Virgo Full Moon | Courage and Innovation

Virgo Full Moon | Courage and Innovation

Virgo Full Moon and your March astrology update. Like water sifting through sand, Virgo is a sign of purification. But she’s not the virgin that you may have been taught about as a child. She’s sexy, fertile, and harvesting her abundance is a matter of timing blessed by affirmative beliefs.

The Moon trine Uranus speaks to making necessary changes in the spirit of ease rather than chaos.

Let this Virgo Full moon fill your vital body energy as you reflect on all that Virgo and Pisces have to teach you.
Pisces is about reflection, depth, and true surrender, which does NOT mean giving up.  Rather, to learn to work with the Universal energies rather than shoulder up against them.

Virgo is about thoughtfulness, analyzing, sifting and sorting, which does NOT mean focusing on shortcomings.  Rather connecting with the abundant harvest that is your birthright.

For this lunation, the Sun is in Virgo, and the Moon is in Pieces, but there is lots of action in Aries. Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, and two of the asteroids, Pallas and Vesta are all now busy in Aries, the sign of new beginnings.

This Virgo Full moon invites you to call on your angels even as you dig into your own heart and soul. Thank you, sweet angel. The angels await your invitation.  Just speak their name and they will come.

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How to Go with the Flow in November

How to Go with the Flow in November

Looking at the last Lunar Eclipse of the year, November promises to be an impactful month. The last days of 2022 are now reaching culmination, and it’s not too late to decide to finish this year with a victory. Are you on board?

There are two important things to remember about November.
First – the Taurus Full Moon lunar eclipse is joined by Uranus. I think of Uranus as ‘the Great Awakener’. Like in chemistry, Uranus is a catalyst that unites two or more unlike entities, and produce something entirely new – and often unexpected and/or, even unexplained.

Uranus is also the Magician who, through a sleight of hand, gets you excited and engaged in what is next. This is the beauty of Uranus.

The next thing to keep in mind this month is: (yes, I’ll say it again) Mars is retrograde. What that means is that, along with the excitement of Uranus and a thirst for parts unknown, Mars, the ‘go for it’ planet is taking some time for review and refinement.

And, if you have an awareness of these two things, the push pull energy of November can level out and YOU – can go WITH the flow, not push against it.

How’s this: You can be stable and organized in November (not at the mercy of unwarranted instability) provided you avoid drama and work with a good plan. Truly, we are in times of dramatic change, and it is more urgent than ever that you fulfill your Life’s Purpose.

Overall, as I look at my astrological calendar for November, I see lots of good days.

Well… there is that Venus square Saturn reality check on November 7th.

You can look forward to: 
Venus trine Neptune on the 10th,
Mercury trine Neptune on the 12th , and
Sun trine Neptune on the 14th as a time period to awaken your senses and inspire your creative vision.

Plus, Venus trine Jupiter on November 15th enhances your creative flow Venus and Jupiter are at 28 degrees of their respective signs, Scorpio, and Pisces.

This trine will surely feed you, provided you are not just standing in line waiting.

Let this Month Feed Your Soul!

These are special times, not your time to be fearful, not a time to hold back; rather your time to shine.

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How to Go with the Flow in November

Mars and Uranus – Final Straw to Fresh Start

One of my favorite things about astrology is that it provides certainty even in uncertain times. Those who follow astrology know that Mars conjunct Uranus takes you to the Final Straw, but it also signals a time for a Fresh Start

What you cannot see is the Moon’s North Node, also present in this alignment.

The Nodes are referred to as ‘karmic’ points and here is an easy way to understand them:
The Nodes are calculated points in the relationship between the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth, and they are representative of your soul’s journey from Spirit (Sun and Moon) and on to the Earth. The Nodes are profound, but also uncomplicated.

Ok, so true confession – I, the astrologer who knows that Uranus and Mars can cause one to be ‘out of sorts’ and should know better – well …. I’ve been feeling the vibe anyway. Cats complaining; water leaks; plumbers showing up late, and having to come back two/three times; communication breakdowns among friends… grrrrr

But, some good things have happened too, and I’ll bet that some good things are happening for you. Because…… it’s breakdown time. You draw the Final Straw – and then – you have to do something about it. 

And, that’s the karmic part because what is being broken down now is deep, deep, down to the deepest layer of muck. Lifetimes.

Maybe you have to move past old barriers to find your happy space. And, maybe these barriers offered you support in the past. (that’s a positive aspect of the South Node).

Mars, Uranus, and the North Node now invite your Fresh Start. You are supported by a loving and abundant Universe and have free will choice to create your life.

Seeing you as unique, fresh, and filled with color.

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Virgo Full Moon – Healing and Connection

Virgo Full Moon – Healing and Connection

Welcome to the Virgo Full moon and accept the amazing Healing and Connection that this lunation delivers. Now, with the Sun lighting up the late degrees of Pisces you may feel that you are living through an ‘end time’. And, in alignment with the messages from the stars, that is rightfully so. Kabballah teachers that ‘the sign of Pisces works likes the spinal cord of your body; it stabilizes and holds all of the other signs together.

Without Pisces, the zodiac would fall apart.’ Pisces reveals the sum total of all that has happened before, and the season of Pisces, particularly this Full Moon, is the time to take control of the entire year. At this time, you are surrounded by the protection of water, and you have an increased ability to peer beneath the surface of your reality.


What messages do you hear now? How are you working to deepen your connection with self What part of your life needs purification? The waters of Pisces offer reflection as a tool for seeing into the depths. And, like water filtering through sand, Virgo, the sign opposite Pisces, must have order.


One of the beautiful things about Virgo is that it’s a Mutable Earth sign. Mutability teaches that Virgo can ‘go with the flow’ and adapt to change – always seeking the highest order of perfection. In these times of rapid change, feeling often like chaos – allow tonight’s Virgo Full moon to fill your senses with a trust in Divine Order. Although the world is imperfect, you control your thoughts, deeds, and actions.

Wishing you the Light of Healing, the Deepest feelings of peace, and the Brightest Love, Maya White Are you ready for some travel and adventure?

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March 8 Astrological Update – Mercury in Pisces

March 8 Astrological Update – Mercury in Pisces

As I look at the astrological aspects for the week of March 8th,  the cosmos looks relatively stable. Mercury entering Pisces this week deepens your connection with Spirit,  but we all know that this is a time of huge transformation as global chess masters make a bid for territory and power.

What’s Going On?

My theme for this week is: Recalibration, a time to reexamine your plans, and even your thinking, and correct it in accord with a new understanding or purpose.

Notably, both Venus and Mars changed sign, and entered Aquarius within 7 (yes- only 7! ) minutes on Sunday, March 6th. Venus and Mars remain closely aligned throughout the month. On April 5th Venus enters Pisces and Mars remains in Aquarius until April 14th.

Venus and Mars in Aquarius assists in your ‘Recalibration’ in this March 8 Astrological Update.

Aquarius, a fixed air sign makes Mars ‘smarter’, (i.e., not such a bully). Venus becomes more ultraistic in Aquarius, as her humanitarian tendencies are enhanced. What Venus and Mars in Aquarius can do for you is help to find balance of your yin/feminine and yang/masculine qualities.

This week’s recalibration assignment is to practice mindfulness; taking time to be aware and present, and not allowing yourself to get triggered by runaway thoughts or habitual emotions. Rather, it’s an excellent week to consciously build new neural pathways in your brain – all with time and intention.

Mercury Enters Pisces

Mercury’s ingress into Pisces on Wednesday, March 9th is another way the Universe is shifting your thinking now. Think of Mercury in Pisces as opening a door to your subconscious mind.

Do you like what you see? If not; you can change it. Unlocking your full potential is one of your Divine gifts as a human being.

Mercury in Pisces can leave you hopelessly confused – or – it can bring your super connected clarity. Mercury in Pisces is also a great time to connect with Oracle Cards, as taught by our Oracle Card Master, Colette Baron-Reid

Seek this clarity as a part of your recalibration this week.
Wishing you a deep and refreshing drink from the well of Truth, Light, and Guidance. Maya White

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Pisces New Moon – Your Divine Gift

Pisces New Moon – Your Divine Gift

Pisces teaches that your divine gift is the ability to draw down the work of Spirit into the Earth realm.

As I look at the astrological aspects for the month of March, and just as our hearts are longing for a rest in the water world of mutable Pisces, the planets are calling for fierce action. You knew that 2022 would be a year to hit the ground running; right?

Pisces New Moon * March 2, 12:35 PM Eastern US Time

The Pisces New Moon opens dimensions as time and space flow into the expansive world of all that can be.

It is an understatement to say that we are in transitional times. And, it’s a challenge to make sense of it all. I am writing this with recognition of the suffering over ALL of the earth, and in the experience of moment-by-moment prayers for the people of Ukraine.

I do not have the answers as to the short-term outcome, but I do know that the balance of power is irrevocably shifting away from large, corporate and formerly unstoppable governments, both the US and USSR.

And that another unstoppable force is being born; love and power to the people.

There are some tough planetary signatures this month:
Mars conjunct Pluto – March 3 * a power grab
Sun conjunct Jupiter – March 5 * Sovereignty (for whom)
Mars conjunct Venus – March 6 * Negotiation to save face (?)
Mars square Uranus – March 22 * The truth-telling time

Regarding this ‘war’ between Mars and Uranus: Mars in Capricorn is in his ‘Exaltation’ (place of strength) and Uranus in Taurus is in his Fall; meaning that Mars, the aggressor, has great power.

The two fishes of Pisces represent your connection with two worlds; the spiritual and the physical. And, the glyph also shows a connecting cord between the two worlds. These two worlds are separate. It is your consciousness that recognizes the separation, and your free will that creates a link between the two realms.

This separation is written about in music, (ok, showing my age here), such as the song Woodstock, written by Joni Mitchell: ‘We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion-year-old carbon. And we got to get ourselves back to the garden’.

And, the ‘Course in Miracles’ teaches extensively about our (feelings of) separation of humans from Source.

With honor to the Pisces New Moon that confirms your ability to draw down the work of Spirit into the Earth realm.

With Gratitude and Love,
Maya White

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