Uranus is a catalyst that activates your mind like a bolt of lightening

Uranus is a catalyst that activates your mind like a bolt of lightning

Venus and Uranus continue their opposition dance, and the week begins with Venus, the planet of attraction and love forming a favorable aspect of opportunity to Mars, the planet of action.

This need not be only personal love – it also addresses getting busy doing something you are passionate about.

Maybe it’s just creating an outline for a book you’ve been intending to write, or, something like starting that exercise routine that you’ve been thinking about for so long. With the moon in Taurus, it’s time to take your thoughts and dreams, and make them real.

Tomorrow, September 20th, we have a major planetary aspect between Mercury and Pluto – this is another aspect of taking an idea, represented by Mercury, and transforming the thought into something of value.

Many people are aware that Mercury has been retrograde for a few weeks now, and on Wednesday, Mercury stations direct. This is a bit of a relief because Mercury has been traveling backwards through Virgo, one of the signs of his rulership – this means it’s been a bit stronger than usual.

Jupiter is home to the Archangels and Ascended Masters

Jupiter is home to the Archangels and Ascended Masters

Virgo is about making decisions and you may have had to make decisions, but felt that you didn’t’ have all the information needed. This will stabilize by the end of the week. Your next steps come through with clarity by the 27th.

On Thursday, September 22nd, we celebrate the Autumnal Equinox – a time of balance between the earth and her relationship with the Sun. As the days are balanced between night time and day light, it’s also a time to find balance within your own body, mind and spirit.

Sunday, September 25th is another dynamic day with the Sun conjunct Jupiter – this happens only one day per year, and is a day of special growth and expansion. Embrace all that Jupiter brings; wishing you:

The Peace of Protection
The Good Luck that is your birthright
Growth that comes with holistic expansion
And, prosperity to fill your heart and homes


If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me HERE.

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