gateway_edit_medMy key phrase for this week is: Power Negotiation.

This week began with the sun square Jupiter – this is an aspect that can get you either on the right side of power, or the wrong side of it. The Sun square Jupiter was an introduction to another aspect on Saturday, December 19th when Mercury conjuncts Pluto – another aspect of power.

Mercury is the planet of communication, and Pluto is a place that can initiates your transformation. Overall, this is a week to embrace opportunity, but you must face your fears in order to move ahead.

To win at the game of Power Negotiation this week, you want to avoid conflict and figure out a way to move ahead into sanely and without blame.

Soul Evolution
On Monday, December 21st we welcome the solstice as the sun enters Capricorn. This year, Christmas day aligns with the full moon – something that has not occurred since 1977, and will not happen again until 2034.

It’s interesting to note that 1977 was the year of the first Star Wars release!

Also, on December 14, 1977, Egyptian & Israeli representatives gathered in Cairo for first formal peace conference.

As you affirm your strength in Power Negotiation this week, know that you are anchoring a pillar for Peace in the entire world.

During this last week of the Sagittarius sun, let the essence of Jupiter permeate your life.

In your natal chart, the house ruled by Sagittarius is where you need to expand your knowledge and is a part of your life that has been restricted through you ancestry or a previous lifetime.

For example, someone with Sagittarius on the cusp of his or her 8th house needs to expand their personal power. The 8th house Sag person is most likely lucky in receiving legacies, but also must learn the value of things that money cannot buy, such as loyal friends, and time.

Here’s a list to help see how Sagittarius is your cosmic teacher:
Sag ruling Houses 1 & 7 – learn self-expression, but not at the cost of commitment in relationship
Sag ruling Houses 2 & 8 – develop  control of own time; will likely  be self-employed or work in travel
Sag ruling Houses 3 & 9 – speak your truth in a way that others can receive it; cannot accept doctrine
Sag ruling Houses 4 & 10 – grow up and get past issues around your parents; may live overseas, or close to nature
Sag ruling Houses 5 & 11 – productivity is a key to success; move beyond play and into creativity
Sag ruling Houses 6 & 12 –renew through time away from others; a wilderness guide and Sage.

Wishing you all the blessings of Jove and the Sun aligned in a bright and positive LIGHT!

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