Full Moon Eclipse – Shadow and Creativity



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Check out my Facebook page – Astrologer Maya White for astrology updates.

Amazingly, it’s already time for the full moon, and this one ripens as a lunar eclipse.

It’s not every year that we get to experience a full moon eclipse during Mercury retrograde time period – especially one that aligns with the sacred Pisces/Virgo axis.

The moon is a marker of your emotions, and a lunar eclipse precipitates events triggered by your own thoughts and feelings.

This is how and why the lunar eclipse  and can catch you off guard if you’ve been indulging in shadow; the spooky thing that you dread the most, the one you spend so much time wishing you weren’t thinking about – that’s your  shadow.

Even Mercury sits behind the sun for this full moon – hiding in the shadow of the great solar I AM.

The secret to working successfully with shadow is becoming aware of it, but not identifying with it. Shadow is a repository of suffering, but also a storehouse of creativity and embracing shadow requires strength and courage.

Mercury Retrograde and the Mutable Signspicture1

Every eclipse has a birth point, and is a member of an eclipse family. The eclipse of September 16th at 24 Pisces is a member of the 19 North Saros Cycle families of eclipses.

The planetary signatory for this eclipse is about realism; seeing an old situation for what it is, rather than what you thought it could be.

And, elegantly, you are free to move on with no residual ties or baggage. The Piscean nature of this eclipse facilitates past lifetime clearing; emotional ties are completed, karma is resolved.  

Pisces is where you meet the accumulated results of your past. Successes and failures from all of your lifetimes flow back and forth between the conscious and unconscious aspects of your mind. Mental pain may be an overwhelming aspect of this Pisces eclipse, yet with this moon conjunct Chiron, it’s a powerful time to release and heal.

Maat_imgMars sits provocatively at 23 Sagittarius, squaring both the sun and the moon. The gift of the mutable T_square teaches us to adjust to the world as it is – not the way we think it should, or could be.

IF you can get a handle on nervous tension, this can be a dynamic time for your creativity. Find your calm and elegant center, and make this a constructive time for tackling the truth.

Honor this as a seed time that facilitates resolution of problems. Observe your mind, talk to yourself, and become your own best friend

If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me HERE.


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Aquarius Full Moon and the Shadow Eclipse

moon_frontNight by night the moon has been growing in the sky, this week, late Wednesday night, the moon peaks full in Aquarius.

A sign of social justice, Aquarius breaks down barriers. Many people incorrectly think that Aquarius is a water sign, but it’s actually a fixed air sign. The fixed air quality and element are what gives Aquarius natives their resolute capacity to know their minds.

The full moon of August 18 is being described as the ‘almost lunar eclipse’ because it’s not visible from any place on the earth.

Because of this peculiarity, I think of it as a ‘shadowed eclipse’.  A Lunar Eclipse addresses what you are learning, and it relates to events created through your own thoughts and feelings.

The shadow (the eclipse) is there; you don’t see it, but you might feel it.

Transformation Station

The full moon is ushered in with a lush Venus trine Pluto. This aspect is one of magnetism and it supports seeing the positive potential for any situation. Under this full moon signature, Grace (Venus) grants access to Power (Pluto.)

And, if you have been the recipient of a harsh cosmic insight ( such as friend turned critic) that comes so easily now as Mars quickly approaches Saturn, you can choose to take the criticism for what it’s worth, consider the source, and move on with a positive vibe; accept the Power of Grace. northnode_front

The karmic nodes, which must be near the Sun and Moon in a full eclipse, are not there yet. The north and south nodes advise on your life purpose and potential.

The nodes are paired up with Venus and Neptune at this time; Venus conjuncts the north node, and Neptune conjunct the south node.

Think of the south node conjunct Neptune as a repository of karma; the saying ‘you reap what you sow’ is especially poignant for this weeks’ shadow eclipse. But, there is also an opportunity for monumental progress because the north node conjunct Venus cultivates spiritual growth.

The north node conjunct Venus also develops the self-confidence required for personal love, and the Aquarius full moon inspires your fulfilled soul to love humanity.

Peace One Earth
Wishing you an awakened full moon. Keep your hopes and wishes alive and feed your dreams with a breath of fresh air and persistence.

May you awaken and channel power of a fulfilled and self-realized life and may we all find a unifying core of truth that feeds the Light of love on the earth.

PS – If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me HERE.


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

August is Respected and Impressive

Leo_frontIt’s always interesting to look at the month ahead, and August delivers some powerful planetary commentary. One of the first events is that Mars leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on Tuesday, August 2nd.

The planets provide cosmic weather reports; Mars is intense in any sign, but Scorpio is where Mars has a stronger warrior urge.

Mars in Scorpio is a ‘take no prisoners’ placement   – or –act first and ask questions later.  Self-discipline is the high path of Mars in Scorpio, and during his retrograde phase, many digressions came to Light – for the world to see.

Mars in Sagittarius is tempered by the underlying good nature of Jupiter. Here, he is boisterous, even argumentative; but like a shooting star, he lacks staying power.

However, on August 24th, Mars is empowered through a conjunction with his ‘brother in arms’, Saturn at 10 degrees Sagittarius.

The Sabian SymbolsMaat_img

Each degree of the zodiac has an oracle, or channeled message and the message for 10 degrees Sag is: ‘A Theatrical Golden Haired god/goddess of Opportunity. The interpretation by astrologer Marc Edmund Jones is about the ‘expectations and promises of rewards; irresistible confidence that can lead to worthless ends’.

The oracle message for this meeting of Saturn and Mars also addresses ambition and greed in the pursuit of progress.  There is an aura of theatre, but also a caution to not be deceived.  The Oracle speaks. . . . . are you listening?

And, after spending seven months in Scorpio, Mars travels swiftly through Sagittarius and enters Capricorn on September 27th.

On Election Day in the US, November 8th, Mars will be in the critical, last 29th degree of Saturn ruled Capricorn. This adds an exclamation point to the lasting nature of the decision that voters will be making on that day.

hillary_midnightWhat Time Was Hillary Born?

I’ll give my insights on the candidates in a future blog post. So far, I have been unable to find an accurate time of birth for Hillary Clinton! There are many ‘opinions’ out there, and even one of the most reliable sources for birth data, Astro.com, is uncertain about her time of birth.

Hillary’s midnight birth chart is so neat and clean; a perfect fighter for the underdog with her powerful Saturn/Mars/Pluto Leo stellium traipsing from house 12 to 1 –   if only it were correct.hillary_8_02-am

Using a birth time of 8:02 am (rated DD – dirty and doubtful in AstroDataBank) puts her power broker stellium in the 9th house which is  good for a law professor at Harvard. The chart could pass as a chief lawmaker for the USA; maybe, but not sure it’s quite right.

Regardless of birth time, she does have some powerful square transits around Election Day, but, I have not yet seen a successful person with an ‘easy’ chart.

It’s understood that a challenging chart breeds success, so do not count her out because Saturn squares or oppositions.

The Rest of Respected and Impressive August

Like a well-timed clock, the Leo new moon is also on August 2nd, so Mars the month begins with a trine to Mars also in a fire sign of Sagittarius. With the still active Saturn and Neptune square, we need some nice fire trine to remind the collective consciousness of what is important!

On August 27th the two benefactor planets, Venus and Jupiter form a healing conjunction in the late degrees of Virgo. The hidden value of this connection is that it grants power to your words, especially because Mercury joins Venus the very next day, on the 28th.

With the moon growing smaller each night, finally closing into a new moon solar eclipse on September 1st , think of late August as a time for rich endings.woman_holding_sun_sm

Another notable date for the month are the 18th when there is a full moon lunar eclipse. This is being described as the ‘almost lunar eclipse’ because it’s not visible from any place on the earth, and is not even listed in the Saros Cycles, which is an 18 + year cycle that predicts the repeating cycles of eclipses.

Perhaps it is a commentary on people making empty promises, or even accusations that have no merit; i.e., a lot of talk but no real action.  It can also signal a near miss on disaster.

This is a ‘shadowed eclipse’ and I want to leave you with a hopeful interpretation that this shadow triggers a positive turning point for the earth; that there is hope for the environment, that people will really communicate and find a common ground, and a unifying core of truth and benefit for the good of all will emerge from the darkness.

With love and wishing you

Peace One Earth

PS – If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me HERE.


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Capricorn Full Moon – the Higher Ground

Cap_front_logoThis week’s full moon lands with intensity in the late degrees of Capricorn – a sign truly symbolized by a mythic creature, the Sea goat.

We commonly associate the sign of Capricorn with the mountain goat, but the ancient Babylonian astrologers visualized a more complex being.

The Sea-goat transcends the depths of the creative waters and rises to the mountaintops. This full moon closes out the last days of the sun in Cancer, a sign of mothering and nurturance.

And, all levels of Mother and Father are up for review, including the Sacred Feminine and Divine Masculine. In search of his higher ground, the Sea-goat serves to equalize all races, sexes, and socio economic strata.

Individually, it’s a rich time to explore the gifts you inherited from your family – some good, others perhaps more troubling. And, globally, we see the angst of deep ancestral issues being purged as they are brought forth for healing.

You can see it everywhere now – pain brought up from the deepest depths of our human experiences. In the US, we face lingering anger and unresolved issues from the 1960’s that serve as a reminder of the Uranus/Plutophoto_1935_20060912 conjunction.

Capricorn is a cold placement for the sensitive moon. But, the gain is in clearing, and then finally, healing. The Cancer/Capricorn axis brings you to a turning point – in the spirit of Cancer, you learn to accept help (nurturance).

Kabbalah teaches that the months of both Cancer and Capricorn are two of the most *negative* times of the year. In this instance, the reference is to these signs being times when judgement is swift, and forgiveness is harder to access.

As shown by the ever changing moon, Cancer is a time of active change led by your emotional state. Capricorn is also a cardinal, or action starting sign. So, when the moon peaks within the arms of Cancer and Capricorn – expect change and plan on getting to the truth quickly.

And, if you surrender to becoming fully grounded in the nature of Capricorn, you also step up and help yourself. Capricorn guides you to create new structures that are build from a solid and grounded foundation.

Be patient and kind with yourself and others as we round out the last days of Cancer. This full moon serves as a reminder of self-sufficiency as a vehicle for strength to heal self and to serve others.

Feel; Listen: Respond

Wishing you brilliant days and mystical nights, and this week, as always – let your Light shine.

If you want to light up your own life with astrology, contact me HERE.


©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy

Venus in Leo and Your Heart Connection

Heart shape tree with red leaves on red flower field. Love symbol, concept for Valentine's Day, wedding etc. Vintage style

The truth is, the better your relationships, the better and more rewarding your life can be.  Order your Friends and Lovers report by clicking on the image.

I sure hope that this week brings better cheer to the world, and to the US. The Cancer new moon surely ignited a spark in the heart and soul of the world. Venus entered Leo on July 11th, and Mercury enters on July 13th.

Leo distributes and delegates as naturally as the heart pumps blood. Leo also connects your royal crown to your sexual vitality.

The spiritual lesson of Leo is to overcome pride and surrender to true partnership.

Leo is a noble placement for Venus and she shine brightly when held within the arms of the Sun. Mercury can be a bit over the top in Leo – grandiose and demanding.

Plus, the fixed nature of Leo makes Mercury opinionated and even boastful.

So, this month, enjoy the show as Venus travels through Leo, but stay away from arguments that you cannot win.

Astrologically, there are some intricate but difficult planetary aspects happening right now.  Saturn and Neptune are flexing their muscle as they incite the Uranus/Pluto issues of the 1960’s; even the location, Dallas Texas, has shown up in the spiral of healing.

Saturday, July 16th is a key day; the Sun interacts with both Uranus and Mars. You only need to think of the physical nature of the Sun, fiery and hot, to contemplate what is possible. Mars is also fiery and hot, and Uranus is unpredictable.

As the Sun squares Uranus, people will demand a voice; however, in a positive move, the Sun trines Mars on the same day.lovers_sm

Mars and Uranus sit in an aspect called the ‘inconjunct’ , but they are connected by the Sun, the grand solar logos!

The ‘inconjunct’, or Quincux aspect is one that I describe as sitting on a three legged stool – you have to constantly adjust and negotiate you point of balance.

Under the ‘inconjunct’, nobody sees eye to eye, yet everybody has to communicate in order to survive.

Mercury conjunct Venus on Saturday adds icing to the communication cake.

There will undoubtedly be many events scheduled for the 16th, and if the high path of Leo is accessed, we will connect with our hearts.

Wishing you a path with HEART and the way of JOY.

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©Maya White Master Destination Astrologer * Find Your Perfect Place With AstroCartoGraphy

LA Astrologer | Los Angeles Horoscopes | Los Angeles AstroCartoGraphy