Hello and welcome to my weekly Star Cast, where I bring you the weekly update on what’s happening in the world of astrology – and how you can apply the wisdom of astrology to enrich your life here on earth.

My key phrase for this week is: Giving Birth to the Truth

This week fleshes out the potential of our Aquarius New Moon on January 27th.

We also began the Chinese New year – the year of the Rooster. One of the things about Chinese astrology is that you can easily relate the qualities of each animal to the year – and in this instance, think about how the rooster crows – or speaks his message.

People will have a lot to say this year, and they will want to be heard.

To begin the lunar cycle, both in Western and Chinese Astrology, Mars entered Aries on the New Moon day, and we also had a major aspect of Venus square Saturn.

Mars is empowered in Aries, the sign of his ruler ship. Mars in Aries does not ask permission; rather his cosmic job description is to ‘get the job done.’ You have no doubt seen Mars in action – he is invigorated and no matter what your point of view is – Mars is active on both sides of the fence.

This week, Mercury, the planet of communication is busy!

On Tuesday, January 30th, we have another major aspect of Mercury square Uranus. This is radicalizing aspect – Mercury is about your message and your words; Uranus makes for sudden and swift action. All in all, the planets are gearing up for some fireworks.

And, on Thursday, February 2nd, Mercury is interacting with Jupiter through a square aspect. The square is an aspect of building and setting a new foundation.

Jupiter allows you to focus on your well-being – so, take a critical look at your habits – both habitual thinking as well as other activities.

Overall, it’s critical now to hold a positive mental state, and to further take it on to feed a positive lifestyle.
The first quarter moon on Friday, February 3rd is in Taurus, the sign of manifestation – and this means that your work this week will show up on the physical plane.

Remember – this is a vital week to give birth to your truth!

Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the stars!



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