October 2022 Sun Sign Horoscope

October 2022 Sun Sign Horoscope

by Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer

image maya white astrologer

Astrological predictions and spiritual guidance by Maya White. Get your October 2022 Sun Sign horoscope here. How does the month ahead look for you? 

Mercury and the Power of your Mind
Mercury stations direct on October 2nd. All of the planets are teachers, and Mercury teaches about the power of your words. Governance over spoken and written words are one of your most Divine gifts; use it wisely.

Do you pay attention to self talk? You know, that monkey that runs around in the mind. You can tame that monkey mind through positive self affirmation.

And, the secret to success in using affirmations is: Say it; Feel it; Mean it.  You must invoke your will (your Sun) and feed it with your emotion (the Moon).

Mars is now in Gemini – where he stays until March 25, 2023! Gemini is also a sign affiliated with Mercury, so Mars is lending his guidance in how you choose to use your thoughts, words, and deeds to make this world a better place.

This month also delivers a Divine meeting of Venus and the Sun on October 22nd. This is a Superior Conjunction, and it signals a time of blossoming ripening into a turning point. After the Superior Conjunction, the energy is more mature and goal oriented. In short – you ARE going to know where you want to go, and have a good idea about how to get there. For months, Venus has been a bright sentinel in the morning sky.

After her conjunction with the Sun, she disappears for a few weeks, (into the Underworld) and then returns in mid December, adorned in her mature glory, as an Evening Star.

This conjunction of the Sun and Venus occurs at 29 degrees of Libra. As the ruling planet of Libra, Venus is at the height of her strength here. The planets are speaking, and we all must listen.

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free monthly horoscope for aries
Aries (March 20 – April 18)

You already invented the wheel, now you can relax and go places in style. Take the gains made in the recent months and refine them into a system which can pay you repeated benefits with less effort on your part. Your secret to success now is to rely on your own wisdom, not the advice of others. You may have to make some hard decisions mid-month, but trust me – the home run position is about you going for it, and excess baggage doesn’t get you there. Mars, your planetary ruler, sits in a grand air trine with the Sun and Saturn for the New Moon of October 25th.
Connect with the Light of Spirit, and see it shining brightly on your success.


free monthly horoscope for taurus
Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

Come to terms with not knowing or understanding every little detail now. Like an itch that you cannot scratch, there is an air of mystery surrounding you. Secrets will be revealed slowly and surely, in the same way that a flower unfolds. Know that this blossom holds more delight than you would have previously dreamt possible. So, be patient and wise; and smile even when you feel like a bull in the China closet. The Scorpio Full Moon of October 25th delivers answers to your questions, especially around partnerships. Trust that you are seeing things exactly as they are. You knew all along; now you are ready to take it to the next level.


free monthly horoscope for gemini
Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

This is your time for respite and reward, Gemini. Missing information becomes available after the 16th when Mercury clears his retrograde shadow. Your mission is to reclaim your natural state of play and exploration. Give serious thought to investing the extra income you earned last month. When presented with an opportunity this month, you’ll have to act quickly. Do your homework, but this offer has all the markings of a sound investment that adds just more stability to your otherwise mobile lifestyle. Clear out clutter by the 25th; you don’t want any old ghosts haunting you on Halloween.


free monthly horoscope for cancer
Cancer (June 20 – July 20)

You are ready to settle down in a new way, Cancer. Some of you will move to a new home, others to a new space inside of your body. However, or where ever this new feeling resonates inside, you are more integrated than ever before. Your spiritual essence is shining strong now, with Jupiter and Neptune illuminating your wisdom and public recognition sectors. Mercury helps you complete a project begun long ago. Take a moment and connect with your creative essence; this project (or being) is now calling and ready to be born. Best of all, you have the energy and drive to pull it all together now. Take that leap of faith.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Leo (July 21– August 21)

You are busier than ever, Leo and Venus lights you up like a hot wire as she conjuncts the Sun in Libra on October 22nd. Although many duties and opportunities beckon, your best times can be had at home this month. You’re super busy, but settling into your comfortable den at the end of day keeps you going strong. With no planets in Leo now, you may feel overlooked; like you’re doing all the work but not really enjoying the recognition. This is just temporary so don’t take it personally. Welcome the friend from your past who shows up by month’s end – this person has a gift for you.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

You are preparing for a major new cycle of rapid growth and innovation. Indeed, it’s time to view old things in a bright new way and offer your brilliant insights that other people completely overlook. It’s like the door to a long closed off room has suddenly been opened, and you can walk into this space as if you had always lived there. The best part is that you can also monetize this new information Don’t hesitate when investing in software or another educational program; the reward is well worth the price. Get your plans in place before Mars stations retrograde on October 30th.


free monthly horoscope for libra
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Greet the opportunity to refresh your learning skills with enthusiasm. Sometimes we just have to pay the price in order to move ahead, that this is one of those times. One of the gifts of your sign is benefit from partnerships. There is no exception now, so understand that someone has a critical piece of knowledge that you need in order to complete your next step. Knowledge transformed into wisdom is your lesson now. The Libra Full Moon of October 9th signals a dramatic new phase of activity for the year ahead. Remain organized, and enjoy the journey.


free monthly horoscope for scorpio
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Loose ends are being woven into the fabric of a new reality, Scorpio. It’s as though you have been tending many different crops; each one not really connected to the other. But now, you see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you even see a path ahead to unite disparate strands. Good news regarding income arrives with the New Moon Solar Eclipse of October 25th; you are motivated, and so are your partners. Stay in motion and move beyond fear. Keeping yourself balanced, healthy and motivated is a dynamic combination that serves you well.


free monthly horoscope for sagittarius
Sagittarius (November 22– December 20)

Mars in Gemini until March 25, 2023 adds a zest to your life and it also keeps the pressure on all relationships – both personal and professional. Enjoy this time; your creative juices are at an all-time high, and good luck is on your side. You are so in tune with your next step now. You have given everything plenty of thought, and waiting too long is going to cause more pain than gain. However, Jupiter retrograde until November 23rd complicates your life now. Delays that show up now prevent problems in the future.


free monthly horoscope for capricorn
Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)

The past months have been a time for vision combined with inspiration. Now is the time for earnest preparation. You’ve had plenty of time to refine, rewrite, and revise your plan, and any remaining missing pieces will come together by the middle of next month. Accept that there are still mysteries and missing puzzle pieces in your world now, Capricorn. The Aries Full Moon of October 9th illuminates your inner security as Chiron seals your root chakra for the ultimate core healing experience. Family and friends support you, and know that your career is ready for lift off.


free monthly horoscope for aquarius
Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)

This is the perfect month to announce your intentions to the world, Aquarius. Some will take on a new job or career; others decide to do just the opposite by creating a new life from home. Whatever your situation, know that it’s time to put it out there. Your vitality is good and your inspiration in ‘go’ mode. Prepare for a bit of a roller coaster ride on the New Moon Solar Eclipse of October 25th when a temporary bump in the road looks bigger than it really is. Don’t sweat the small stuff. You have great momentum now, keep it going.


free monthly horoscope for pisces
Pisces (February 18– March 19)

Partnerships work to your benefit now, Pisces. Help arrives from an unlikely and unexpected source. You can believe it; this one is really going to work out right. Take a careful look at the greater good here by stepping out of your personal world and into looking at the big picture. You have an opportunity to get your message out to a larger audience, if you choose to do so. Mars square Neptune on October 12th urges you to overcome the nagging voice that says there is no reason to do the work. You have a unique and valuable contribution – polish it and show the world.


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logo_signaturesm1Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer | Discover the Power of Place so You Can Live the Life You Want| Certified in AstroCartoGraphy Relocation Astrology

© Maya White/2022/All Rights Reserved

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October 2022 Sun Sign Horoscope

September 2022 Sun Sign Horoscope

by Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer

image maya white astrologer

Astrological predictions and spiritual guidance by Maya White. Get your September 2022 Sun Sign horoscope here. How does the month ahead look for you? 

Mercury Retrograde – September 9 – October 2
I think that there is way too much confusion about Mercury Retrograde!  This can be a time when your intuition is stronger, so listen to those urgings; your inner Mercury is speaking to you.

Much of September 2022 is a time for your Cosmic Inbreath. As of September 9th, there are SIX planets retrograde; Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This is fitting for the Pisces Full Moon of September 10th. Pisces, and the retrograde planets, invite you to take a moment for reflection.

After the New Moon of September 25th, things move back into forward motion. Monday, September 26th is one of the most dynamic days of the month.  Mercury conjunct Venus promotes good conversation with self and others; Venus trine Pluto boosts your own self esteem; and Sun opposing Jupiter helps you prioritize your next steps.

Uranus and the North Node
True transformation is an ‘inside’ job, but Uranus and the karmic North Node are working overtime to pave the way. Some astrologers view Rahu as insatiable, a driving force that cannot be fully satisfied, and the South Node as a stagnant pool of negativity. This is impossibly fatalistic.

Rahu, or the North Node of the moon unites your desires with your destiny. Used correctly, the North Node serves as your Northern Star, a guiding light to your highest Life’s purpose. The South Node, (now in Scorpio) is a cup to be filled; it can be a repository of your past, or, a well spring of sustenance. You decide.

Your North Node, by sign and house, shows you the way to feed your SOUL. And, you grow through consciousness and application of your Divine gift of Free Will Choice. The nodes are where you do your Earth work through companionship with God.

Do you know what your Nodes are showing you. Where is your Guiding Light?

You can schedule your Destiny Reading HERE

free monthly horoscope for aries
Aries (March 20 – April 18)

When was the last time you really followed your dreams? The Universe is singing a swan song of delight and creativity now. And, for once you don’t have to lead the way; just take action on your passion. By the Full Moon of September 10th, there are six (yes six!) planets retrograde. All this retrograde energy can leave you feeling a bit heavy, and indeed, you may have to navigate around obstacles. Persevere because this is a time when great risks yield substantial the rewards. Leave your questions behind and let the wind fill your sails.


free monthly horoscope for taurus
Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

It’s time to get your ideas out in front of the public! Everybody loves what you have to say; people are ready to listen and even act on your suggestions. The secret to success this month is: you cannot go it alone. Yes, sometimes it feels easier to just do it yourself, but partnerships are critical now. You are going to have to take some risks in order to develop your plans; Venus in Virgo Sept 5 – Sept 28th is giving you a green light to move forward. Quick victory comes when you trust and rely on people who have already proven their value.


free monthly horoscope for gemini
Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

Are you ready to let your creative genius out, Gemini? I mean really think outside the box and start to build the magnificent life of your dreams. Do not let Mercury retrograde September 9 – October 2 stop you. Mercury retrograde in Libra supports your creativity and when Mercury re-enters Virgo on September 23rd, you can truly rely on your gut instincts. There is one bright Light that outshines all other possibilities. Take a moment and connect with that place inside of yourself where you find peace – not in your mind, but in your body.


free monthly horoscope for cancer
Cancer (June 20 – July 20)

It’s time to consolidate the gains you made last month, and cut loose other things which are simply weighing you down now, Cancer. Do not let continual distractions keep you from your dreams. Any projects that keep developing new problems need to be totally revamped or even discarded. The Full Moon of September 10th joins Neptune, the planet of dreams and inspiration. Let this time seed your vision for a fruitful and vibrant future. You instinctively know that this is YOUR time to step forward in a big way; you’ve come too far to give up now!


free monthly horoscope for leo
Leo (July 21– August 21)

Your energy is good, spirits are high, and your motivation is in gear. However, a plethora of retrograde planets has your Spidey senses scanning the horizon for unexpected and unexplained outcomes. Digging into this, I see two distractors. The first one is Mars in Gemini. Mars has some growing up to do this month and he’s impacting your presence in the community and there are a couple of rough edges that need to be equalized. And, then there’s Saturn – sitting in your relationship sector. Saturn is asking for commitment. The truth is, there is nothing unexpected here; only a fear of the unknown. You are setting the groundwork for a new foundation so move decisively and don’t allow distractions.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

This year has brought you a cycle of deep impact and warp speed changes, so just keep your focus and maintain your sense of humor, Virgo. You are going to have to make some quick decisions so remember that whatever you choose is right. Some paths get you to the destination faster, but if your motivation is sincere, you’ll end up in the right place regardless of how you get there. Your secret tool is versatility. Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus, fellow earth signs, are lending rock solid support to your sign this month. Trust the process.


free monthly horoscope for libra
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

My crystal ball shows a secret benefactor for you Libra, someone who has your best interests at heart. This is an admirer from your past; it may be this lifetime or another, but he or she has arrived again with an expression of gratitude. However, this month does not give you all the information you need – you’ll see the full picture by October. The best way to maximize all the good vibes coming your way this month is to focus on long-term goals; it’s time to get your big picture future plans in place. There is a gift, but to prime the pump, you will have to pay it forward.


free monthly horoscope for scorpio
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Some things are easy this month, Scorpio, and others are a hassle. What’s troubling is a feeling that everything must be earned – like a farmer who has worked so hard to plant and nurture his field, you must still put forth this final effort to harvest your crop. The bright side of the situation is that you also have the opportunity to make a quantum leap and put an end once and for all to many of those things that cause you distress. Chaos and wasted time are your opponents; consistency and motivation are your guardians. You have a choice here. What is it going to be?


free monthly horoscope for sagittarius
Sagittarius (November 22– December 20)

If its peace and serenity you’re longing for now, the planets have a jolly good month lined up for you. Jupiter, your ruling planet is keeping a low profile this month, plus six retrograde planets give you ample time to review, refine, and redo. You need a time and place to think, because there are some important decisions to be made now. You can pretend to be reading a good book, or take that class you’ve wanted to indulge in for so long – but these are only tools to help you gain access to what’s really going on inside your head.


free monthly horoscope for capricorn
Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)

September delivers a grand trine of opportunity and things continue along the same path all month. Pluto and Uranus are ripe and ready to make magic; just keep your eye on the prize and place one foot in front of the other to get exactly where you want. Mercury trine Pluto on September 27th signals a time of completion. Use this planetary aspect wisely to wrap up a long-term project. You arrive in style at your destination by month’s end; share your joy and spread the wealth. You have much to give now, including excellent advice.


free monthly horoscope for aquarius
Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)

Get yourself ready for an amazing month. Saturn in your sign is finally ready to yield his rewards. Plus, Mars lingers for seven months in fellow air sign, Gemini, until March of 2023! Part of your challenge is to release old self concepts and/or ways. Like Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio, your fixed nature is sometimes resistant to change. Finding a new flow when the old ones have dried up is crucial to growth. There are beneficial things coming in, but something’s gotta go.


free monthly horoscope for pisces
Pisces (February 18– March 19)

The month delivers all that you wanted and more. Surprises come in human sized packages, though. You always knew that you are loved and cherished, but it’s nice to be reminded through bundles of personal love. Your good fortune this month is another example of the wheels of karma turning – this time in your favor. There is a delicate balance required here to fulfill your treasure – you must negotiate equilibrium between work and play. Both are vying for your attention!


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logo_signaturesm1Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer | Discover the Power of Place so You Can Live the Life You Want| Certified in AstroCartoGraphy Relocation Astrology

© Maya White/2022/All Rights Reserved

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Mars and Uranus – Final Straw to Fresh Start

Mars and Uranus – Final Straw to Fresh Start

One of my favorite things about astrology is that it provides certainty even in uncertain times. Those who follow astrology know that Mars conjunct Uranus takes you to the Final Straw, but it also signals a time for a Fresh Start

What you cannot see is the Moon’s North Node, also present in this alignment.

The Nodes are referred to as ‘karmic’ points and here is an easy way to understand them:
The Nodes are calculated points in the relationship between the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth, and they are representative of your soul’s journey from Spirit (Sun and Moon) and on to the Earth. The Nodes are profound, but also uncomplicated.

Ok, so true confession – I, the astrologer who knows that Uranus and Mars can cause one to be ‘out of sorts’ and should know better – well …. I’ve been feeling the vibe anyway. Cats complaining; water leaks; plumbers showing up late, and having to come back two/three times; communication breakdowns among friends… grrrrr

But, some good things have happened too, and I’ll bet that some good things are happening for you. Because…… it’s breakdown time. You draw the Final Straw – and then – you have to do something about it. 

And, that’s the karmic part because what is being broken down now is deep, deep, down to the deepest layer of muck. Lifetimes.

Maybe you have to move past old barriers to find your happy space. And, maybe these barriers offered you support in the past. (that’s a positive aspect of the South Node).

Mars, Uranus, and the North Node now invite your Fresh Start. You are supported by a loving and abundant Universe and have free will choice to create your life.

Seeing you as unique, fresh, and filled with color.

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October 2022 Sun Sign Horoscope

August 2022 Sun Sign Horoscope

by Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer

image maya white astrologer

Astrological predictions and spiritual guidance by Maya White. Get your August 2022 Sun Sign horoscope here. How does the month ahead look for you? 

“Every day in every way your life is better and better”. Have you been living in alignment with the astounding action taking place in the Universe? Uranus, Mars, and the karmic North node are now in a unique, once in a lifetime arrangement. Sadly, we still pray for Peace One Earth, and even as I write this my heart goes out to our brothers and sisters who still suffer unimaginable pain. I believe that a New World is being birthed, but am aware that there is still suffering on this earth.

And, with this month’s astrological lineup, there are more surprises in store. Uranus is a catalyst, so, directly, or indirectly, we are collectively in perfect timing for change.

Mars, Uranus and the North Node
Mars conjunct Uranus on August 1st begins your journey through August. True transformation is an ‘inside’ job, but Uranus and Mars are working overtime to pave the way. But, this conjunction feeds Rahu – the voracious dragon.

Some astrologers view Rahu as insatiable, a driving force that cannot be fully satisfied, and the South Node as a stagnant pool of negativity.
This is impossibly fatalistic.

Rahu, or the North Node of the moon unites your desires with your destiny. Used correctly, the North Node serves as your Northern Star, a guiding light to your highest Life’s purpose. The South Node, (now in Scorpio) is a cup to be filled; it can be a repository of your past, or, a well spring of sustenance. You decide.

Your North Node, by sign and house, shows you the way to feed your SOUL. And, you grow through consciousness and application of your Divine gift of Free Will Choice. The nodes are where you do your Earth work through companionship with God.

Do you know what your Nodes are showing you. Where is your Guiding Light?

You can schedule your Destiny Reading HERE

free monthly horoscope for aries
Aries (March 20 – April 18)

This powerful and amazing month presents you with an opportunity for total reformation. Hidden parts of yourself are now revealed, and you enjoy a newfound freedom, especially those around relationships. You may be preoccupied with other pressing matters, but don’t lose sight of the prize. There are some old, lingering bonds left over from the past that are still shadowing your dreams. Release is not difficult; just look within, claim your freedom, and jump for joy.


free monthly horoscope for taurus
Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

You can make great headway this month, Taurus. The eclipses of 2022, all being in the signs of either Taurus or Scorpio are changing your life for the better. The secret is to remain clear about what is really important and not allow distractions to sway your attention. Mars in Taurus gives you energy, and Jupiter in Aries adds spiritual blessings. August delivers you to an inevitable tipping point, and it’s your responsibility to land on your feet. Monitor your balance every day.


free monthly horoscope for gemini
Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

Words have such great power, Gemini, especially for you. And, with Mercury now in Virgo, your thoughts, what you think and what you say are highlighted now. You are creating a new reality and always, your thoughts, words, and deeds manifest your daily life. It may feel insurmountable as you keep waiting for the ‘trick question’; but really, there is not one. August 22nd , with Mercury trine Pluto, is your day to shine. Be bold and take positive action.


free monthly horoscope for cancer
Cancer (June 20 – July 20)

Venus graces your financial sector for most of this month, so keep her always in your heart and energy field. Venus wants you to enjoy life and live it well. There will be shifts in your long-term goals now, but take this in stride as you may be looking at a sudden advance in your situation, Cancer. Big decisions require bold action. Think about what you want one, two, and even five years from now – and do what is needed to fulfill your vision.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Leo (July 21– August 21)

You’re sitting in the heart of a cosmic chess game, and now, it’s your turn. It’s all about you; who you are, who you know, and how you relate to the world. The secret benefit here is that you are released from a financial bondage. How does it feel to be set free? You must get the paperwork in order, though. Even if details keep coming up – get these lingering affairs resolved. How exciting to be setting sail on a new adventure.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

Don’t hold back in asking for help, Virgo; getting assistance from others is your ace in the hole this month. Think of it as drawing on a karmic savings account that you forgot you had. Navigate on a ‘need to know’ basis and expect the unexpected. Plans may change suddenly, but you are also lifted up in a way you’d never anticipate.


free monthly horoscope for libra
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

August is your month for a fresh start, Libra. Focus on personal creativity and get totally honest about love. Your heart wants to be open, and I see you smiling freely. Any discomfort from the past is moving rapidly behind you, and your future is rapidly transforming in the way you envision it. It’s time to re-evaluate your situation, and to recognize that those chains of bondage are now broken. Fly free!


free monthly horoscope for scorpio
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

You have arrived at a critical juncture in your journey, Scorpio. It’s time to connect with some new people and some of whom will become a solid part of your future. Get out to meet and greet every chance you get – don’t count on them showing up at your door. This is your time for personal and professional networking, so take it on as an assignment. Your future is calling; please answer!


free monthly horoscope for sagittarius
Sagittarius (November 22– December 20)

Uranus is standing by to give you one good reason to trust in the future. Uranus and Mars are giving you a kick in the pants, (into your future) and they are working symbiotically with the present – what you DO have, right here and now. Add the magic of your passion, and, then, alchemy is ignited. Dive in deep, Sagittarius. You are being called to turn lead into gold – it IS possible, and you can do it.


free monthly horoscope for capricorn
Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)

The August winds whisper of premonitions, and add insight that aligns with your unique perspective. Listen to your intuition now, Capricorn. There is something that you need to understand. Be open to a needed course correction, and sail for the sunny shores. This is a season of making needed adjustments. Stop waiting for an imaginary savior to make it all better; some circumstances just have to change, and you are the one to do it.


free monthly horoscope for aquarius
Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)

You have a unique talent for logic, and the stars now invite you to deepen your well of emotion. The secret is to hear the whisper of positive feelings over the booming echo of past hurts. Positive self-esteem is the arena for your transformation; put a smile on your face, even if you have to fake it till you make it. Allow that empty space to just ‘be’ for a bit rather than move to fill it right away.


free monthly horoscope for pisces
Pisces (February 18– March 19)

You are divinely guided by Jupiter these days. Jupiter opens the gates of Splendor. However, don’t dwell on questions that you cannot answer. Jupiter retrograde July 28 – November 23 restores your soul which is what you need to get your life on track. Mars and Saturn may leave you feeling like you need to leave, or make big changes. Sometimes it’s good to take things slowly, and, if you have to wait, know that it’s because there is something better down the road.


Schedule Your Reading Now

logo_signaturesm1Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer | Discover the Power of Place so You Can Live the Life You Want| Certified in AstroCartoGraphy Relocation Astrology

© Maya White/2022/All Rights Reserved

Schedule your personalized annual update HERE

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July 2022 Sun Sign Horoscope

July 2022 Sun Sign Horoscope

by Maya White, Master Destination Astrologer

image maya white astrologer

Astrological predictions and spiritual guidance by Maya White. Get your July 2022 Sun Sign horoscope here. How does the month ahead look for you? 

July come on strong with a powerful Mars square Pluto ripening on July 1st. Mars in Aries, the sign of his rulership pops this event. But wait, there’s more, because Mars changes signs on July 5th and speeds up to the mid degrees of Taurus by late month; just in time to conjunct Uranus in Taurus on August 1st.

Universally, this speaks to more surprises in store. All this Uranus activity can lead you to a Breakthrough, or, a Breakup. Perhaps both are necessary – you decide.

Be mindful that the planets are moving very fast now. Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all moving rapidly through their respective zodiacal degrees now. Mars zips through all 30 degrees of Taurus in a mere 46 days. Mercury spends only 18 days in Cancer, July 5 – 19.

Fast planets means that you may be presented with the need to make quick decisions, making it critical to stay in tune with the lunar cycles and planetary aspects this month.

Saturday, July 2 is an especially good day for clarity; Moon trine Saturn and Moon square Neptune grants crystal clear clarity. So, if you need some good head space for thinking and planning, this is your day to do it.

July’s Full Moon is another great time for clarity. Moon conjunct Pluto insures that this Full Moon will be intense and eventful. However, Venus trine Saturn on July 13th and Venus square Neptune on the 14th is a stellar time to connect with your heart.

The last week of July foreshadows the dramatic Uranus and Mars conjunction of August 1. Venus square Jupiter on July 25th adds focus to those rose colored glasses that so many of us wear. Mercury square Mars on July 26th gives a voice to questions and doubts.

Mercury square Uranus on the Leo New Moon of July 28th advises that new solutions to old problems are possible.

July is an important month to pay attention to the messages from the stars and stay in alignment with what they say. Wishing you all success in the month ahead.

You can schedule your Destiny Reading HERE

free monthly horoscope for aries
Aries (March 20 – April 18)

This month begins like a rocket ship launch – especially for you, Aries. Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn on July 1st speaks to a time of tension and decisions being made on the world stage, and, it will also enter your life in some form. Personally, it’s about facing your fears. Pluto holds deep, dark secrets; Mars lights a fire. Take a stand, stake your claim, and you’ll be glad you did by August 1st.


free monthly horoscope for taurus
Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

Venus changes signs mid-month, moving from Gemini to Cancer on July 17th. This works well for you financially; make plans the first part of July. The Capricorn Full moon is a powerful time for you. Taurus. This lunation lights up your 9th house of Higher mind and wisdom. Be alert for unexpected opportunities. You may have to work out some troublesome details, but the rewards are well worth any effort.


free monthly horoscope for gemini
Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

Mercury, your ruling planet is super busy this month, which may leave you longing for some peace and quiet. Here’s the issue: Mercury is moving incredibly fast across the sky; speeding so quickly that he passes through all of Cancer in only 18 days – July 5 to July 18th. This can cause you to overlook important details and/or jump to (erroneous) conclusions. Best days this month for clarity are: July 2nd, 9th, 28th. Avoid arguments on the 26th, and plan for an amazing, good time on the 17th.


free monthly horoscope for cancer
Cancer (June 20 – July 20)

This month begins with your sign in the receiving end from others. Here are some possible scenarios: Partners are grumpy (not your fault); clients have ‘issues’ and miss appointments (not your fault); children and siblings have expectations that you cannot possibly fulfill. This all gets better as the days pass, so don’t get mad, or frustrated – just remember the ‘not your fault’ part. You, Cancer, play it cool, calm, and collected.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Leo (July 21– August 21)

With the New moon of Jul 28th is in your sign, Leo – most of July is a preparation time for your annual fresh start. And, the stars are surely lined up for some new beginnings. Uranus, Mars, and the karmic North node all in Taurus are stirring the pot by making you restless. How? Where? And with whom? These questions and more will be answered in the upcoming months. For now, focus on your personal stamina. Saturn, retrograde until October 22nds is keeping your feet to the home fire, so to speak. Patience, Leo, patience.


free monthly horoscope for leo
Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

Nervous tension turns into health issues now, Virgo. It’s time to be extra mindful about what and how you eat, and for sure get plenty of rest. This is because Mercury is making up for time lost during his recent retrograde. Now Mercury is speeding across the sky. This can leave you feeling a bit under the weather, especially as Mercury enters Leo on July 19th. Expect vivid dreams and heightened intuition all month.


free monthly horoscope for libra
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Yours is the classical sign of Balance, and indeed, this month will challenge your equilibrium. The two personal planets of love, Venus (attraction) and Mars (eros) are active and both are working their magic on your sign. Venus and Mars weave in and out of interaction with Libra. Mars keeps asking for compromises so, it’s going to feel like you don’t get exactly what you want. Be mindful of the need for negotiation, and then Venus sweetens the deal all month long.


free monthly horoscope for scorpio
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

July delivers a deep level learning time around relationships. Who would have known that insecurity in relationships is the Scorpio Achilles heel? People often think Scorpio’s are too much, but sometimes it feels like you’re not enough. The stars, however, are saying you’re just right. Mars in Taurus after July 5th comes in perfect timing to stir up any healing that needs to happen. Clear the slate, and get ready for some amazing and stellar times.


free monthly horoscope for sagittarius
Sagittarius (November 22– December 20)

Jupiter, your planetary cohort is enjoying a stay in Aries, a fire sign comparable with yours. This elemental trine favors ease and flow, so, know that this works in your favor all the time. Otherwise, though, Jupiter is not really interacting with other planets this month, which can leave you feeling a bit flat. If you thrive on excitement, you’ll feel a bit bored this month. If, perhaps, you’re looking for some nice, lazy summer days with time in nature – you’re in luck!


free monthly horoscope for capricorn
Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)

Moon conjunct Pluto in your sign on the Full moon of July 13th heightens the intensity level. Saturn in your solar 2nd house puts pressure on your earning power; Neptune in your solar 3rd house leaves you wondering if you’re losing your mind… So, what to do. Your antidote to existential ennui comes through Mars, Uranus, and the karmic North node in Taurus, your most excellent and compatible solar 5th house. Creativity and play are 5th house activities, and it’s where you will find joy. Time for some fun.


free monthly horoscope for aquarius
Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)

If you’re feeling less ambitious than usual, and longing for some ‘me’ time, just remember that Saturn is retrograde in your sign until Oct 22, 2022. This is your moment for inner excavation; a time to examine commitments, and to really dig into what you want to change. Such deep introspection takes up a lot of energy, so don’t make too many demands on yourself. This month’s Capricorn


free monthly horoscope for pisces
Pisces (February 18– March 19)

The Universe signals a ‘go for it’ time this month, Pisces. The greatest obstacle you face is that of your own inner doubt. Jupiter in Aries, your solar house of earned income sits alone for most of this month. Although it’s good overall for your money, this may leave you feeling like there is no reason to expect a financial reward. Do the inner work, and know that this too shall pass. By month’s end you are energized and ready to do what is needed to put things all in place for abundance.


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