zodiac the resonating energy on earth is also moving ahead. Think of it as a time when the members of a Universal Parliament (the planets) are, for a moment, in agreement.

We haven’t had all planets moving forward together, in direct motion, since February 1 – 19th, 2013. On February 11, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI announced his retirement, becoming the first pope to do so since 1415.

This event cleared the way for Pope Francis, the ‘People’s Pope’ launching a revolution within organized religion. It’ll be interesting to observe what happens on the world stage during as 2016 opens.

Astrologically, it’s a cosmic green light. The planets moving forward in divine harmony create a positive vortex; your Crystal Vision. It’s the perfect way to step ahead into the New Year. This year the planets invite you to leave excess baggage behind and step into 2016 with a clean slate.

So, between now and the end of the month it’s time to work on clearing out clutter. This week especially, as the moon is waning, or decreasing in size, it’s your time for release on all levels.

As the moon decreases this week you can correspondingly simplify your life. Clean the house, clear the air, release negative memories, and resolve situations that need to leave your life.

On Friday, December 11th we welcome the New Moon in Sagittarius – the archer releases his arrow of wisdom to the divine sky.

Any good archer knows that he or she needs focus in order to connect with the target –you must know what you want in order to get it. This week; in the spirit of Sagittarius, set a goal and make it happen.

This New Moon invites you to:
* Connect with your Higher Mind
* Align with wisdom
* Spend time in nature
* Experience a journey
* Express your truth
* Rediscover your partner

A Caveat
Be aware that on Thursday, the 10th we have a major planetary aspect – Mars opposing Uranus. It began earlier, with Mars squared Pluto on December 6th. (see previous blog post)

This leaves people feeling exposed and vulnerable. You can observe a stressed out Mars playing everywhere now;  name calling, brutality, the strong preying on the weak, injustice – these are the shadow, or dark side, of fear.

I’ll be speaking about shadow and retrograde all month as they pertain to astrology. Both are complex and confusing – but critically important.

And, there is an alternative reality; every day you move closer and closer to the Light.

Stand in This Truth
Know that you are standing on the threshold of a great awakening, a unique time of spiritual liberation. But the shadow is also vivid now, hovering as a sense of hopelessness for a peaceful future.

Each day is a new opportunity to claim your power. You can choose to stand in the truth of evolution and consciousness. You can be calm within and stand in the truth of sanity and love.

You may have to leave CNN behind and connect with your inner adviser as the wisdom of Sagittarius invites you to break up the patterns of your monkey mind.

Jupiter, the planet associated with Sagittarius invokes expansion as a way to create opportunity. However, Saturn, now in Sagittarius teaches us all that growth must be sustainable through discipline and balance.

All in all, knowing about astrology makes life so much easier!

Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life. If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me through my toll free number.

I’ll be back next week and in the meantime – this week, as always – let your Light shine.

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