The sun in Aries is always a time for new beginnings; it’s our annual re-set button, and this year is no exception.

Are you ready for a dramatic new Moon on April 7th?

This week, both the sun and the moon align with Uranus, the planet of radical change.

I think of Uranus as ‘the Facilitator’; Uranus lights up change, but it’s important to remember that he only impacts what needs to be changed.

Uranus works very suddenly and sometimes he often leaves a mess in his wake.

You’re seeing Uranus play out on the world stage, and it’s something an individual has no control over.  Traumatic world events are contributing to an energetic body of unconscious fear, so as a conscious person, it’s a critical time to feed the even more powerful energy of Love and Awareness.

And, YOU can impact your personal world; you have exquisite power to regulate all that happens inside. I’m not saying that you should, or can control your emotions, because you don’t want to shut down how you FEEL.

But, you can regulate:

  • How you perceive
  • How your interpret
  • How you react
  • How you process
  • And, most importantly, how you RESPOND.

One of the keywords for Aries is courage
, and this word is a reminder of what will serve you well – to be courageous in your life, and especially be courageous in opening your hearts.

This week, the planet leaves soft Pisces, and enters Aries, another marker that it’s time to take action. But, the presence of Venus is another marker of love – that you are safe.

UranusLooking Ahead

It’s your time to think outside the box. And, if you want to maximize the gift, take time this week and plan your next 3 months.

  • By the end of April, there will be 4 planets retrograde. Saturn leads the charge, (retrograde March 25 – August 13) and in April is joined by Mars (retrograde April 17 – June 29), Pluto (retrograde April 19 – Sept 26), and even Mercury (retrograde April28 – May 22)

With so many retrograde planets by month’s end, you may feel like moving ahead is not relevant.

The cure to this malaise is: get busy NOW. When you see the beautiful baby crescent new moon in the sky on Friday, have a plan in place to fill her cup.

With a great and inspiring plan in place, your projects already have momentum and will not be waylaid by Mars, Pluto, Saturn, and Mercury all retrograde by month’s end.

Accept the Universal invitation to expand on what you already know, get better at what you already do, and add a touch of alchemy to finalize your magic elixir.

This is how the Aries new moon can make your life, and the world, a better place.

Wishing you brilliant days and mystical nights, and this week, as always – let your Light shine.

If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me HERE.


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

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