lunar eclipseThis week signals good things to come with Venus and Jupiter.  On Monday, July 16th the moon joined Venus in a conjunction that was easily visible in the western sky.

I describe Moon and Venus as the ‘sweetheart’ combination because it’s a special time for success in relationships.

Adding a lovely bookend to this week, on Friday, July 20th the moon conjuncts Jupiter. Think of the moon, or Luna, as a gigantic searchlight that illuminates the evening sky.

When Luna shines brightly on a planet, she activates it.  When the Moon forms a conjunction with Jupiter, people start thinking about expansion.  Jupiter says: “the bigger the better” and “give me more.”

With these stellar conjunctions, it’s a great week for your social life, but perhaps  a bit of heaviness lingers amid the fun and good times. This is because a look into the future shifts you out of casual conversation and into personal growth.

Growing in the Right Direction

The secrets of the upcoming full moon lunar eclipse of July 27th suggest that we are moving into a time of soul searching and personal exploration. Last week’s solar eclipse in Cancer triggered core issues. Now the two weeks between the eclipses acts as a calibration phase.  Thankfully we have harmonious and jovial lunar aspects of moon conjunct Venus and Jupiter this week.

By the end of July there will be five planets retrograde, a clear signal that it’s time for introspection and inner development.  Mercury stations retrograde next week on Thursday, July 26th, one day before the Aquarius lunar eclipse. Mars, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are also retrograde.

Great progress can be made under the retrograde signature, but the efforts must be made in the right direction.  Jupiter in direct motion, however, grants authority to your decisions made now.

Think of the rest of July and August as a time to lay your foundation. By the end of August both Mercury and Mars are re-engaged by being in direct motion.

If and when this work is done, you’ll move forward with accelerated personal power and more freedom.

What is really illuminated this week through Venus and Jupiter conjunctions are emotions around your values. What is really important? How can you get it? Can you overcome the fear of making a wrong decision?

A look into the evening sky is always inspirational, and there are several planets now visible. In addition to Venus and Jupiter, you can also see Mercury and Saturn. Mercury in Leo teaches us that communication is essential, and Saturn shines a light on your commitment and dignity.

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Honoring your connection to the wisdom that shines from the stars –

Maya White