Brexit Vote – Power to the People

10416622_971862272894074_539402681902843951_nMars has been retrograde for several months now, and this week, finally stations direct. Mars direct will be a personal game changer; it’ll help you feel more motivated and also start to see a rhyme and reason for your next steps.

All of these things have set the tone for world events, but it is Jupiter and Pluto moving into a powerful trine that has left an irrevocable signature on the Brexit vote.

It’s also important to know that Mars and Uranus also sit inconjunct , in an aspect that can be thought of as having to keep your balance on a three legged stool.

Power to the People

British voters responded to this Jupiter/Pluto trine through exerting their power (Pluto) to shape a destiny (Jupiter) and forge ahead (Mars) in a radical (Uranus) new way.

The ensuing panic and recoil responses are understandable, but under the planetary dominion of Jupiter and Pluto, the Brexit vote has sustenance and will be enacted. Astrology shows that this mandate comes from the primal consciousness of a nation, and it is a force deeper and stronger than politics.

The Brexit vote expresses the heart and will of the people and political back pedaling WILL NOT undo this directive  even though Jeremy Corbin, the leader of Britain’s Labor Party, now faces a political motion of no confidence. Corbin will fight to retain power, just like William the 1st, the first king to unite Great Britain in 1066, and it is the people, not politics, who have won this day.

Astrology explains the underpinnings of world events, and to examine the Brexit vote, I analyzed four relevant political and national birth charts:

1)    The founding of the European Union – March 25, 1957 at 6:30 PM in Rome, Italy.
2)    The date the UK joined the EU – January 1, 1973 at 12:01 PM in London, England.
3)    The political incorporation chart for the United Kingdom – Jan 1, 1801 at 12:01 AM in London.
4)    The coronation chart for William 1st on December 25, 1066, 12:01 PM in London. William 1st was the first Norman king of England.Eu-founded_chart 1

Charts #1 and #3 are interesting, but mostly just political fluff. Saturn and Mars are active, and even relevant in the EU founding chart (#1) through a transiting Mars conjunct the North Node and an impending Saturn Return.

Chart #3, the political incorporation chart reveals transiting Mars opposing Saturn; this is again political positioning, but not speaking the heart and will of the people.

It is charts #2 and #4 that hold the most relevance, the date that Great Britain actually joined the European Union,
and the coronation chart for William 1st, the  first Norman king of England.chart_2_uk_eu

Also known as William the Conqueror, his reign was marked by the construction of castles, successfully defending the nation from invasions, and a reformation of the English church.

William 1st rose to power through both ancestral and political complicity from Pope Alexander in Rome and the last Wessex British monarch who was also a distant cousin, Edward the Confessor.

The coronation chart (#4) speaks to the heart and soul of the British people.  This chart has transiting Pluto conjunct the natal Mercury, an indicator of a transformational (Pluto) decision (Mercury) being made during this year.

But more telling are transiting Jupiter and the North Node conjunct
Saturn and North Node of the Coronationjan_1_1801 chart.

This says that ‘We the People’ have grown up as a nation and now cast off the chains (Saturn) of decisions made long ago. Transiting Jupiter (in Virgo), supported by Pluto (conjunct Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo), has seized power from an ancient Saturn.

And, the most interesting chart of all is #3 – the date that Great Britain actually joined the EU.  The Moon conjunct Neptune in house 8 says that there were many hidden agendas. Because the 8th house rules monies of the ‘other’, this chart reveals hidden agendas, notably on the part of the EU.

Is it any wonder that the will of the PEOPLE is to leave? The Sun, Jupiter and thecoronation_chart North node on the Midheaven of the chart illustrate perceived status, and even some benefit, but nothing can overcome that debilitated 8th house of shared power and resources.

When the UK joined the EU they benefitted from an illusion of power, but the reality was nefarious. And, dramatically, transiting Pluto conjunct the Jupiter/North Node of the chart promises irrevocable transformation in the balance of power.

‘We the People’ of the UK have spoken. Because Mars was retrograde and 5 – 6 days from stationing direct, basic horary astrology predicts that there will be first a 5 -6 month cycle of transition, and then, another 5 – 6 years before the new direction is fully implemented. In keeping with this timeline, David Cameron immediately announced that he would step down as Prime Minister sometime in October which puts him right in the 5 – 6 month timeframe.

Predictive astrology further says that it will be 5 – 6 years before the new direction is fully implemented.

The bottom line is: astrology works when you have the right data. And, unlike the UK’s Moon/Neptunian illusion and delusional membership in the European Union – Brexit is for real, and it’s a good thing.


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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Gemini New Moon – Opening Doors

lovers_smThere are many dynamic moves to look forward to this month. June gets off to a perfect start with the Gemini new moon of June 4th.

This new moon triggers a mutable square with the Sun and moon in Gemini, Saturn in Sagittarius, Neptune in Pisces, and Jupiter in Virgo.

Mutable signs correspond to the changing of the seasons on earth, and they function well in the spiritual realm.

The challenge with mutability is to respond to every day life. With this new moon energy deeply entrenched in the stresses of a mutable square, give yourself extra time this month for walks in nature and get away from the hustle of a busy day.

Gemini is traditionally a sign that promotes a balanced relationship, and that is one of the reasons for the popularity of being a ‘June bride’.

I checked to see what I think would be the best days to get married this month. There are three days: Monday, June 6th; Monday June 20th; and Sunday, June 26th.

One of these dates is one of the most powerful days of the year – Sunday, June 26th when Jupiter trines Pluto. This is a full ripening of the grand Earth trine that was initiated by the Taurus new moon on May 6th.

Jupiter trine Pluto empowers you to take control of your life. This aspect empowers a couple to straighten out and work with integrity on any problems that arise.  Even if you’re not in a relationship, for you, this trine is an open door to connect with people, tools, and systems that makes your life easier.

Click on the image to get your own Friends & Lovers report

Click on the image to get your own Friends & Lovers report.

Another great day for your wedding is Monday, June 6th, when the earth is graced by a lovely Sun/Venus conjunction. With the Sun and Venus still in Gemini, and just after new moon, this would be great day to initiate a long union!

A relationship sanctified at this time has the benefit of a long life because the moon is so early in its growth cycle.

And, last but not least, the full moon of June 20th – Summer Solstice. The Solstice full moon lights up the 29th degree of Sagittarius, a critical degree. The last degree of Sagittarius addresses provisioning and preparation for the journey through Saturn ruled Capricorn.

June is going to be a great month. Let the Gemini new moon on June 4th deliver you to a point of balance and integration. Gemini energy assists you in getting right to the heart of any matter. Going deep is also the challenge of Gemini; use your mind to pierce any untruths that surround you.

June is a month of truth in relationship with others, and the most important one – nurturing and love of self. Enjoy this amazing month!

Wishing you Truth, Love, and Light,

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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Weekly Star*Cast -Time to Decide


This week delivers us to a Universal point of decision making.

We start with a beautiful Libra moon. Libra is the sign of relationship and balance; a time to get your personal energies integrated. With the moon in Libra early in the week,  its time to balance in your physical, mental, and spiritual bodies.

With a string of stressful aspects this week, it’s one for getting clear and connecting with your truth. Truth is the key word for this week because on Friday and Saturday night this week we experience the Full Moon in Sagittarius.

Sagittarius aligns with the rainbow. Think of the archer shooting his arrow into the sky. Sagittarius teaches about wisdom and spirituality. The lunar aspects of this week invite you to step outside of our everyday world and to accept that miracles are possible. And, Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, promises that there is a positive outcome to all events.rainbow_feather

As the moon cycles from first quarter to Full Moon the lunar aspects invite you to move through, and move beyond obstacles.

On Tuesday, the Moon squares Pluto, on Wednesday, the Moon opposes Uranus, and even on Saturday, the full moon opposes Venus.

Oppositions and squares can feel overwhelming, or, they can be thought of as an invitation to apply leverage.

Success requires learning to work through the stressful aspects, and some of the most accomplished people have what could be termed ‘difficult’ astrological birth charts.

Stressful aspects activate your planetary immune system. They force you to do heavy lifting and build muscles. This week promise you’ll emerge stronger, and of course, wiser.

If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me here. I’ll be back next week with Maya’s Star Cast, and in the meantime – this week, as always – let your Light shine.

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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Taurus New Moon – Getting Back to What is Real

webinar_platterFriday, May 6th delivers a powerful New Moon in Taurus, the sign of manifestation. And, to set the stage, we have two abundance aspects wrapping around it.

On Tuesday, May 3rd, the Sun flowed into a lovely trine with Jupiter. The Sun trine Jupiter lights up your good luck.

Then, on Saturday, May 7th, the Sun shines on Pluto, completing a grand earth trine. This sweeping trine promises (Sun) deeply meaningful (Pluto) and long lasting benefits.

There are five planets in earth signs now: the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Taurus, Jupiter in Virgo, and Pluto in Capricorn. Symbolically, earth is the element that traps, or grounds the spirit of Fire.

Earth can feel heavy, and uninspired. Or, it can be fruitful and have enough earthly goods to share.

One of the high lessons of the Earth element is to move beyond materialism and into value. For example, the 2nd house of astrology, which correlates to Taurus, represents earned income, but it also address how you feel about yourself as you earn the money.growth_money_sm

So, as we move towards the most powerful time of the year for manifestation – the Taurus New moon on Friday May 6th, both Jupiter and Pluto are activated by the Sun.

Manifestation is key, but so are values and what you really want to create.

Kabbalah teaches that Taurus is a sign of Judgement – that during this time we must step out of our comfort zones and make choices. Taurus loves ease and stability, yet the path of growth for Taurus is revealed by Scorpio, the sign of continual regeneration.

And, it stands to reason that this Mercury retrograde in Taurus (ending May 22nd) is a time to rewire your old mal-functioning systems. There is great awareness in the Cosmic mix now and true value in submitting to doing inner work.

Yes, you may see some old sentient ghosts of who you used to be, but these days also hold energetic clarity if you’re willing and ready to move into mercy and love (qualities of Venus) as you step out of your comfort zone.

And, next week the manifestation pathway continues to open up as Venus and Jupiter form another beneficial trine on Tuesday May 10th. However, with 5 planets retrograde this week, the stars have us still in planning mode, so it’s important to tie up as many loose ends as possible between now and May 22nd when Mercury stations direct.

Alchemy and Your Transformation

mercury_frontJupiter stations direct on Monday, May 9th, and, in a grand gesture from the Creator, Mercury transits across the face of the Sun on the same day.

Mercury transiting the sun is a marker of Alchemy. Throughout the ages, Mercury has been regarded as an ambassador of knowledge. Known both as Thoth and Hermes, Mercury was considered a divine being of writing and of magic.

Mercury also is attributed as one who guides souls into the afterlife – hence, his ability to journey across the face of the Sun.

The goal of alchemy is to purify, mature, and perfect. Alchemy has both practical and spiritual applications, but the common aims were the transmutation of base metals into gold; the creation of an elixir of immortality; the creation of panaceas able to cure any disease; and the development of a universal solvent.

And,  like magical, mystical Thoth, with the stars as your guide, if you’re going to make your journey across the face of the Sun, you have to really GO FOR IT.

No holding back, no second guesses, but the reward is dear and well worth the journey.

In the spirit of alchemy, I wish you the magic of perfect health, the creation of riches, and a long and happy life.

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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Mercury Retrograde – Stepping Back to Move Ahead

Mercury retrograde is your time to regroup and reconsider

Mercury retrograde is your time to regroup and reconsider

This Thursday, April 28th, Mercury joins the planetary rewind.  There are now  five planets moving retrograde, and Mercury lies solidly in Taurus for this  journey.

Because Mercury will be moving back into the lunar ruled face of Taurus, be prepared for people to change their minds.

Everybody is ‘thinking’ really hard; deep thought will be a marker for the month of May and one of your keys to sanity will be to remain fluid and learn to go with the flow.

Also, it’s a time when ‘things’ from the past will reappear.

Just this week, as Mercury was standing still, I received a notification in the mail about a lost refund check that had been issued to me in 2013! Receiving monies owed from the past is a classic Mercury retrograde in Taurus experience; it was a nice surprise, and I hope you will something similar happen for you, too.

You can also practice the best secret of Moon energy which is: check in with your emotions.

Plus, pay attention to signs and symbols, which are the language of your unconscious mind.

Frankly, with five planets retrograde now, you may feel like stepping into a cave for some quiet time. When Mercury dances retrograde in Taurus, allow for a slow waltz into your values. Dig deeply into what is really important in your life. Is it a relationship that needs more attention?

Think of this as a time for soul provisioning, and prepare for the rest of this year.

Gathering Resources and Inner Work

Here are some key words for this Mercury retrograde:
* Review
* Refine
* Reinvent
* Reform
* Reevaluate
* Re-frame

It’s also a great time to re-set your metabolism, and, many will re-consider decisions made long ago.

Mercury retrograde is an especially potent time to get acquainted with your subconscious mind. The Hawaiian shamanic tradition of HUNA teaches that it is the subconscious self that speaks to and sends prayers to the Higher Self.

So, as the moon also grows smaller each night in the sky, this is a rich time to do inner work as we move into the most powerful manifestation cycle  – the Taurus New moon on Friday May 6th.

This week and next, find time to think and plan, and to meet and greet all parts of your magnificent self.

There are many techniques to communicate with your subconscious mind – such as tapping and breath meditations, even moving meditations, and they all involve setting the intention to identify, and then communicate.

Do not worry that you’re missing the boat of outer activities, because there it’s really not going anywhere that is outside of yourself.

Get comfortable with the unfolding of life and connect with the power of Gratitude.

and, this week, as always – let your Light shine.

Schedule your reading HERE


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy