mercury_frontPay attention to your inspirations this week!

Mercury is very active and will likely have a message just for you.

This week Mercury manifests a perfect storm of inspiration as he trines Saturn, (Tuesday) squares Pluto, (Wednesday), and conjuncts Uranus (Thursday). With aspects to both Saturn and Pluto, you can know that the inspiration coming this week will be in perfect timing.

These aspects are ones that urge us all to work smarter, not harder.

The exciting day is this Thursday, March 31st, when Mercury conjuncts (joins) Uranus, the planet of sudden insight. (And, we’ll not have this planetary invitation for a whole year, until March 23, 2017.)   

Mercury conjunct Uranus is an aspect that awakens the unconscious mind. As a Facilitator, Uranus is the catalyst that gets you out of your comfort zone. People often struggle with discipline and ‘have to’s, or ‘should’s, but Uranus moves you past duty and lights up your inspiration.

So, pay attention this week; nurture your creativity and listen to your intuition.

Although it’s one that often gets assaulted or even shot down, intuition is one of your many natural gifts. Your psychic powers are greatly enhanced now, and if you have ever questioned your abilities, this time

Uranus is a catalyst that activates your mind like a bolt of lightening

Uranus is a catalyst that activates your mind like a bolt of lightening

period will be a proving ground.

New inventions are also in the realm of Mercury and Uranus, so, if you’ve wanted to re-invent your life, consider that the Universe has hand delivered your calling card.

Ready – Set – Go

Next week brings us to the Aries New Moon (April 7th) which is the ultimate annual invitation for a fresh start. And, the Mercury/Uranus conjunction of March 31st occurs at the same degree as the upcoming new moon – 18/19 Aries.

As you live your life in tune with the Universal energies, it makes perfect sense to do a lot of writing and planning this week.

Tune into to your inner urgings and messages now. This is also a potent time to capture the information presented in your dreams.

Accept the cosmic invitation for a fresh start, and step into your most wonderful, and brilliant, YOU.

The cosmic calendar is inviting you to not only survive, but to thrive.

Find out, and schedule your reading HERE

©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

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