December – a Time of Magic

jupiter_frontMaking Magic   

December turns magical between the 8th and the 22nd when both Jupiter and Uranus are retrograde. When planets are retrograde it means that it’s a time to heal deep, past life or ancestral issues.

Jupiter and Uranus have been interacting like a Flamenco dancer and her musician for several months now; Jupiter in Leo the dancer and Uranus in Aries, the musician. Jupiter in Leo is bold, flashy, and fruitful; Uranus in Aries is impatient, rebellious, and driven.

Really, these two together are hot and passionate, sometimes too hot to handle. They’ve had their say, and now they pirouette and pose as Jupiter stations retrograde on December 8th and Uranus stations direct on December 21st – the day of Winter Solstice.

Jupiter is headed back to mine the gold of missed opportunities. Not until June of 2015 do Jupiter and Uranus interact again through the favorable fire trine – the aspect of sudden advancement.

But now, in December Jupiter and Uranus conspire to prepare a fertile ground for the seeds of your New Year ahead. It’s your seed time to formulate your vision of a life with no limits. Nurture that sacred space because the possibility for magic is available to you at this time. And like any good cook, you know that your recipe needs the right ingredients assembled in the correct way and nurtured by the grace of time and temperature.

The New Moon this month is on the same day as the Winter Solstice – Sun and Moon united at zero degrees of Capricorn is a potent way to begin your journey back to the Light of longer days.

Uranus energy moves like a lightening storm over water, stirring up chaos but also change!

Uranus energy moves like a lightening storm over water, stirring up chaos but also change!

What’s Going On?

December presents many powerful and unique planetary transits. Here’s the short list:

Dec 4 – Venus trine Jupiter and Sun trine Uranus. Mars enters Aquarius. All on the same day, and just days before full moon. I’m going to declare this International Prosperity Day.

The trine is an aspect of flow. Look for opportunity bubbles; you may have to go and catch one, but they’ll be everywhere on this day. Pay attention.

Dec 6 – Full Moon in Gemini. Stay tuned for more to come through this newsletter.

Dec 14 – Uranus square Pluto. This is number 6 of 7 times that these two outer planets interact by square between June 2012 and March of 2015.

When these two planets faced each other through a series of squares between 1932 and 1934, the world transformed through the Great Depression, the invention of the atomic bomb and the rise of Adolph Hitler. History does repeat in some ways, but our lesson is spiral growth; choosing evolution, and know that we are NOT doomed to repeat the past.

Dec 20 – Mercury sextile Neptune; Venus square Uranus; Venus conjunct Pluto; Mars sextile Uranus. Do you sense a pattern here of dynamic days? This is sexy and deep – like our Flamenco dancers. Think of planets as teachers; each has a lesson.

Venus square Uranus is an aspect of sudden departure; Venus conjunct Pluto is about passion. What they’re talking about now is choosing your affiliations, and having to leave others behind.

Dec 21 – Winter Solstice; Capricorn New Moon. Stay tuned for more info on this.

Making Magic

As you can see, December is a pivotal month, and a bit more inner and serious rather than social. Venus and Mars, the ‘party planets’ are a bit subdued. If you find yourself wanting to stay home, or even choosing to attend a holiday spiritual service rather than a party, know that you’re in tune with the cosmos. Cooking up magic needs time and attention.

I’ll be back next week with my  Star Cast, and in the meantime – this week, as always – let your Light shine.

Schedule your personal reading HERE.



©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Sag New Moon – Personal Freedom

Sag_frontSagittarius New Moon November 22

2014 has been a significant year in the way that the New Moons have aligned with the days that the Sun changes signs. This gives each lunation a especially strong impact; two separate cycles, that of the changing of the Sun signs, as well as the beginning of the monthly lunation cycle both initiating at the same time makes for a total reset.

Every month, the New Moon happens with both the Sun and Moon in the same sign, but it’s quite unusual for them to be joined at the very beginning of the sign. (For example, the New Moon of February 28, 2014 occurred at 10 degrees Pisces; March New Moon was 9 degrees Aries).

This fall, the New Moons of October, November, and December all occur in the 1st degree of the Sun sign, effectively doubling the power of the reset.

Fiery, and mutable, Sag is a relief after the intensity of Scorpio. That’s the way it’s supposed to be! When the Sun is in Scorpio you get to figure out all the mysteries and feel the intensity of life. Then, as the Sun cruises into Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, having fulfilled the fires of transformation, you cruise along for the ride. At least, that’s the ‘pop’ theory.

Sagittarius is generally a lucky sign and you don’t need to be born Nov 22 – Dec 21 to tune into the energy. By learning to read the cosmic weather signs revealed by astrology, you sail into calmer waters and live your life ‘in the flow.’

How to Navigate the Season of Sag

  • Explore your world; do something you’ve never done before
  • Learn something new; take a class, visit a museum, expand your mind and your knowledge
  • Travel to a new place that inspires you; it opens your vistas of what is possible and increases your worldview
  • Keep moving, and get out in nature; the wilderness nurtures your Sagittarius side, and feeds your soul
  • Give something away and see what is returned to you; observe the Universal laws of reciprocity and abundance in action.

    Jupiter in Leo is great for fun and finding LOVE!

    Jupiter in Leo is great for fun and finding LOVE!

A Time for Love

This New Moon also has a peculiar tone around romance. Sagittarius is your time to re-set your world to one of your liking, to define and meet your spirituality on your own terms, and not beholden to any outdated beliefs. This New Moon is in a square or challenging aspect to Neptune, which adds fuel to the fire of spiritual authenticity.

You’ll likely be challenged to get in touch with YOUR truth on many different levels; it’s about not doing something or even buying into a lifestyle just because you’ve done it that way before. Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sag steps in to present the gift of the present – the power of NOW.

Even Venus, also in Sagittarius now, and the Sun square Neptune, this time is reverent, but not particularly romantic. And Mars and Pluto, now in Capricorn set a tone of seriousness. However, Jupiter in playful Leo is shining a love light into the situation, and I predict that partnerships begun now will be long lasting and devoted.

Romance Secret Tip: You’ll relate best to your partner now by getting out in nature rather than clinging to a cozy TV.

Soul Evolution

The house ruled by Sagittarius in your natal chart is where you need to expand your knowledge and is a part of your life that has been restricted through you ancestry or a previous lifetime. For example, someone with Sagittarius on the cusp of his or her 8th house needs to expand their personal power. The 8th house Sag person is most likely lucky in receiving legacies, but also must learn the value of things that money cannot buy, such as loyal friends, and time.

~ Sag ruling Houses 1 & 7 – must have self-expression, but not at the cost of commitment in relationship

~ Sag ruling Houses 2 & 8 – must have control of own time and will likely want to be self-employed or work in the travel industry

~ Sag ruling Houses 3 & 9 – a Preacher. Must speak your truth in a way that others can receive it; cannot accept doctrine or even unjustified rules

~ Sag ruling Houses 4 & 10 – may end up living overseas, or in a natural environment. Must grow up and get past issues around your parents

~ Sag ruling Houses 5 & 11 – productivity is a key to success; must buckle down and move beyond play and into creativity

~ Sag ruling Houses 6 & 12 – a wilderness guide and Sage. Whether by trade or by tradition; needs time to refresh and renew away from others.

Enjoy this time of seasonal change as you shoot your Sag arrows into the sky. Finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is the potential of Sagittarius. The rainbow symbolizes hope, positive endings, and new beginnings.

May the rainbow be your blessing of this season.



©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Full Moon November 6 – Universal Law

There is Universal or Natural Law, and Philosophical, or Manmade law. One of the first precepts of Philosophical Law is the law of Logic – defined as ‘that which is not illogical’. That’s hilarious, right?

There is Universal or Natural Law, and Philosophical, or Manmade law. One of the first precepts of Philosophical Law is the law of Logic – defined as ‘that which is not illogical’. That’s hilarious, right?

Full Moon November 6th – Universal Law
The full moon of November 6th settles into the middle degree of two of the most stubborn and fixated signs of the zodiac – Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus.

Think of the Sun in Scorpio as your time of fire and ice – Scorpio is a water sign, but when not flowing, it becomes frozen and must have heat (heart) to activate.

Taurus, the illumination sign of this full moon is fixed earth. Like its symbol, the bull, Taurus likes to munch in the grassy meadow; but, Taurus is not supposed to just bask in the sun.

Taurus is designed to spring into action as an unstoppable force of nature.

I’d like to invite you to harvest the fertile side of Taurus – the concept of Universal Law which is a teaching that our world operates through a precept that you can apply to your life. Ancient teachings back to Greece and even the Vedic traditions of India conform to a thread of Universal Laws, and the teaching is that when you apply these concepts that you align with an unshakable template for success.

In accordance with the idea that there is such a thing as harmony through natural justice, or Universal Law, you can take comfort in knowing that the same creative force that got you here on lovely planet earth will also sustain you and in fact, prosper your very existence.

The 7 Hermetic Laws

 Laws 1, 2, and 3 are considered Immutable; a primal triad of creation. They are:

  • The Law of Mentalism: you are a thought in the mind of your creator, and you also have the ability to think your world into creation; you participate and activate this law through clarity of your intentions and commitment to an idea.
  • The Law of Correspondence: as above, so below. Also, follow the Golden Rule and ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ There is harmony, agreement, and correspondence between the mental, spiritual and emotional realms. Learn what you have to DO to get what you want.
  • The Law of Vibration: everything is moving always, and you can choose to align with different levels of vibration. Spending time in the vibration of what you want moves you closer to it. Surrender to the emotional state of positive desire as a way to move you to your goals.

The remaining 4 Laws are Mutable; they are ways of the natural world that you can learn to apply in your favor but not be restricted or limited by them.

  • The Law of Polarity: everything has an opposite. I find this one of the most mysterious laws because it insinuates the possibility for a doppelganger world – an alternate reality, similar, but completely different to the one you think you know. This is also why there can be too much of a good thing. To transmute this realize that there is a continuum of time and space; that even hot and cold are related to temperature, that youth and old age are related to the journey of life.
  • The Law of Rhythm: you can rely on cycles and the spiral nature of this world. There is a natural form of transition that does not need destruction to manifest change, however like waves in the ocean, you will experience ebb and flow in the cycles of life – sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. To transmute this law know that when working in accordance with laws 1, 2, and 3, that you can move beyond this limitation, yet see it as a source of sustenance.
  • The Law of Cause and Effect: although the universe seems random and out of control, there is an orderly nature and basis to life. Divine Justice. This is also one you’ve probably seen in action as: Karma’s a bitch, or, for better or worse, they got what they deserved. To transmute this law know that in the spiritual realm there really is no such thing as time, and that forgiveness is a healing space.
  • The Law of Gender: there is an underlying form of masculine and feminine, positive and negative energy that creates movement. This is not limited to the idea of being male or female. Sometimes you must take action (masculine) and sometimes you must wait (feminine), and you can learn to tell the difference. Masculine is electrical and outgoing, Feminine is receptive and magnetic. To transmute this, know the truth that you are a part of all, and all is a part of you.

Enjoy this Taurus full moon. It’s your time to step out and choose Light over stagnation, and to get in touch with your deepest truth. Kabbalah teaches that Taurus moves from the spiritual energy of judgment to that of mercy. And, remember, the greatest lesson of Scorpio is to not destroy the self. You also get to apply the lessons of Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus which is to love yourself so much that you shine your light and spread love to others.

Wishing you all good Venus blessings,



©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

November- What’s Going On?

The 8th House is a home of the Ouroboros, the ancient alchemical image of rebirth and transformation

The 8th House is a home of the Ouroboros, the ancient alchemical image of rebirth and transformation

November 2014 – What’s Going On

Some will be excited and happy to move into November and the sun sign of Scorpio and others may look on this time with trepidation. Scorpio has a reputation for intensity and not everyone wants to deal with that.

I want to invite you to the positive side of Scorpio, and the exciting month ahead. Besides, what other month begins with a time called ‘All Saints Day’?

Since ancient times, the season of Scorpio is a time when life and death meet, and even change places. Even the idea of ‘All Saints Day’, or the ‘Feast of all Souls’, as deemed by the Catholic Church transcends secular ancient pagan beliefs and organized religion.

People worldwide are fascinated by the idea of lighting fires and wearing costumes to ward off ghosts. How many of you did something to participate in Halloween? We all do.

The Ouroboros

The Ouroboros represents infinity as well as wholeness, and is symbolized as a snake eating its own tail. The space inside of the Ouroboros is a locus – or prime starting place. Both are important.

Carl Jung described it as ‘a dramatic symbol for the integration and assimilation of the opposite, i.e. of the shadow.’ The actions taken during the season of Scorpio can be likened to the outer action of the Ouroboros – those of movement and direction. Yet, the reason or motivation is always a critical part of any action.

Scorpio is the season when we are reminded of our part in the cycle of rebirth and renewal. There are two planets associated with Scorpio – Mars and Pluto. Mars is the ancient or traditional ruler of the sign; Pluto was assigned rulership when discovered in the 1930’s. Again, both are important. (Scorpio is dualistic in nature, anyway.)

A Busy, Busy Month Ahead

Whether you’re a traditionalist or a modernist regarding which planet correctly rules Scorpio, what’s interesting, is that on November 10th, Mars conjunct Pluto! This could be a fearsome meeting; the lord of war (Mars) in pow-wow with the big kahuna of life and death (Pluto).

However, based on my real life observation of astrology, I know that both Mars and Pluto are wise and deserving of power. These two warriors know that annihilation is not a benefit to either one, and they will find a way to negotiate. Let’s watch this dynamic play out on the world stage.

The next day, on November 11th, we have another major planetary aspect, Mercury trine Neptune which equates to finding a way to work together. On the 12th, Venus is conjunct Saturn (taking responsibility for well-being) and Mars squares Uranus. Under other circumstances, Mars square Uranus can turn into a big fight and free-for-all, but Mars in Capricorn is more conservative, and again, I think that you’ll see more solutions and fewer troubles in November.

The Full Moon of November 6th is nicely aspected with the Moon trine both Mars and Pluto, and the Sun and Venus within 4 degrees of each other. Look for stability and compassion to become markers of the remainder of 2014.

The New Moon of November 22nd opens up the first degree of Sagittarius and the next day, the 23rd, the moon activates a magical fire trine with Jupiter and Uranus. On the 26th, Venus trine Uranus is another aspect of creative solutions.

November is a time when truth will come out, but also when people will find a way to move ahead. In keeping with the seasonal theme of completion, of wholeness and rebirth, let’s affirm that the rebirth cycle of Scorpio will deliver a new era of problem solving and creativity.

Like the Ouroboros, circle your energies and find your truth in the wholeness of what is and what is not. Recognize that there is a destructive side of Scorpio, and examine your life and your motivations in the light of this reality. Scorpio is nurtured by friends and family, and although he/she needs time alone, abhors the shadow of isolation. Celebrate the fertility of your world and your life in this time of irrevocable transition.

You can make it a good one!

In Gratitude,


Schedule your personal reading HERE.

©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Venus and the Heart of the Sun

Eclipses have been interpreted as omens, or portents. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote that Thales of Miletus predicted an eclipse that occurred during a war between the Medians and the Lydians. Both sides put down their weapons and declared peace as a result of the eclipse. []

Energetically, this week primes us the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 23rd.

As you get in tune with nature, the cycles of the moon gives you a head’s up on timing. Today, October 15th, the moon enters her last quarter phase –a time of self-examination. It’s time to evaluate the success of what you have already going on, and not be pressured to begin new ones.

This week is a ‘good vibe’ week in general; Venus and Mercury are dancing together to steady your journey through the underworld of this Mercury retrograde time. But, the big news is the solar eclipse in of October 23rd. This eclipse takes place at the very beginning, ground zero of Scorpio.

Preparation Time

This week, Mercury, now retrograde joins both the Sun and Venus– coming back to the theme of – ‘Do what you love, and love what you do’.
If you keep it simple, Mercury retrograde in Libra is about releasing old patterns and karmic agreements, and committing to your new decisions.

As an air sign, Libra relies on logic; yet it is incessant questioning that keeps Libra stuck. Beyond that lays the fear of making a wrong decision, and as you dig even deeper into Libra you come to the darkness of ‘fear of failure’. The gift of NOW is to recognize the shadow side of Libra and take steps to heal these places in your life.

Cures for the shadow of Libra are:
1)    Free yourself to love unconditionally and with all you heart
2)    Use your mind as a tool for self-protection, but not a weapon against taking action
3)    Accept that there is not always a logical answer
4)    When in doubt, find the truth inside your body
5)    Make the decision; any decision, just commit
6)    Bless the gift of the present, and trust in the blessing of tomorrow

Sunday the 12th was a dynamic and easy flowing day that set the tone for the entire week– did you feel that energy? For me, it was a day that I felt free to not be burdened by things on my ‘have to do’ list, and easily found myself working on my ‘want to do’ list – it was so pleasurable. This week has many days to fulfill the ‘want to do’ part of your life.

Wednesday, last quarter moon in Cancer- is the critical ‘hump’ day. You may find yourself feeling burdened by all that needs to be accomplished. So, the caveat is – you may feel like playing, but you’ll make great strides by keeping it productive.

Is Venus Happy Now?
Venus is not always peaceful or joyous. Throughout history, the goddess planet has been associated with both life and death. And, like the child in Sleeping Beauty, she must overcome enemies and even magical spells.

Now in Libra, Venus is in the sign of her rulership where she’s happy, yet silently bound by the shadows of Libra; obligation and uncertainty.

Venus enters Scorpio on the 23rd, the same day as the eclipse.  So, the Sun, Moon, and Venus are in alignment. Venus this eclipse with vital energies, but, Venus is in her detriment and not really happy in Scorpio!

Therefore, this upcoming eclipse precipitates a turning point.  Venus in Scorpio shifts from relationships of convenience to bonds of choice. People sometimes get into situations where they feel they must stay or fulfill a contract. In keeping with the theme of SHADOW that is a part of eclipses, the wisdom of a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio has to do with not beating yourself up.

For today: Do what you love, and love what you do.

Time to Wake Up!
Scorpio is a signature of relationships fulfilled by choice, but also brings about irrevocable endings. If you’ve been wrestling with a major decision, the upcoming eclipse can help you deal with the inevitable, make the right decision, and wake up from any Sleeping Beauty spell that may have consumed your vital energies.

I know that many people have major stressors going on in their lives right now – and I want to acknowledge that you’re not alone. You are, in fact, fulfilling your soul purpose.

Astrology gives insight on your health, wealth, and even timing. Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life. If you want to light up your own life with astrology, this is a powerful time to align with your Soul Purpose through astrology.

Schedule your personal reading HERE.

I’ll be back next week with Maya’s Star Cast, and in the meantime – this week, as always – let your Light shine.


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy