October – Mercury Retrograde and Eclipses

Mercury retrograde is your time to regroup and reconsider

Mercury retrograde is your time to regroup and reconsider

Hello and Welcome to Maya’s Star Cast, where I bring you the weekly update on what’s happening in the world of astrology – and how you can apply the wisdom of astrology to enrich your life here on earth.

We begin this week with the moon in Sagittarius – the sign of the wanderer.

Sagittarius is also a sign of philosophy, and even alchemy – turning the lead of everyday life into the gold of discovery. And, that is a great way to begin this week. When you can see every glass as half full instead of half empty you have activated the Good Luck zone of Sagittarius.

Mercury Retrograde October 4 – 25

October is a master opportunity month in the big picture, but this week is pretty quiet astrologically. There is one major event this week however– Mercury, the planet of daily movement turns retrograde on Saturday, October 4th.

What’s happening this week is that Mercury is slowing down and by Saturday, it ‘stations’ – or stands still, before resuming apparent backward motion. So, if things feel like they’re moving slowly, or not at all – be patient.  Think of this as a time when your seeds have been planted into fertile soil.  They’re sprouting, but have not yet shown their heads above ground. Just try not to keep digging those seeds up again and again to see how they’re doing.

You probably know the standard caveats for Mercury Retrograde time periods:
1)    Not the best time to purchase electronics or transportation related items such as an automobile or a new mobile device.
2)    Not the best time to sign contracts, because when Mercury again goes direct, you may have changed your mind.
3)    It’s a good time to review agreements, catch up with old friends, re-define existing projects; clean up and catch up your life in general.
4)    One of the major benefits of Mercury retrograde is that your logical mind is a bit confused, but your intuition can shift into high gear!

A True Mercury Retrograde Story

The North Node shows where your soul can grow, and what you have to give

The North Node shows where your soul can grow; symbolized as the cup of what you have to give to the world

Real life experiences related to astrology are where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. I’ve always been adamant that it’s important to carry on with your daily life, even when Mercury is retrograde. However, one of my dearest friends had some dramatic experiences when Mercury was retrograde earlier this year that have given me a new respect for this time period.

Last June, simultaneously, my friend received an unsolicited offer from a couple who wanted to purchase her home, and her husband got an offer on a new job. Both offers were interesting to them, and they did take steps in both directions.

However, shortly after moving forward on these two major life changes, with Mercury retrograde BOTH situations fell through. My friend’s husband was not at all happy with his new position, (he’s already started another one) and they are still – 4 months later – in the throes of finding a new home and selling their old one.

And, the Icing on the Cake
During this Mercury retrograde time period we have a Full Moon  lunar eclipse on October 8th and a New Moon solar eclipse on October 23rd. Eclipses can be a bit troubling because they are unpredictable and they reveal issues and truths which have been previously unseen.

Often pertaining to world events, eclipses have been traditionally associated with national tragedies such as death of a leader or events such as earthquakes.

In your personal chart, eclipses can expose a hidden problem, but are most impactful only when they are specific to certain degrees of your chart. Because of the presence of the moon’s nodes at the time of an eclipse, you can regard eclipses as triggering ‘fated’ events. For these reasons, eclipse season is a great time to schedule your Astrological Tune*Up!


The South Node is a signature of completion; a cup filled by the past

The nodes serve as guiding lights, with the North Node illuminating your path to soul growth, and the South Node showing you where your soul has already been fulfilled. The Full Moon eclipse of October 8th is in the sign of Aries activates the South Node, as well as the planet Uranus, the Great Awakener.

So, we’ve got a bit of a double dose situation this month – eclipse season which occurs during Mercury retrograde; fated events, rewinding of your past. Uranus often triggers sudden endings, and, with the Sun in Libra, it’s likely to be a loss of affections; the energy of the relationship is just over, and the soul contract has ended.

Hopefully, as a part of the Uranus effect, we’ll also see the endings of ancestral geopolitical antagonisms. I’ll talk more about the eclipses next week, and know that they also influence world events – and it’s my hope and prayer that this will bring about positive change for us all..

Astrology gives insight on your health, wealth, and even timing. Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life. If you want to light up your own life with astrology, schedule your reading HERE.

I’ll be back next week with Maya’s Star Cast, and in the meantime – this week, as always – let your Light shine.


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Libra New Moon – Your Soverign Self

Your soul is weighed against the feather of Maat

Your soul is weighed against the feather of Maat

This is your week to experience the Cosmic in-breath of the Autumnal Equinox joined with the Libra New Moon. Libra is a sign of balance and even justice, but in the language of the stars, Libra is your time to make decisions, not take shelter in endless options.

I’ts a unique time in many ways. Monday, the Sun entered Libra, and Tuesday is the New Moon.  In ancient Egypt, it was the Autumnal Equinox of September that began the New Year. And, the Egyptians honored the equinox of Libra as a sign that celebrates the birth of a Divine Child.

You are a Miracle Worker
You have most likely seen images of Egyptian deities with the crescent moon on his or her head – this imagery goes back to the idea of a divine messenger of wisdom and healing, and ultimately, love and caring for humanity.

Today, in the auspices of the Age of Aquarius, YOU are the healer and the wise one. You are the Divine Child dispensing your own unique gift to help others. The glyph, or symbol representing Libra is a set of scales, and these, too had deep significance for the Egyptians.

At the time of death, the goddess Maat placed the human soul on one scale, and a feather on the other.  If the scale tipped even slightly, the soul must reincarnate and learn how to live without the burdens such as hatred, worry and resentment, the emotions that weigh down our souls.

Name Your Shadow
There is a problem, and a teaching, however in the expressing the balance of Libra. The shadow side of Libra is a place where you become frozen in fear through endless questioning and doubt. The shadow side of Libra is keeping your options open. Why take only a piece of the pie when you might have it all?

Ah, this is another measure against the feather of Maat – indecision, which leaves your soul feeling incomplete and begging for another chance to reincarnate and get it right.  Libra is actually your time to dig into Saturn and make some decisions.

Delight in your Sovereign SelfJupiter trine Uranus September 25th
As always, the Universe is serving up a smorgasbord of opportunity. Thursday we have a relatively rare and important planetary aspect of Jupiter trine Uranus. Remember, the trine is an open door, and when Jupiter and Uranus dance in this way, think of your personal Sovereignty; claim your independence, exert self-control, and take ownership of your life. These two planets vibrate together to seed opportunity. One of the caveats of this transit is that you needn’t dwell too long on analyzing the situation – when the invitation arrives, step on board and fly.

What does that look like for you? For some, it will be surrendering to a relationship, for others, it will be leaving one that has run its course.

Is it time to leave that job? Maybe, it’s time to begin a new one that will bring you peace of mind. Take stock of your journey, and hold true to what will release the most power. Jupiter and Uranus are smiling this week in an aspect that conveys spiritual blessings.

Move ahead with tolerance and optimism; apply your best judgment to situations that come up for resolution – and celebrate the gifts that are revealed.

Astrology gives insight on your health, wealth, and even timing. Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life. If you want to light up your own life with astrology, schedule your reading HERE.

This week, as always – let your Light shine.


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Pisces Full Moon * Kuan Yin Moon

partoffortune_front Today, or, actually, this evening, we welcome the Full Moon in Pisces. The Full moon arrives every 28 days, and each in is in a different sign. The September 8th Full moon is exact at 6:38 PT/ 9:38 ET at 16 degrees of Pisces.

Always –the Full moon is in the sign opposite the Sun. You can observe this by looking at the sun setting in the west – and at full moon, you will see the moon rising in the east at exactly the same time. I find this fascinating, and if you can learn this one simple concept – you are on your way to becoming an astrology wiz.

Because the Sun is in Virgo now, using the information presented above, you know that this full moon is in Pisces, the sign of Universal compassion and surrender. Think of this time as being sanctioned by Kuan Yin, the Buddhist goddess of mercy.

The origin of her name is translated as a being who ‘hears the cries of the world’.  One of the several stories surrounding Kuan Yin is that as a human, through great love and sacrifice during life, she had earned the right to enter Nirvana after death.

However, while standing before the gates of Paradise she heard a cry of anguish from the earth below. Turning back, she renounced her reward of bliss eternal but in its place found immortality in the hearts of the suffering. Similar to my Oracle card for the Part of Fortune, Kuan Yin was born of a lotus flower, and she is one of the many multi-armed goddesses.  Each of her arms and hands has a purpose.

These mythological stories teach universal messages, regardless of whether they stem from Buddhism, or western astrology. Perhaps Kuan Yin will join you in your Full Moon meditations.

Define; Surrender; Release 
The Virgo/Pisces axis is one of the most spiritual orientations of the zodiac. Symbolically, through Pisces, the sign of Great Water, you must set sail into the ocean – a place that is unknowable and unpredictable.

For a human being, this means that there is a quality of surrendering to the phrase ‘Thy will be done’.

Spirituality, compassion, and retreat are all in the realm of Pisces. This lunation is also called the Harvest moon – and that is what you must do ; collect all that is good in your life, and release what is no longer of value.

The Pisces/Virgo axis is also the most sensitive. It’s time to evaluate your health and also your overall energy. Pisces is also a sign of emanation – make your energy reveal your glow, your vitality, and your state of mind. At this full moon – get in touch with your innermost energy and motivations.

What’s Going On?moon_front
Other keywords for this Full Moon are:
Protection; Compassion; Mercy; Sharing; Unity; Consciousness

This is a time for:
Ending of destructive patterns that have been in motion
Recognizing and honoring the gifts of your ancestors
Releasing generational negativity
Commitment to your sacred contracts – for example – to love yourself unconditionally
Asking: What is your Divine Mission? What is the next step?

You have an opportunity now to refine your energy in preparation for the Solar and lunar eclipses that occur next month. But, here is the secret of Pisces – it’s also a time when the seeds of your new reality is  germinating. Think of Pisces as a fertile garden that holds the possibilities life of your new beginnings.

To be in flow with Universal wisdom today – take some time to reflect on what paths have fulfilled their course in your life. And then, do the inner work of letting go and, utilizing the essence of Virgo – refine your future.

There are other dynamic astrological signals this week that support you. On Wednesday, as the moon joins Uranus – pay attention to your inner urges – these will guide you to new and creative inspirations.

Astrology gives insight on your health, wealth, and even timing. Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life. If you want to light up your own life with astrology, schedule your reading HERE.

I’ll be back next week with Maya’s Star Cast, and in the meantime – this week, as always – let your Light shine.


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

September – Shifting Winds

Background 04Happy September!

This month holds much promise for moving ahead, but to do be in flow with the Universe, you’ll have to be adaptable and willing to take action on a quick change of plans.

Think of yourself as sitting on a 3 legged stool – you know how you have to adjust your seat in order to maintain your balance? This is the dynamic for most of September.

Like a good sailor, you must pay attention to the winds. There are lots of changes and subtle, unusual planetary aspects.

The Trident Yod

What’s going on is that three major planets – Jupiter, Pluto, and Chiron (yes, Chiron is a major player) are interacting in an aspect called a ‘yod’.

The yod happens when planets talk to each other through a 150 degree angle, and is also known as an ‘incojunct’. The aspect looks like one arm of a 5 pointed star, and it has a similar mystical connection.

Also called a ‘Hand of God’, the message is to seek spiritual riches through conscious application of will. But, you have to think outside of your usual box, and even be willing to shift priorities.

The Yod is an aspect of power, skill, and dexterity; but it’s like an instrument that must be learnt and practiced.

September is a month of tension and release. Just remember the concept of finding your balance on a tipsy stool. The full moon of September 8th activates the inconjunct, so to maintain an even state of mind – be patient, don’t get frustrated, and practice, practice, practice.

Jupiter, Chiron, and Pluto
To rock your world (Jupiter), you’re going to have to take control (Pluto) and heal (Chiron) the issues that have been holding you back.

It’s going to feel weird (inconjunct) but, there is a magical quality (quincunx) in the wind that can bring you to fulfillment of your highest destiny (Hand of God). Now, that’s awesome!

Here’s the Good News!  
The release point of this tension aspect is through the sign of Aquarius, therefore Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius, is where we look for timing on real events.  And, we have a big old trine to open the Universal doors on September 25th. Jupiter and Uranus move into position, and set things straight.

Although you may find that before that time things are a bit uncertain – hold on because there is a dynamic shift in the weather coming.

As you work to make your ideas concrete – think of pouring your intentions into a mold that will be firmed up through time.  Hold true to your vision now, and if things go a bit awry – just hold on – it’s going to be exciting by month’s end.

Aren’t you glad you’re on this ride?



©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Astrology 4 Today * September 4

wings.2Strength and Poise

The Capricorn moon has so many important meetings today. First line of defense is cup of tea and conversation (Moon sextile Neptune); an easy start to a big day.

Hold on, because things get serious as the day progresses; Moon conjuncts Pluto, and squares Uranus also today; aah – this is the quest for Power.

Have you noticed that the power player gets to make the decisions — who pours the tea; and even who gets invited to the tea party?

It can be YOU!  The planets and stars invite you today to master your personal power. Poise, strength, and even calm in the midst of a storm are the joys of being a high flyer.



©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy