Surrender to Divinity: Neptune

(This is the fifth chapter in a series intended as an introduction to basic astrology. As we continue on a path through the cosmos, this visit explores the watery world and mythological development of the planet Neptune.)

Image displayed with same as articleCommanding his chariot pulled through the waters by a team of wild seahorses, Neptune possesses the strength and fury of oceanic storms, as well as the mesmerizing quality of days adrift in the doldrums. Never forget the erosive quality of water when considering Neptune. How can we feel and find these secret places? Surely, it is as simple as holding water in one’s hand.

Neptune is best described by images. Greek mythology provides one explanation as to how the cosmos came into being and gave birth to archetype deities. Earth Goddess Gaia was the first to emerge out of the original state of Chaos. Gaia soon coupled with her son Ouranos (Uranus), ruler of the sky. Their descendants, Zeus (Jupiter), Hades, (Pluto), and Poseidon (Neptune) emerge as three of the twelve Gods of Heaven who resided on Mt. Olympus. Jupiter assumed administration and rulership of the cosmos and delegated authority to his two siblings. Pluto was sanctioned to maintain an iron grip on the underworld. The oceans of the earth, as well as the element of water were Neptune’s assignments.

The oceans remain commanding and mysterious today, but consider how forbidding they appeared to the Ancients. Long sea voyages brought opportunity for adventure and wealth, or loss of life; depending on favors of the mysterious Sea god, Poseidon. Riches found under the water as well as above are another quality of Neptune. Buried treasures awaiting discovery; bountiful harvests of fish and plant life, all there for the taking. A wealth of wonder is available to the seeker of truth who visits Neptune with an open heart.

Neptune also rules the waves that relentlessly wash upon the shore and carves away sandcastles. Dissolution is another quality to be explored as we meet this ancient archetype. Just as sugar dissolves in a cup of tea, Neptune calls for self interest to be blended into a new quest for Universal Love. As we all know, love has many forms. And love, whether it is spiritual devotion or even sexual ecstasy asks that we relinquish ego control and surrender to a union.

Accessing higher consciousness assumes a positive response to Neptune’s influences. However, there is another side to the Poseidon/Neptune archetype. Dionysus, mythical offspring of Persephone, (Queen of the Underworld) is another representative of the ecstatic state. The archetype of Dionysus may be one of the oldest gods. Credited with introducing wine to humanity, he was noted for his travels far and wide spreading intoxication and dancing with maidens. Dionysus forged the earthly “Wild Man” persona until he fell in love and married princess Ariadne. Marriage, or the capacity for love and commitment that come with maturity served him well, as shortly thereafter he was admitted to the company of Olympic gods.

Neptune’s palette broadens as we introduce the Dionysusian qualities of music and drugs. Add theatre and acting, combined with a touch of idealism, and we begin to dine at his table. Shamanism is another expression of Neptunian vistas. In trance state, the shaman assumes the personality or other qualities of an outside entity. He or she must relinquish personal control of ego and allow embodiment of another (preferably sacred image) for a limited time. The shamans’ tools of dance, ritual, music or rhythmic drumming, masks, and altered states of consciousness lead the tribe to a unified state of spiritual ecstasy. Once again the common theme is surrender.

Neptune leads us to Divinity. The temples and shrines. Holy water. Sacred Mother. Mt. Kailas. Healing circle in your back yard. A quite moment of meditation when we access the Divine. But, alas, we do not dwell in her beauty infinitely. As mortals, we only visit. The shaman leaves her trance, and we all return to our daily lives; changed. She is so intense; we can only glimpse her immortality, not stay indefinitely.

If Posiedon and Dionysus represent the male aspect of Neptune, then surely the Divine Goddess and her temples embody the feminine. The Sumerian goddess Nammu is the earliest recorded source of a primal sea mother who gave birth to heaven and earth (1800 B.C.E.). Traveling through time, the Babylonian Culture absorbed the creation myth of Nammu with the story of Tiamat and Aspu, female and male water deities. Throughout the centuries, cultures continually retell the story of humans walking out of the primal sea, and then longing to return to her bliss.

Subtle yet powerful is the logo on Neptune’s calling card. One more image, this one modern serves to illustrate her strength. The Butterfly Effect is defined as – “sensitive dependence on initial conditions”. Further explained, it is about how slight changes (vibrations) can expand into huge differences (wave forms). Think of how a slight shift in the earth’s crust in the middle of the ocean can trigger a huge tidal wave on shore. Isn’t it exciting to think a single act of kindness or love can move through the vastness of time and space to clear karma! Now, there’s an act of surrender.

Vibrational Change

Because astrology works in a synchronistic expression of the ‘as above, so below’ model, I am often intrigued with and search for new information which supports what seems to be a basic operating code for all of life on this earth. The concept of vibrational resonance provides us with a model for the ways astrology performs as a tool of manifestation as well as a working guide for living life ‘in tune’ with the cosmos. Learning to consciously tune into the energies of the planets is one tool on a path to higher consciousness. We can also increase our understanding by looking at different yet comparable teachings of other paths.

I recently had the privilege of attending a workshop given by best selling author Dr. Masuro Emoto on the healing aspect of his work which he calls ‘Hado Vibrational Medicine.’ With public acceptance of his book titled ‘The Hidden Messages in Water, Dr. Masuro’s work is now generally acknowledged, but he previously had many years of struggle for recognition within his medical and scientific community. Dr. Emoto is indeed a visionary, and it was somewhat disturbing to witness how his theories provoked antagonism even from other self proclaimed holistic healers.

Many readers are probably already familiar with Emoto’s work. He has developed a system to photograph the crystal formations made by water just as it surrenders from frozen to liquid form. His work provides visual examples and comparisons of water molecules from sources such as clear mountain streams as well as denatured city water. Predictably, the pure and natural water sources show brilliance and organizational clarity in their crystal formations.

Amazingly, Dr. Emoto also used the power of spoken words and intention to illustrate transformations in the crystal structure of water droplets. The water crystal example that changed his life was one formed by exposure to the words ‘love and gratitude’. He feels that his work proves that water has the ability to copy and memorize information. Like many successful individuals, Dr. Emoto has been working diligently for many years, and his work with water crystal photography is actually an outgrowth of his efforts to develop effective healing modalities.

In ‘The Hidden Messages in Water’, Dr. Emoto also asks a simple question of his readers- ‘are you happy?’ He then answers with his opinion that ‘not many people will be able to reply with a resounding yes.’ He addresses the issue of chaos in our world today, as well as our search for a way to eliminate suffering which comes from turmoil. Emoto summarizes his work by stating ‘the more afflicted people that I see, the more I become convinced that illness is not just an individual problem, but a result of the deformation of society as a whole.’ He further addresses the world as a reflection of the soul by concluding ‘just as a drop in a pond creates a ripple that spreads out endlessly, the deformity of even one soul spreads throughout the world, resulting in global deformities.’

The visual image of a ripple in water also offers a useful model for working to change one’s reality and/or offer healings. Emoto’s less scientific and more spiritually oriented teaching of Hado Vibrational theory is built on a foundation of using harmony and resonance as a platform for healing of the physical, mental and emotional injuries the individual as well as the world at large. Hado can also be described as ‘chi’, or even ‘soul’ is energy which moves in waves. Hado energy, like water, needs to be flowing and never stagnant. Our role as human beings, or conscious co-creators of peace, is to be in harmony with all of existence; when a person’s consciousness is polluted by doubt or prejudice, this harmony fails.

If using a model of concentric circles to illustrate progressively finer aspects of energy, Hado lies in the center as an elementary particle of the Universe. So, in this example, the physical body would be the outermost circle, next the organs of our body, and in an even smaller circle inside of the others, the molecules. The next smaller and energetically finer building block would be atoms, and finally, the smallest circle in this model represents Hado, or elementary particles.

We have one more space, though, which must be penetrated in order to influence change on a vibrational resonance level; that which is inside the circle of the elementary particle. Emoto teaches that there lies the realm of creative consciousness, and that it can be penetrated and influenced by water, pleasing music, and positive intentionality. This is also the realm of the ‘observer’ as taught by quantum physics. It seems we must first travel deeply inward, through the concentric rings of organized physical and even atomic energy; and then, once inside, effectively step out of the way to facilitate conscious creation. This brings us back to another model for the ancient teachings of meditation.

And, it provokes important questions regarding astrology. Does planetary influence of our lives on earth originate from the center space of that inner most ring of elementary particles? Or, does it penetrate into the consecutive rings from an outside source? So many teachings are coming together now, and all with one prize to claim; that of inner and outer peace, as well as the ability to understand and create a life of our choice. I will close with another expression of our role as human beings in the fabric of the cosmos.

The following words are from the Vedas of ancient India and over 7000 years old. Consider how they match the teachings of modern quantum thought.

Indra’s Net
There is an endless net of treads throughout the universe.
The horizontal threads are in space, the vertical threads in time.
At every crossing of thread there is an individual, and every individual is a crystal bead. The great light of absolute being illuminates and penetrates every crystal being,
and every crystal being reflects not only the light from every other crystal in the net,
but also every reflection of every re-flection throughout the universe.

Astrological Compatibility – The ABC’s

Comparing the astrological charts of two or more people to determine compatibility is both an art and a science. There are many ways to extract information but easiest and most obvious approach is to compare natal Sun signs- and it’s a great place to start! The Sun sign can be thought of as a lens through which the rest of one’s blueprint of life will be focused through. Understanding the foundation of any structure helps when adding depth and width.

There is a completely logical order to the 12 signs, and a basic understanding of this makes it easier to approach compatibility. First, analyze the sign by element; fire, earth, air, or water. The fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire is an element of heart, spirit, and courage. Of these three traits, I would assign courage to Aries, heart to Leo, and spirit to Sagittarius. Earth signs like stability, predictability, and growth; a perfect fit for our earth trio of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The air element is predominately mental and/or analytical. Gemini gathers information, Libra analyzes (or weighs) it, and Aquarius disseminates this elixir of knowledge. Next we meet the protective, passionate, and mystical water signs in respective order; Cancer Scorpio, and Pisces.

After determining element, the signs are analyzed by one of three qualities; cardinal, fixed, or mutable. Starting with Aries, we have as our first in the line up a cardinal fire sign. Next comes Taurus; fixed earth. Gemini is mutable air. Returning to cardinal quality, next comes Cancer as cardinal water. And, they continue following that form throughout all 12 signs of the zodiac. (I have included a complete chart at the bottom of this column.) Knowing just these two basic details about someone’s natal astrology can help you understand much more about their nature, and leaves less room for surprises.

As a cardinal fire sign Aries is particularly good at initiating things. Others may expect though, that as a cardinal fire sign Aries might be able to work non stop. Not exactly. Just like any fire in nature, the fuel must be replenished or it burns out leaving a heap of coals and ash. Cancer- water dreamy moon ruled space shots, right? Wrong. Cancer is a water sign, yes, but the quality is cardinal, or action starting. As a cardinal element, Cancer has ambition and an emotional need to be active and productive. Libra is also a cardinal or action starting quality. Libra is often thought of as a sign of compromise and peace making. Yes, but they are driven to make it so, and these activities are a major part of their karmic lesson in life. It doesn’t always come easily, and there are many Libran lessons to be learned about separating the self from others. This cardinal air sign must carefully weigh information and make judgments regarding how to act. Last on the cardinal line up is Capricorn. First analyze by element; earth signs are materialistic and they like predictability. So, this cardinal earth sign will be the most driven of all to achieve both through a sustained push for achievement.

Fixed signs can indeed be stubborn and unmovable- for better or worse. How many people know a solid reliable Taurean? Leo is the fixed fire sign, the one and only. Now there is a worthy opponent; boundless enthusiasm is a positive trait of this Sun ruled planet. Scorpio reigns as the fixed water sign. As a sign that can encompass the highest highs and the lowest lows, Scorpio struggles occasionally with frozen emotions. The antidote is passion. As a fixed air sign, Aquarians are known for their tightly held opinions; keep that in mind when dealing with one.

Mutable is just as the name implies- changeable. It’s a nice quality to have, especially in today’s fast paced world. Quick witted and nimble footed Gemini is mutable air. One cannot get much lighter than that. Earth gods and goddesses Virgos are next on the mutable lineup. Now perhaps you can understand why your Virgo friends are so practical minded, always analyzing and dissecting. It is their nature to take things apart and put them back together again. Known for its wisdom and adventurous spirit is the mutable fire sign Sagittarius. They can be hard to pin down and always need fresh fuel. And last is the mutable sign Pisces. This water sign has great sensitivity, yet being mutable, can lack perseverance (fixed qualities) or initiative (cardinal quality). They will, however, always be your best friend in a time of need.

Of course there are many details of astrological compatibility, but knowing the basics of the Sun signs places you ahead in the game. Start to observe these simple formulations, and you’ll be amazed. What’s your sign, or rather, your quality and element?

Astrolocality – Part 1

Our increasingly mobile culture and lifestyle options open new vistas for life experiences. Astrolocality is a specialized branch of astrology that in essence, takes one’s natal chart and superimposes it on a map of the earth, revealing individualized places of planetary archetypal energies.

Travel, once reserved for the ruling class or camel merchants, is now available to all. What can be more magical than entering the bowels of a giant metallic bird and traveling through time and space to arrive into a previously unexplored environment? Indeed, the very fabric of time seems to be rapidly expanding these days, ever changing, growing, and rushing onward. With all of our power and freedom, we remain quintessentially similar to our ancestors as a species seeking unity with a divine creator. And, we still struggle with issues of ‘fate’; the time and place when a power much larger than ours deals a hand in the card game of life.

The true nature of time and space remains on the forefront of modern physics as a topic that entices some of the most brilliant minds on our planet. A scientific description of time and space, one which measures the qualities of such, results in an objective reality. We accept certain facts of the physical world, such as the measured distance from New York to Boston. And, we generally agree on objective perceptions of time; allowing that it takes one hour to move 60 miles when traveling at 60 MPH. So, objectively, we live in a world where the travel time from New York to Boston is dependent upon our rate of travel to cover the distance. The time of course is variable upon the rate of speed, but the distance remains constant – all objective measurements.

Astrology is an art which attempts to define subjective reality, or one’s personal experience of the mysterious world in which we live. The natal chart is an objective measurement of time, and the astrologer helps by facilitating the subjective qualities of experience. Subjective qualities are perceived and measured on an internal level. In keeping with the objective nature of a natal astrological chart, we cannot change the circumstances of our birth. However, as we move into expanding power and mobility, we can change our life experiences; and that is the basis of relocation astrology- that we can change the subjective nature of our life by invoking the planetary energies associated with geographical location.

Astrolocality has roots in sacred geography which related places on the earth to corresponding areas of the heavens. Sacred geography always required a cosmic center to link the material and mystical spiritual worlds. This sacred center, also known as the omphalos, symbolized an earth location as the center of the cosmos with heaven rising above and the underworld below. This naval or sacred center served as an origination point for life.

The naval center, or omphalos was also the site of what is known as the ‘cosmic axis’, a vertical point of reference running above and symbolically below the earth. The cosmic axis served as a kind of umbilical cord linking the sky gods to the under world and has many different cultural manifestations. One example of a cosmic axis known to most of us is the Maypole. This relic of pagan tree worship originally represented the cosmic axis and the phallic power of the sky god. In any form, the axis represents a magical place where opposites come together and time and space merge.

On a practical level, the sacred center remained a constant for measuring the seasons to help ancients know when to plant or harvest; necessities for survival. Once the navel or earth center was established, it became crucial to establish cardinal directions of north, south, east and west in order to measure and predict reliable solar and lunar cycles. (Some cultures such as the Quechua Indians in Peru aligned to inter cardinal directions such as northeast and southwest.) Cardinal and inter cardinal directions also had a symbolic purpose in the sacred scheme. Directional orientation became the genesis of healing threads allowing for travel and expansion to safely explore both inner and outer worlds. Similarly; the astrological Local Space chart radiates out on the earth horizon giving a visual picture of our individual planetary pathways. Some paths urge exploration and expansion, others may stress growth through responsibilities.

Ancient Greeks believed that Delphi was the center of the world, and medieval European cities were often built around naval stones. The naval is one thing we all have in common! Male or female, regardless of skin color or race, we all share a fundamental biology that brought us into this world. Sadly, it seems today that our sacred earth center is the office coffeepot, the cosmic axis- a tall cold bottle of beer, and our directional healing threads are data bytes inside the World Wide Web. However, even in this era of technology, we still seek to control, or at least understand our existence on earth.

I propose as part of our awakening to an age of enlightenment that every individual has the potential to be a cosmic axis with a sacred center; and that we can use personal planetary influences to help us each weave a web of power. Local Space has both micro and macrocosmic implications. We can move or travel to actual places on the earth that express qualities of our unique planetary signature. More conservatively, we can empower planetary influences in our daily environment. Always, though, we must express respect for our abundant home in a way that honors her contribution to our well being that is outside of time and space.

Next time, we’ll continue with a deeper look into Astrolocality, and add Astro*Carto*Graphy, a modern locational system that takes us far above the planet. Wishing you all a joyous journey.

The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology

There are many different systems of measurement and teachings of astrology. Most of them are based on measured observation of the movement of celestial bodies in relationship to the earth. The two structures most widely used today are Western astrology; and the East Indian system known as Vedic astrology. The Vedic system is renowned for accuracy in prediction of events as well as relationship compatibility.

The two have many similarities, but also some broad differences. Western astrology is oriented to the Sun and its movement through the signs of the zodiac. The Sun, however, has not always been seen as the most powerful celestial being. In ancient Sumer, China, and India, the Sun was viewed as a destructive entity die to its intense heat which scorched the earth and left the land parched and dry. The Moon, on the other hand, was revered as a creative power which brought the cool night air and promoted growth. This quality was important to early farming communities which depended upon reliability in predicting seasonal changes and growing conditions for success of their crops.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology is based on the Moon and its 27 Lunar Mansions known as the Nakshatras. The Nakshatras are a fundamental feature of most lunar based astrological systems, such as Chinese, and of course, Indian. Also, this powerful ruler of the night (named Soma) in Indian astrology and mythology was regarded as a male deity; a god and not a goddess. According to Hindu lore, Soma considers the 27 Lunar Mansions as his resting places as he journeys through the zodiac.

Each Nakshatra spans just over 13º, starting at zero Aries and ending at 30 degrees of Pisces, so they do not exactly follow the 30º sign and house system of Western astrology. They are referred to as the Lunar Mansions because the Moon moves approximately 13.20 per day, and therefore, resides in one Nakshatra per day each month. The Lunar Mansions can also be thought of as centering on one’s birthstar, and is an important factor in determining the characteristics of an individual. Each mansion is centered on a different fixed star in the sky, often, but not always a central part of one of the 12 signs of the Western zodiac.

Other legends personify the mansions as Soma’s amorous wives- one lover for each day of the Moon’s cycle. Several of the Nakshatras have qualities similar to the zodiacal signs they occupy, or to one of the fixed stars contained within that particular sign. A perfect example is the Lunar Mansion named ‘Rohini’; known throughout Indian mythology as Soma’s favorite and most jealous wife.

Rohini, meaning ‘Red Cow’ spans the mid degrees of Taurus the Bull, the most sensual and possessive sign of the zodiac. The zodiacal or actual night sky location of this nakshatra centers on the fixed star Aldebran, the red eye, and brightest of 5 stars which form the head of the bull in the constellation Taurus. So, here, in Taurus, the sign of the Moon’s exaltation and greatest strength, resides his favorite partner, Rohini.

Each Nakshatra has a ruling planet, male or female animal, a symbol, and a primary power. For instance, Rohini is ruled by the Moon, and her animal is a male serpent. Her symbol is a chariot. Rohini is described as * ‘lightly built, soft spoken and popular. She has delicate features and a gentle nature, and most admires honesty and loyalty.’ People born under the influence of this Lunar Mansion are further depicted as ‘witty and intelligent and with excellent persuasive skills. They quickly gain others’ confidence but must take care not to abuse their trust. And, as the most favored wife among 5 jealous sisters (the other stars forming the head of the bull in Taurus) these natives may experience family problems due to being misunderstood sometimes. The romantic and marital life, however, is blissful’.

Both Vedic and Western astrology use the planets and signs; but with a different system of measurement. Western astrology is which is based on a Tropical Zodiac. The Tropical Zodiac is movable because the vernal equinox, which occurs on March 20-21st in the Gregorian calendar, is always considered to be 0° Aries- despite the fact that the actual vernal point has not fallen on that constellation degree for about 1700 years. As of 1950, the sidereal zodiac was 23° behind the tropical zodiac. So, indeed, our system of Western astrological measurement and interpretation is not based on the actual positions of the planets in relationship to the constellations. It still works; perhaps due to an evolution of consciousness and the human quality of synchronicity rather than actual planetary movements. Vedic astrology is based on the Sidereal zodiac, or actual movement of the earth in relationship to stationary stars in the sky. This creates a ‘fixed’ zodiac because the beginning of the astrological year is always the first degree of the actual constellation of Aries.

The difference in degrees between where the vernal equinox point is actually placed is can be easily calculated to arrive at the sidereal positions. Remember, the sidereal zodiac is 23° behind the tropical zodiac. The easiest way to determine the sidereal degree of your Moon or any planet is add 7° to the tropical measurement, and then subtract 30º; or simply go back one sign. For instance, if your Moon is at 20º Libra, to find the degree of your Moon in the Vedic system- add 7 to 20, which equals 27° Libra, and then count back one sign- to Virgo. The Vedic sidereal position of the Moon by sign and degree would be 27° Virgo; and the Nakshatra is Chittra- a female tiger ruled by Mars.

Researching your personal Moon Nakshatra, will take some time, but is worth the effort. First, you need to have the Tropical degree of your Moon. (You can do this with all the planets, but start with the Moon.) If you do not know, there are several free web sites to get this information. I recommend as a reliable and professional source. Remember the rule: take the degree of your natal Moon; add 7º; and then go back one sign. Next, we rely again on the internet or a book for interpretation of your nakshatra. See the sources listed below. I guarantee this will be a thought provoking exercise, and here is my toast to a wiser and more insightful you!

* (for Rohini’s characteristics listed above)
other good sources:;
‘ The Nakshatras- the Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology’ by Dennis Harness, PhD

© Maya White/White Star Astrology/ 2009