Hello and Welcome to my weekly Star Cast, where I bring you the update on what’s happening in the world of astrology – and how you can apply the wisdom to enrich your life here on earth.

My key phrase for this week is: The Power of Your Intention

This week begins with the moon in Pisces – the last sign of the zodiac.

And, to set the stage for Halloween which is on Tuesday, the Pisces moon conjuncts Neptune late on Monday. Prepare to have your intuition turned on to super power status.

In mythology, Neptune is shown as a male figure such as Posiedon, the man of the sea in charge of his many white maned horses that do his bidding in the form of waves.

However, Neptune also has a feminine side; the he/she of Neptune, like Mercury, is gender neutral. Neptune and the deep oceanic realm can be a place of love – a place that nurtures and feeds new growth.

So, as the Moon conjuncts Neptune today in Pisces, take time to tune into your deepest desires, and know that the answers to your wants and needs are just a call away. The answer comes as you shine your Light of intention to create clarity. When your desires are clearly stated, the Universe can then spring into manifestation mode.

Dare to dream during this week when ancients taught that the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is lessened. Take a peek into the future you want to create for 2018 – the New Year that is not really so far into the future.

Last week we all received the bonus of Sun conjunct Jupiter, and this week, the Taurus Full Moon on Friday, November 3rd invites you to solidify your vision.

The sign of Taurus presents a double edged sword – one side is the path of letting things just ‘be’ , like the comfortable bull grazing in the grass, to just stay content and bask in the glow of previous accomplishments.

The other side of the Sword of Taurus, however, is absolute manifestation of your next step. Think of Taurus like a freight train – hard to get going but once in motion, unstoppable.

On Friday we have another major planetary aspect – Venus opposing Uranus.

Venus and Uranus in any aspect invite thinking outside the box and being open to a new paradigm – a new way of thinking, seeing, and being in the world. And, the opposition is an invitation to break from your normal, every day patterns.

When you hear the word ‘Opposition ‘you can always substitute it for ‘Awareness’.

An opposition invokes the energy of Other, as in – that other person made me do it, or, somebody else has all the power, you know, that endless list of justifying blame . And, awareness is the key to power in opposition, become aware of how much power you give away. Really, it’s that simple – don’t give your power away.

The Moon conjunct Neptune on Monday invites your tune into the power of your own Intuition!!

And, as we enter into this week which culminates in the Taurus Full Moon on Friday, be aware that it’s a special time for manifestation using the Power of your Intention.

PS – Be sure grab a copy of my free eBook; How to Manifest Your Best Life when you sign up for my weekly newsletter.

Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the stars!