Taurus Full Moon – Living in Gratitude

moon_mandals Fitting with not only the season, but also with the cool water sign of Scorpio, the full moon of November is traditionally called the ‘Full Frost Moon’.

Indeed, if you live in the far north, this will be your season of a hard frost; the one that changes the landscape from green to icy brown.

This year, however, Jupiter, Venus and Mars sitting together in Virgo invite you to celebrate in abundance, and to find the place of gratitude in your heart.

Renewal and Repair – Looking Back in Time
In a beautiful spiral of time, Venus and Jupiter are joined in the same degrees of the Uranus/Pluto conjunctions of the 1960’s – repairing, gracing, and blessing the energies that were initiated during those years.  Venus and Jupiter, the benefics of astrology are helping to heal a wound that was opened up during the initiatory days of the 60’s.

The Fixed Axis
Scorpio and Taurus, the signs of this full moon live in the ‘fixed axis’ of astrology. All together there are 4 fixed signs; Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. These 4 signs are all very different, but what they have in common is that they concentrate and solidify energy. And, it is through concentration and focus that gives the fixed signs power.

It is during the times of the fixed signs that things become consolidated, commitments are made and fulfilled. And, another benefit of the fixed axis signs is that your work will be long lasting.

This Taurus full moon is about creating something of substance.  You may have to go the extra mile this week in order to manifest your project, but take a lesson from the freight train, another example for Taurus, once you get going, you become unstoppable.

Scorpio inspires you transformation; Taurus consolidates.  You may  have to get out of our own way and let the child of your imagination claim its breath of life.

Ghosts, Ghouls, and Goblins
We’re leading up to the Halloween season, and some people like this, and others don’t. Halloween is on a Saturday night this year, so, this energy being amplified. And, as Saturn and Neptune jockey into their long reaching square, this is an important time to think about energetic maintenance.

One of the shadow sides of Scorpio is self-destructive tendencies, so, it’s a good week to be mindful that the high, positive energy of Scorpio is that of the eagle, or the phoenix, and this is a great week to align with protective and positive avatars.

It’s gonna get very Scorpio like, and I’d just send out a reminder that energy is real; it does matter, and it’s a good time to be proactive keeping your field clear.

Your Cornucopia of Clarity
There is a lot you can do to maintain your energetic boundaries:
*  Connect with the Angels and the Archangels
*  Keep your home cleaned up and well organized
*  Drink plenty of water; stay hydrated
*  Eat right; you know, the good foods such as yummy pumpkin pie instead of corn candy
*  Stay connected with pets, children, and loved ones

And, for sure  . . . .
breathe deeply, and count your blessings  . . . . .

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LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Star Cast for October 19- Love, Light and Lilith

sun_w_frameThis week begins with the moon in the busy sign of Capricorn. People often associate Capricorn with executive ability, and a can-do approach, but the secret to success is to look at the behavior of goats, the avatar animal for this sign.

Young goats are playful and filled with joy, and the Capricorn moon presents a reminder that our work can be a blessing. A light heart and tenacity are the perfect Capricorn blend.

There is another unique astrological process going on right now. This week, as the Sun moves through the late degrees of Libra, it is joined by the Dark Moon Lilith; exact on Sunday the 18th.

If you’re dealing with unexplained conflicts now, it’s going to be helpful to know that last week Lilith was conjunct, or brought to life, by the Sun. Lilith brings out shadowed material – and many people are experiencing losses, or at the very least, feeling misunderstood.

Issues around Dark Moon Lilith are healed through illuminating negative or incongruent messages received during childhood. Shining a Light on your Lilith is setting her free, and instead of a tormentor, she becomes a breath of fresh air.

Lilith lingers in Libra until November 16th; so, although the Sun will have moved well into Scorpio by then, the cosmos has put us all on notice regarding relationships.

Lilith is a great healer, but awareness of how she works makes the process much easier. She makes it look like it’s the ‘other’ that is party to your distress, and, indeed she does trigger discomfort, but what is happening is that unprocessed and/or unhealed matter is being stirred up to be released.

The beauty of astrology is having this information brought into consciousness, and to be able to deal with it on a sane and evolutionary level. mercury_front

Tell the Truth
And, there is another stressor to communication this week. Pluto and Mercury face off in a stressful square, exact on Thursday October 22nd. Mercury square Pluto feels like verbal fencing; words (Mercury) piercing (square) emotions (Pluto).

The value and higher learning of this aspect is to move past irrelevance and connect with the wisdom of your Higher Mind.  The gift of Mercury square Pluto is separating the truth from unconscious fear patterns.

All in all – positive and clear communication is critical now. Especially as the Sun moves into Scorpio, and keeping in mind that the Dark Moon Lilith is stirring up her magic – think first, speak clearly, and walk in clarity, love, and compassion.

The Good News
There are also some good things stirring in the Cosmic Vault to report. On Friday the Sun changes signs and enters regenerative Scorpio. This is a great reason to get clear now, so that you can move into the Scorpio season with your full personal power, integrity, and joy. Scorpio loves your delight, and I’ll speak more about this sign on Friday
Also, on Saturday the 25th, Venus and Jupiter again join forces and on the morning of October 26th, you see a triple conjunction of Venus, Jupiter, and Mars in the morning sky.

These three planets do not align like this again until January, 2021!

Take this as a super nova of good vibes. Venus and Jupiter is a combination of prosperity, and Mars added to the mix energizes and motivates. This planetary combination is sexy and has a mission.

Wishing you happiness, fun, and all the freedom that life has to offer.

Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life.

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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Star Cast for October 12

Maat_imgLibra New Moon – October 12

The secret to success with Libra is that you must find your own power and then move forward in partnership.

Holistic Healing
Libra is a sign of sharing, but you have nothing to share unless you’ve filled your own cup. Libra also teach us to practice equality in what we give and receive – to have stillness and balance, we must be whole.

To find balance, always remember the story of Maat – the Egyptian goddess of the harvest. At the time of death, Maat would weigh the heart of the deceased against her feather. Only the souls lighter than Maat’s feather proceed into true liberation.

Overcome the Reign of Confusion
Everyone want to be liberated, but one of the liabilities of Libra is relying on logic instead of your instincts.  What is it that wakes you up at night; that nagging voice that won’t go away? Chances are that voice is a blending of your past memories funneled through the lens of an unknown future.

Logic can be a great tool, but it must be guided by the Higher Mind, your inner voice of wisdom. When you lighten your heart and know that there is really nothing that can stop you other than fear, the voice inside your head becomes a guardian not a demon.

The planets are teachers, and these two teachers invite you to take on something big, to become the CEO of your own life.This week the planets form a funnel that invites you to do something about it – to re-write your future. With Mars in the lead, and Jupiter and Pluto standing guard, it’s time to DO IT.

What’s Going On
The dynamic Jupiter and Pluto trine that was exact on Sunday is still strong, and will be benefiting us for the remainder of this month. Plus, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus all standing watch in Virgo make for a unique and protected space.

Mars, the planet of vital energy is busy all week! On Thursday, October 15th Mars forms a trine to Pluto, and then on Saturday the 17th, Mars is exactly conjunct Jupiter.

The moon moves from Libra and into Scorpio on Tuesday afternoon. Scorpio helps you drive the deal home; turn your passion into your reality. Celebrate joy and love; release negative burdens such as anger and resentment.

Mars trine Pluto on Thursday helps you shift into high gear. Don’t lose energy on Friday; Venus opposing Neptune leaves space for readjustment, but don’t let it derail your efforts because Mars conjunct Jupiter on Saturday comes to the rescue.

Life in Balancereaibow_waterfall
Activate your inner warrior, and call upon your your inner goddess. Alliances and sacred partnerships are key now, as is your ability to stay focused.

Libra is your season to harvest, but you cannot just stand around in the field of your life and wait for help. You can, however, enjoy the special Light that comes to earth during this time, and enjoy the rainbows.

Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life.

And, this week, as always – let your Light shine.


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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Star Cast for October 5 – Winning

dancer_light_and_colorStar Cast for the week of October 5th

This week, as the earth moves in harmony through the sign of Libra, take time and enjoy the colors of the season. Not only do we have the beautiful autumn colors of vegetation and plant life, but also, the light of October is particularly elegant.

Libra is the season of ultimate balance, and it is said that the ancient Egyptians only weighed their harvest during the time of the full moon in Libra.

Connect with your inner compass now, and come to a place of peace and equilibrium.

Take time each day to appreciate all that is beautiful in your environment. Libra is also associated with the finer qualities of Venus, such as art and music. To fully celebrate this month of Libra, tale take time each day to  wrap yourself in something cozy, turn on the music, and get in tune with your own inner Light.

Maintain that connection with your inner peace, because this is also a great month, and week, to break new ground. What is special about October is that the planets are ‘talking’ to each other this month.

Venus in Virgo
Venus enters Virgo on October 8th. Although in her ‘fall’ in Virgo, Venus here is noted for her powers of magnetism. Venus teaches now that the way to get what you want is to attract it; to draw it towards you. Venus in Virgo is less personal than Venus in Leo, but yet, can become more connected.

‘Magnetism is a force, but it has no energy of its own’.  David Cohen-Tanugi/ MIT Energy Club

Spiritually, magnetism is a process that you use to draw the right people; your perfect clients, your right partner. And, it’s not all about you; rather, it’s about the alignment.  Magnetism is also a tool that you can use to protect yourself, to be one with Spirit and surround yourself with Light through right actions and thoughts.

Venus and Mars are moving closer together day by day and will be exactly conjunct on November 2nd. And, Venus and Jupiter will also be exactly conjunct on the 25th of this month, October. These planetary alignments serve humans by helping unite your ‘Free Will Choice’ with your Life Purpose.

Plus, Jupiter trine Pluto, exact on October 11th, helps you get organized. Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Pluto all working together this month insures that you can monetize your efforts.  So, embrace the beauty and live in your divine essence, but prepare to move ahead as a spiritual warrior.

What’s Going On – the week of October 5th
We begin this week with the moon in Cancer, a sign associated with home and family.

Cancer is also a cardinal, or action starting sign; however, the moon is void of course, which means it doesn’t interact with any other planets until Tuesday. The void of course moon can be de-stabilizing because it leaves you feeling like things aren’t ready; in other words, it’s easy to put your tasks off until tomorrow.

As a wise person who applies the wisdom of astrology, take this information and stay on task because Tuesday comes on strong!

On October 6th we have three major planetary aspects; Sun square Pluto, Mercury sextile Saturn, and Mars opposing Neptune. The most difficult one is the last – Mars opposing Neptune (aka: ‘why did YOU DO that?’), because this is an aspect that can bring up problems, and leave you feeling like there is no resolution.

The opposition usually appears to be about the ‘other’.  For example, you feel that your problem is caused by something that somebody else did or did not do – but, the resolution has to be about what YOU do. This is the challenge.

Use the dynamic energy of Tuesday to focus on building (Mercury sextile Saturn) new structures; the old ones are being brought down on their own (Sun square Pluto). Without forethought and planning, you go into warrior mode, leaving spirit behind and reaping only destruction. A better idea is: just make a new plan.

There is more good news for this week – Mercury stations direct on Friday, October 9th. Ah, I can hear the collective sigh of relief- hands and eyes raised to the heavens as we all give thanks for a slight return to normalcy in this crazy world. With your old relationship issues figured out, you now move ahead with your head on straight. Right?

We have another epic void of course cycle. This one,  lasting 34 hours,  begins Friday afternoon (3:23 PT) , it goes all day Saturday; ending Sunday at 1:46 am PT.

Wake Up & Smell the Roses
Don’t let this void of course (v/c) energy devour your energy or you’re going to miss all the good stuff.
Think of it as the big planets are moving under the cover of darkness – positioning and getting ready for a big win. You can too – I see you as a winner, a hero, and a champion.

Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life. If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me here.

I’ll be back next week with my Star Cast, and in the meantime – this week, as always – let your Light shine.

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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Stepping Ahead After the Eclipse

eclipse_imgStar Cast for the week of September 28

Last night we experienced a divinely inspired lunar eclipse. Today the cycle of life continues; and here we are on to a new day.

My key phrase for this week is step forward and don’t look back.

In perfect synchronicity, we begin this week with the moon in Aries, the sign of fresh starts. Astrology teaches that Aries the sign of individual action also needs Libra, the sign of partnerships.

So, at this time, although the stars invite new beginning, they also suggest that success comes through working with others to achieve what you want. That makes good sense, right?

Monday, September 28th, is intense. If you feel almost hung-over from the lunar eclipse energy, take heart and understand that it’ll get easier. The Aries moon first opposes Mercury, next squares Pluto, and finally  joins Uranus, the planet of dynamic change. Uranus the catalyst invites you to merge unrelated substances, or, events, or ideas, and create something completely new and original.

Love is in the Air
Tuesday the Cosmos gifts us all with a ‘sweetheart’ aspects of Moon trine Venus in the early morning and Moon trine Mars in the afternoon. Venus, now in late Leo has almost cleared the path of her previous retrograde; by mid-October Venus moves into fresh zodiacal territory.

Venus is predictable in her movements and cycles, and she synchronizes form and harmony through the five pointed star of her celestial movements. Bright Venus, the morning star in late Leo, invites you to go for what you want.

By Wednesday, the last day of September, the moon is well into Taurus, the sign of manifestation. This is a great day  to take your new inspiration and quickly make it real. Also, on Wednesday, the Sun conjuncts wayward, retrograde Mercury.

Consider that the Sun always moves forward and Mercury is now traveling backward. Like two friends meeting for an afternoon cup of tea, this Sun/Mercury connection offers a great day to sit down and get your plans stabilized and ready for action.

Conversely, if you’re feeling ‘wobbly’ around the Mercury retrograde, (moving too fast?) Wednesday is a day when something simple can turn into a tangled mess. Go for the cup of tea idea; you’ll be happiest when you take it slow, and keep things friendly.

Cleanup Detail
Both Mars and Jupiter are hovering together in the early degrees of Virgo. This combination also suggests that it’s a great time to refine, purify, and correct. Use the dynamic energy of Jupiter and Mars in Virgo to help you make changes. It’s a time to define, to get clear about what you want to do, and then take action.

The secret is making the course correction while in motion; you don’t have to stop cold – just keep moving forward.

Enjoy these days of the Libra sun as you’re moving ahead, and remember, don’t look back. Do your course corrections while in motion, you don’t have to stop your forward motion in order to refine your project or even your life.

Astrology gives insight on your health, wealth, and even timing. Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life. If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me here.

I’ll be back next week with Maya’s Star Cast, and in the meantime – this week, as always – let your Light shine.


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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

A Season of Change * Star Cast for September 22

Pluto_frontWhat an amazing week; first, comes the turning point between the seasons, and on Wednesday, the 23rd, we welcome the Autumnal Equinox – a day of balance on the earth.  Each year, for a three day period, the Sun sits exactly over the equator, and both the northern and southern hemispheres receive the same amount of sunlight.

Not only is the earth illuminated equally; all latitudes on the earth receive an equal distribution of 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.

But, the equinox is not the only significant event this week. To embrace this special time, imagine coming up from the underground and stepping into the Light of Day. You are likely aware of the upcoming the Full Moon lunar eclipse on Sunday, the 27th.

But, there is another important shift this week. Pluto, the planet of transformation which has been retrograde since the middle of April, stations direct on Thursday, September 24th.

Pluto, especially when retrograde, forces us to ‘see’ things that we don’t want to look at, both personally and collectively. Pluto stationing direct at this time, just before the eclipse, ignites a ray of Light. Check out my image of Pluto from the oracle cards; he sits alone in his icy cave, removed from the day to day world of human affairs.

Yet, Pluto has a heart – a black one – but, nonetheless, Pluto develops our capacity to love.  Black hearts have endured pain, yet they can transform. Pluto is much about love, and deep healing.

Collectively, we’ve been clearing and digging out the old, even to the point of re-living old memories. As Pluto goes direct, it’s time to leave the underground of old circumstances, and step out into the light of day. Ancestral memories ask to be healed, past lifetime patterns can be cleared, and things hidden for so long must be brought to the Light.

All of this powerful healing happens at the time of the equinox, a time of balance, and in synchronicity with the Blood Moon lunar eclipse of September 27th. Let this eclipse stop the weight of what is wrong in your world – and move you into making it right.  With the sun in Libra and the moon in Aries, this is a time of cosmic balance (Libra) moving into (Aries) action.

Aries wants courage and initiative. Aries is where you must be brave, original, and independent. Do not give your power away! During an eclipse, the earth comes between the sun and the moon, so it’s actually the shadow of the earth that steals the reflected light of the sun from the moon.

Events related to eclipses will generally resolve within 6 months, although they can take up to 2 years. Often, during an eclipse, something or someone will come in between you and what you (think you) want.

Your awareness is your best navigational tool. Activate your Pluto power this week; free your heart of darkness, and celebrate life, love, and joy.

Astrology gives insight on your health, wealth, and even timing. Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life. If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me here.

I’ll be back next week with my Star Cast, and in the meantime – this week, as always – let your Light shine.

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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy