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Check out my Facebook page – Astrologer Maya White for astrology updates.

Amazingly, it’s already time for the full moon, and this one ripens as a lunar eclipse.

It’s not every year that we get to experience a full moon eclipse during Mercury retrograde time period – especially one that aligns with the sacred Pisces/Virgo axis.

The moon is a marker of your emotions, and a lunar eclipse precipitates events triggered by your own thoughts and feelings.

This is how and why the lunar eclipse  and can catch you off guard if you’ve been indulging in shadow; the spooky thing that you dread the most, the one you spend so much time wishing you weren’t thinking about – that’s your  shadow.

Even Mercury sits behind the sun for this full moon – hiding in the shadow of the great solar I AM.

The secret to working successfully with shadow is becoming aware of it, but not identifying with it. Shadow is a repository of suffering, but also a storehouse of creativity and embracing shadow requires strength and courage.

Mercury Retrograde and the Mutable Signspicture1

Every eclipse has a birth point, and is a member of an eclipse family. The eclipse of September 16th at 24 Pisces is a member of the 19 North Saros Cycle families of eclipses.

The planetary signatory for this eclipse is about realism; seeing an old situation for what it is, rather than what you thought it could be.

And, elegantly, you are free to move on with no residual ties or baggage. The Piscean nature of this eclipse facilitates past lifetime clearing; emotional ties are completed, karma is resolved.  

Pisces is where you meet the accumulated results of your past. Successes and failures from all of your lifetimes flow back and forth between the conscious and unconscious aspects of your mind. Mental pain may be an overwhelming aspect of this Pisces eclipse, yet with this moon conjunct Chiron, it’s a powerful time to release and heal.

Maat_imgMars sits provocatively at 23 Sagittarius, squaring both the sun and the moon. The gift of the mutable T_square teaches us to adjust to the world as it is – not the way we think it should, or could be.

IF you can get a handle on nervous tension, this can be a dynamic time for your creativity. Find your calm and elegant center, and make this a constructive time for tackling the truth.

Honor this as a seed time that facilitates resolution of problems. Observe your mind, talk to yourself, and become your own best friend

If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me HERE.


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