This an exciting and unique time in the stars; Tuesday delivers a divinely inspired new moon solar eclipse.

Oceanic Neptune stands guard. Some see Neptune as a sweet mermaid swimming in bubbles; others see Neptune as a mysterious tangle of kelp protecting the riches of the sea.

No matter how you see Neptune, he/she works undercover and is a perfect companion for the shapeshifter Chiron.

To understand this eclipse, you must know about Chiron, the asteroid discovered in the 1970’s. Chiron is also thought of as the wounded healer of astrology.

His name comes from the Greek word ‘Cheir’ which means ‘hand’ and is the same core word as chiropractic – the art and practice of one who uses their hands to heal their patients. Also, the word Christ, or Christos, has the same Greek root.

Thought to be a comet that was captured by the gravitational field of the Sun, Chiron is known as a shapeshifter, and even his name can be thought of as a noun, a verb, and an adjective.

Chiron is a maverick, and he catalyzes your unique healing journey. Chiron is not only the healer, but a place to do the work, and even the process of healing.

Chiron even represents the decision to heal and if necessary, taking the steps to do so; even if it means reaching your hand out to another for help.

Ask – and Receive

Chiron also rules divination – the art of interpretation of a message from a divine source. This source may be a connection with your own, Higher Self, or, a union of a soul group.

There are many forms of divination; dowsing , working with a pendulum, tarot cards, astrology, intuitive readings, body work, runes, even stones sticks as thrown by an African bush healer are all forms of divination.

Through divination you receive a message that bypasses the logical mind.

Jupiter and the karmic north node also stand guard for this eclipse – leading you to the open door of unlimited possibilities.

Tune in – and connect with your own higher self, you are receiving messages and guidance on how to heal yourself as well as the world. Get a reading, or a body work treatment. Pay attention and listen to what the Universe is saying to YOU.

It’s your invitation. Dimensions are opening as time and space flow into the expansive world of all that can be.

Heaven on Earth is possible; it’s your promise, and also your assignment.

Read more here on CHIRON and the HEALING CODE

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