Astrology4Today * September 3


September  3:  Alpha and Omega. Sun trine Pluto today is an aspect that opens doors. Like fire and oil, the Sun and Pluto fuel combustion to ignite your great desires.

The secret to success is moving ahead with a careful strategy in mind. Go forward, but know where you’re going.  Having just moved past her 1st quarter phase, Luna is seen shining brightly in the late day glow. Goddess Moon is brave to show her face in the presence of the Sun, but she has nothing to lose, and she knows it.

On the Universal level, trust that the world will NOT burn; rather that conditions are being purified in an orderly spiral fashion. The Phoenix rises to greet a new day with complete understanding of where she has been before.



©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Virgo New Moon- Dare to Be and Do

Virgo_frontVirgo New Moon    August 25  7:13 am (PT)

Celebrate today – it’s a grand day for new beginnings! The Sun and Moon join forces in early Virgo early Monday morning, inviting you to participate in a powerful time to re-set, re-tune, and re-fine aspects of your life that are begging for a fresh start.

If you want to get in tune with this New Moon; first – stop. Take a moment, get a deep breath, and find your center. The news has been chaotic, so hypnotic; making it easy to overlook the whisper of your soul’s calling. Now, you’re ready; dare to be and then, to do.

Fine Tune your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Virgo asks you to listen and then  implement your own inner guidance. When the Sun is in Virgo, it’s time to purify. But you must dare to enter the realm of your own resistance. The glyph for Virgo is similar to that for Scorpio, only the energy tail is symbolically turned inward; making it all about YOU.

Virgo is high on my list as being one of the misunderstood signs of astrology (Cancer is the other).
So many people hear ‘Virgo’ and think: hyper sensitivity combined with a critical eye. Or, they think of Virgo the virgin – chaste and boring.

Virgo is so rich and fertile! In the Northern hemisphere, Virgo is the time when crops are ripening in the fields and Mother Nature is rich and fertile, sexy and wise. Nature gives 100% – and so can you. 4147711

Mythically, Virgo represents the final phase of the Triple Goddess – the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone.

The mature woman, the crone, is the wisest and it is she who is brave enough to enter the underworld.

Wouldn’t you like to bury a nagging issue once and for ever? This is a time to make it happen. Your cosmic window of opportunity now is to purify your body, which will nurture your mind.

Trust that this journey must enrich your life, and in turn, will harmonize your soul.

When the Sun is in Virgo, it’s time to:

Initiate a positive health transformation through diet and exercise

Refine your business or professional practice

Fertilize, or renew important relationships  *  Clean house – or anything else that needs it

Connect with the earth; spend time in nature, and with animals

Virgo’s Secret Weapon for Maximum Efficiency

Virgo is an earth sign, and earth can be resistant to change; however, Virgo is one of the 4 mutable signs of the zodiac. Mutability is a quality of being able to  naturally move up to another level on the spiral of life. Apply it, and you in become a shape shifter in your own life.

If you are contemplating a decisive shift now, apply the concept of mutability in your battle plan. If you mess up one day – it’s ok; all is not lost and just keep going. When things are less than perfect, know that tomorrow is another day. Maintain consistency in your attitude of gratitude, and keep riding that pony. With determination, you will get there. Mutability goes with the flow, and so can you.

Mutability loses focus when lost in emotions, so, to get on track and stay there, make a decision and stay with it. Motivational images and sayings can serve as reminders on those days when the going gets tough. Also, getting started is a challenge for mutable energy, so, break your goal down to one step at a time, and just take the first one.

Happy New Moon. Enjoy this change of the seasons; walk softly on the earth, and open your life to embrace this world of splendor.

For my current updates, Astrology4Today, check out Astrologer Maya White on FACEBOOK



©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Robin Williams and the Rule of 3

chart_editThe rule of 3 – Robin Williams

Like so many, I found the death of Robin Williams shocking, and difficult to digest. Making it even more tender, is remembering the suicide of my father 10 years ago; we who are left behind always wonder about how things might have turned out differently. Did we give enough love; did somebody miss the warning signs?

Predictive astrology has a steadfast guideline of needing more than one marker of an event in the chart. For example, even good fortune must be supported by more than one planetary signature in order for it to actually manifest.

And, the same for unfortunate events; when three or more predictors in the chart all line up – then you’ll see astrology in action.

In the case of Robin Williams, his chart is absolutely filled with markers of his fate.

First, though – is why everybody loved him so. With his Moon in Pisces, conjunct his North Node in the 5th house, his life lesson, his North Star guiding light, was to learn the many faces of joy. This is a journey he surely fulfilled. Tears come to me now as I remember the many times I laughed so hard that I cried while watching Williams in his many roles.

Salute to a man who pursued his North Node life lesson and delivered 5th house happiness and laughter to the world. His moon, Pisces, is a sign of Universal surrender. This Moon sign also reflects collective consciousness – and is another reason why so many loved him.

His gift of laughter and the love he brought to so many surely brought a fulfillment of his Life Purpose – and this is one of the reasons we are here in the school of learning called Earth.

Beyond the Rule of 3

Williams had at least six strong challenges and/or indicators of his chosen destiny in his chart. For starters, he had Mars and Uranus conjunct in his natal chart. These two play rough, and they play for keeps, so this is a strong indicator of someone who would consider such a drastic action as to end his own life.

His Mars/Uranus conjunction is also engaged in a stressful T-square; Neptune opposing Jupiter, both square Mars/Uranus. Translation: the perfect dream that can never be (Neptune opposing Jupiter) butts heads with the harsh reality (Mars/Uranus) of life.

He ended his life with transiting Jupiter conjunct his Midheaven! This is often lauded as a beneficial transit, but in reality, Jupiter on the Midheaven will remove that which is ready to be taken away, and it is not unusual for Jupiter to be present at the time of death. Jupiter gives, but he also takes away.

Also, transiting Neptune approaching his natal Pisces moon is another sure indicator. Like a high tide approaching the shoreline, Neptune brought in the debris of illness and washed away his desire to remain in the world. Easily, the transits of Jupiter and Neptune, the two planets in his natal T-square, served to activate the puzzle of Life for Mr. Williams.

I send love and wishes of peace to his family and, salute a life well lived.

RIP Robin Williams – we all love you.


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Aquarius Full Moon

zodiac_wheelAquarius Full Moon    August 10  11:09 am (PT)

Today, Friday August 8th is one of the most potent days of the year. We get a stellar combination of numerology and astrology – the power of 8, the infinity number joined with a Sun and Mercury conjunction.

The moon in power broker sign, Capricorn, insures that decisions will be made, and everybody’s playing with the same deck of cards, and paying out of the same pocket.  Finally.

Reality Check
How does this play out in your life? Now is a time when the cards are laid out on the table; there’s little wiggle room for bluffing, or even joking. The ironic part is – that this can make you happy because now you know where things stand.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign and brings us to a time, Universally, when as decisions are made, and then implemented. Aquarians can be mercury_frontstubborn, and they rarely change their mind.

There are many notable people born under the Sun sign of Aquarius, Abraham Lincoln being one that stands out for me. Lincoln withstood almost every challenge imaginable to fulfill his destiny – yet in true Aquarius fashion, he held his vision.

Here’s a rundown of the aspects for today and tomorrow, all leading up to Full Moon on Sunday, which is technically another ‘Supermoon’ meaning that it’s closer to the earth, and will appear extra-large in the sky.

Because of the proximity to earth, in the language of astrology, it means that the astrological conditions at this time are amplified.

This weekend’s Supermoon illuminates a world of change, but also a time of substance.   On Friday we time travel with the Sun conjunct Mercury, and with the Sun and Mercury trine Uranus we see a smooth transition.

With the Sun conjunct Mercury today, we remember Thoth, the great magician and scribe. He was associated by the Egyptians with speech, literature, arts, learning. Credited with inventing alphabets, Thoth also measured and recorded time.

Sun Conjunct Mercury

Symbolically, the union of Sun and Mercury represents a meeting of Will and Mind. Mercury is also associated with the process of uniting intuition, feeling, thinking, and sensation; a process leading to Divine Alchemy.

Mercury possesses the caduceus, the staff of healing. Being the closest planet to the Sun, Mercury (aka Hermes) was also recognized as the only deity who could enter the Underworld and then return to the world of the living. The staff of Mercury is a pathway for Kundalini, and facilitates the union of male and female energy. Such a bright star!

What Does That Mean?
How this all applies to you is:  It’s a powerful time to claim your dream! Think of it as asking for a raise in salary from the Universe; or granting yourself one. This Full Moon is one to celebrate unity, and prepare for new beginnings.

Energetically, you want to wrap up old nagging energetic black holes.

Align with the energy of completion. Harvest and fulfillment are also keywords for the time of Full Moon; so often people work diligently on a project, yet don’t know how, or they fail to reap their harvest. Don’t make that mistake!

Meet your most powerful and vibrant self, and go the extra step to finalize old projects so that you can clear the slate and leap into a new cycle of growth.

Happy Full Moon!

For my current updates, Astrology4Today, check out Astrologer Maya White on FACEBOOK



©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Star Cast for August 4

Welcome to my weekly  Star Cast. Here’s the update on what’s happening this week in the world of astrology – and how you can apply the wisdom of astrology to enrich your life here on earth.

After a busy weekend, we start today with the Moon conjunct Saturn – in the sign of Scorpio. Translated – this is a signal to get down to business and get going. The underside of Moon joined with Saturn in Scorpio is that you may feel overwhelmed, that facing the tasks ahead becomes daunting, and just too much.

Resist the temptation to turn on the tv – or spend the day on Facebook – just dig in and know that you’ll soon harvest the rewards of a job well done. Under the influence of Saturn, you may be tempted to needlessly participate in your own incarceration and waste valuable time.

Saturn is related to DNA because it represents the core manifestation of matter.  Saturn is dense, cold, and dark in color. Saturn teaches lessons of what is real, and the actual planet, in our solar system, has a geometric hexagonal shaped pattern on the top of the planet; it’s a classic example of Sacred Geometry.

Saturn, in this photo from NASA, reveals his true nature, that of form and structure.

Saturn, in this photo from NASA, reveals his true nature, that of form and structure.

Tuesday and Wednesday, the moon moves through Sagittarius, and I encourage our listeners to align with the optimism and feeling of freedom that is aligned with the sign of Sag.

Power Day Alert – Use it or Lose it!

Friday, August 8th is one of the power days for this month, if not the entire year. On Friday, the Sun interacts with Uranus and Mercury – this will be a day for decision making, on the world stage as well as on the personal level.

The Sun trine Uranus on August 8th is an opportunity for freedom; utilize the energy as a chance to spring free from any chains that bind you. Sun and Uranus shine a light on technology and sudden reversals for humanity. Mercury trine Uranus, on the 8th, adds brilliance and insight to the pathway of opportunity.

You can utilize this special power day by being aware that the stars are working diligently to support your efforts; by stepping up and claiming your persona power, by daring to challenge yourself to move beyond your wall of fear, and then taking action.

Next – a Aquarius Full Moon

Sun and earth, seen through the rings of Saturn -pure elegance.  Cassini telescope

seen through the rings of Saturn -pure elegance.
Cassini telescope

Overall, the planetary energy is growing to support the Aquarius full moon of August 10th. This is really a big picture time – and again, look for decisions and announcements to be made in world politics, for example, perhaps (a wonderful vision)  we will see an announcement of gain on treating something like Ebola  virus, and, of course we all pray for the ultimate goal of Aquarius, which is peace on earth.

Aquarius sets humanity free so that each person can fulfill his or her highest calling and release his gift to others.

Astrology gives insight on your health, wealth, and even timing. Have an amazing week, and a fantastically rich and rewarding life. If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me here.

I’ll be back next week with Maya’s Star Cast, and in the meantime – this week, as always – let your Light shine.

For my current updates, Astrology4Today, check out Astrologer Maya White on FACEBOOK



©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy