Heart shape tree with red leaves on red flower field. Love symbol, concept for Valentine's Day, wedding etc. Vintage style

The truth is, the better your relationships, the better and more rewarding your life can be.  Order your Friends and Lovers report by clicking on the image.

I sure hope that this week brings better cheer to the world, and to the US. The Cancer new moon surely ignited a spark in the heart and soul of the world. Venus entered Leo on July 11th, and Mercury enters on July 13th.

Leo distributes and delegates as naturally as the heart pumps blood. Leo also connects your royal crown to your sexual vitality.

The spiritual lesson of Leo is to overcome pride and surrender to true partnership.

Leo is a noble placement for Venus and she shine brightly when held within the arms of the Sun. Mercury can be a bit over the top in Leo – grandiose and demanding.

Plus, the fixed nature of Leo makes Mercury opinionated and even boastful.

So, this month, enjoy the show as Venus travels through Leo, but stay away from arguments that you cannot win.

Astrologically, there are some intricate but difficult planetary aspects happening right now.  Saturn and Neptune are flexing their muscle as they incite the Uranus/Pluto issues of the 1960’s; even the location, Dallas Texas, has shown up in the spiral of healing.

Saturday, July 16th is a key day; the Sun interacts with both Uranus and Mars. You only need to think of the physical nature of the Sun, fiery and hot, to contemplate what is possible. Mars is also fiery and hot, and Uranus is unpredictable.

As the Sun squares Uranus, people will demand a voice; however, in a positive move, the Sun trines Mars on the same day.lovers_sm

Mars and Uranus sit in an aspect called the ‘inconjunct’ , but they are connected by the Sun, the grand solar logos!

The ‘inconjunct’, or Quincux aspect is one that I describe as sitting on a three legged stool – you have to constantly adjust and negotiate you point of balance.

Under the ‘inconjunct’, nobody sees eye to eye, yet everybody has to communicate in order to survive.

Mercury conjunct Venus on Saturday adds icing to the communication cake.

There will undoubtedly be many events scheduled for the 16th, and if the high path of Leo is accessed, we will connect with our hearts.

Wishing you a path with HEART and the way of JOY.

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