The MoonThis full moon needs only a short introduction, you need only look into the night time sky, and you will feel her presence.

With four planets retrograde now, the moon, always moving forward, pierces the night.

The lunar cycles are a marker of the relationship between the sun, the moon, and the earth. And tonight, she is born in the Light of true rebirth, the sign of Scorpio.

Because of its intensity and commitment, Scorpio is a true sign of healing. There must be more than just talk, or thought, or even reason.

When the moon is full, the sun is secretly shining at night, and the strength of this Scorpio moon grows through a positive reflection of the Taurus sun.

Every sign has a positive and negative side, and an examination of the opposing characteristics of Scorpio and Taurus helps to unearth the positive potential that this full moon delivers.

  • Scorpio is intense; Taurus is sincere
  • Scorpio is ‘all or nothing’; Taurus is inclusive
  • Scorpio longs to control riches; Taurus nurtures wealth
  • Scorpio seizes leadership; Taurus invites a following

With Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn now retrograde; this is an excellent time to re-program your subconscious mind.

Now is the time to move ahead in the spirit of reframing decisions made long ago; but to do so, you must go deep and visit the domain of Pluto.

Your transformation is housed in the underground vault of feelings, memories, and even deeds that have form, but are no longer viable. Breathe deeply and connect with your joy

Wishing you a productive and beneficial full moon!

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