On Saturday, Venus, now retrograde, unites with the Sun.  To the ancient astrologers, the ‘Invincible Sun’ was the master of all nature, creator and preserver of humanity.

The sun is the organizing planet of our solar system, and the term ‘Solar Logos’ implies that the Sun has a soul, and even directive power.

‘Logos’ is a Greek word that addresses a pattern that creates sustenance, and interconnecting patterns.

Apollo, one of the ancient Greek avatars of the Sun was gifted in musical harmony, math, medicine, and prophecy. Today, we would see the Sun as holding a template for sacred geometry, a force of creation.

Logos is also equated to the power of the spoken word and the human voice.

Symbolically, the Sun is an avatar of your will. And, as a co-creator endowed with the divine gift of free will choice, (the ability to choose a course of action) you determine how to allocate your solar energy.

Held in the embrace of Solar Logos is also the balance between the unconscious, undirected Life force and your conscious will power. Free will choice addresses your power to overcome chaos combined with the need to reconcile opposing forces in the human psyche.

Venus, with her thick atmospheres, functions as a gigantic a storage battery.  The goddess Venus has no light source of her own; she only stores and reflects the energy and directive of the Sun.

Early theosophists described the Solar Logos as:  Absolute Consciousness

The Sun fuels the very process of life on Mother Earth. Like a giant generator, the Sun gives its energy to grow plants, food, and seed the ongoing transformation of life on earth.

Venus works through magnetic persuasion; most of the time she’s charming, but other times, manipulative.  Venus conjunct the Sun is the power of Primordial Wisdom uniting through the ties of relationship.

Hail the Retrograde King and Queen – Jupiter and Venus

Jupiter retrograde slowly dredging out layer upon layer of illusion, and will finally sort out truth from lies.  Venus retrograde is exposing hidden relationships, bringing them to the Light of the Sun.

Solar energy is meant to benefit everyone – not just the few selected individuals.  Hold back that which is meant to be shared and distributed.

Do not become disillusioned by the necessary digging out process that you see as the earth is literally upturned. You must continue to fuel, nurture, and grow your desires as the soil of a New Earth being prepared.

Wishing you many blessings as you reach for the stars!



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