The Scorpio full moon needs only a short introduction; just look into the night time sky to feel her presence.

Chiron in Aries

Scorpio is developed through Power and Depth; but, there must be more than just talk or even reason to access the power.

Scorpio is the sign of irrevocable change, and your transformation is brought forth now as Chiron enters Aries, opening up healing of your sovereign ‘I AM’ presence.

Chiron is a wounded healer and a shaman, but there is much more to his story. As the Astrology Code Healer, Chiron in Aries goes deep to repair ancestral wounds.

Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto now retrograde, nurture a time for inner growth and reconciliation; but the moon, always moving forward, pierces the night. Now is your potent time to re-program your subconscious mind.

When the moon is full, it’s like the sun is secretly shining at night, and the strength of this Scorpio moon grows through a reflection of the Taurus sun, a hidden power in this lunation.

Taurus contributes grounding, sustenance, and fertility to the passion of Scorpio.

* Scorpio is intense, Taurus is sincere
* Scorpio is ‘all or nothing’; Taurus is inclusive
* Scorpio works to control riches; Taurus nurtures wealth
* Scorpio desires leadership; Taurus invites a following

You can now reframe decisions made long ago; but to do so, you must go deep into the domain of Pluto.

And, the time is ripe as Mars and Pluto are conjunct in Saturn ruled Capricorn.

Mars Conjunct Pluto

Is there someone you need to forgive?
Is there a burden you’ve carried for far too long?
Is there something you’ve been afraid to do?

The Scorpio/Taurus axis is a fertile ground. Your transformation is housed in the underground vault of feelings, memories, and even deeds that have form but are no longer visible.

Scorpio Full Moon

Release, let go, and consciously create a life of freedom.

The Scorpio moon shines a Light on your journey, and the Taurus sun makes it real.
Breathe deeply and connect with your joy!

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P.S. – Chiron in Aries, the Astrology Code Healer, now delivering vehicle to heal and fulfill your I AM presence. GET INFO MORE HERE